This schedule is very much not set in stone. Items may be added or subtracted at any time. If you would like to present a workshop or facilitate a discussion of some kind, email me and I'll pencil you in (Don't worry about times; most slots can be split into two.)
The site opens at 1 PM Thursday and closes at 12 PM Sunday. "Quiet time" outdoors is 10 PM (we can continue to make some noise indoors, of course). We are responsible for cleaning the lodge space before we leave on Sunday.
The 2011 schedule turned out to be vastly different from the original plan. Some of them don't have descriptions because they were thought up onsite. Scroll down past Sunday to see the original list of workshops.
1 PM |
Site opens
Afternoon |
Arrival and setup |
Dinner |
Evening |
Meet and Greet
Who and what is here with us? What do you hope to find this weekend?
Happenings on the Tumblr Otherkin Community (presented by Niya) |
Breakfast |
Morning |
Memory Integration (group discussion) |
Lunch |
Afternoon |
Evening |
Wine sharing around the fire
Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast: Making Magickal and Scientific Worldviews Play Nice
Contrary to popular assertions, science and magick are not always
incompatible. But they need some special furniture to be roommates without
throwing things at one another. Learn ways to set up wildly different belief
systems in relation to each other, understand the difference between
conditional and unconditional beliefs, and become empowered to accept
knowledge while rejecting some of the cultural messages that surround it. (Presented by Alice Tatterdemalion) |
Breakfast |
Morning |
Lunch |
Afternoon |
Imbuing/Enchanting Objects (presented by Alice Tatterdemalion)
The Trials and Tribulations of Organizing Gathers (group discussion)
Dinner |
Evening |
Climbing the Tree of Life: A Journey to Experience Your Whole Self
An otherkin-based journey
up the Kabalistic Middle Pillar. (Presented by John)
Low-Key, Off-Key, Kin-Key, Oh-Hell-Just-Throw-Away-the-Key Bardic
Got a song, story, or a poem, or even just a bad joke? Anything
goes! A notebook of faery/elven/otherkin-related selections will be available
to read from if you like. |
Breakfast - Debriefing - Cleaning
What worked, what didn't? Feedback for next year's gather, and discussion of plans for other west-coast events. |
12 PM |
Site closes |

1 PM |
Site opens
Afternoon |
Arrival and setup |
Evening |
Meet and Greet
Memory Integration (group discussion) |
Morning |
Basic Energy-Work
"Energy" is a broad term that can be likened to "flow of spirit", such as emotional state, Reiki, chi, etc. It's hard to define and easy to understand. This workshop is for anyone who wants to learn or brush up on basic "energy work": sensing and working with energy flow and constructions, shielding, grounding, centering. These are basic essentials for anyone who works with magic. If you've ever felt you wanted to keep out someone/something else's "ick", or that you feel spacy or unfocused, these techniques can help!
(Presented by Aisling)
Afternoon |
Sexuality and Otherkin Natures (group discussion) |
Evening |
The Spirit Cage
Otherkin often abuse their own spirits. We may say "the body is a temple", but often we don't treat it like a temple, we
treat it like we are going deliberately to do blasphemy, by yelling at the spirit inside us and saying things that deny it. The intent of this rite is to help otherkin and therians help theirselves out of the cage. This ritual is about finding the cage that you personally are in when it comes to what you think of your otherkin self and how you let it live or come to be at peace with it, confronting the cage, and walking out of it through a trial. This is not a "light" ritual and might bring up some mental issues from
the past. Death energy will be used to banish the things people say that their "cages" are. (Presented by Iris/A'uwai) |
Morning |
Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast: Making Magickal and Scientific Worldviews Play Nice
Afternoon |
Integrating "True Form" and Human Form (group discussion)
An informal gathering of seers and spirit-speakers of all types and
backgrounds. Come and go as you please; the circle is open. Healing and energy may be taking place to one side. Communication aids such as quiet drumming are welcome, but please remember that the purpose is to dwell in the presence of
all spirits, including the timid and easily-affected (Mouse needs a
voice just as much as Thunder and Car). Because some spirits do not
function well in the presence of active technology, please keep cell
phones off and all electrically-powered items away from the circle. Note-taking is
allowed and encouraged. (Moderated by Zeeth Kyrah)
Evening |
Climbing the Tree of Life: A Journey to Experience Your Whole Self
Bardic |
Breakfast - Debriefing - Cleaning |
12 PM |
Site closes |