July 21-24, 2011
Southwest WA

PLEASE NOTE: all information on this website is provided for historical interest only. There are no plans for another Feywood event.





Feywood is a new otherkin gather in the Pacific Northwest. This gather is intended to lean towards being a bit of a spritual retreat or temporary magical environment: an enchanted forest populated with magical beings and creatures.

Who should come? Otherkin of all types are welcome, though I would especially love to see elves/faery/sidhe (it's lonely sometimes being the only point-eared two-legs!). It's also totally OK to come if you think you could be otherkin but are not sure and are still figuring things out. Magically inclined "elf-friends" who are familiar with and friendly to otherkin are also welcome, although they should be aware that some formal activities might have otherkin per se in mind.

However, if you are neither otherkin nor of a fey magical bent, this is not the event for you. Those who are merely curious about what the deal is with otherkin also should not attend. I am not trying to be an exclusionary meanieface, but I want the gather to be safe space to be what we are, and having "normal" folk there - however well-intentioned - can work against this.

This gather is mostly aimed at adults; older minors (14-15+) can attend if a parent or guardian is also present, but the site and activities are not really suited for the enjoyment of young children.

Date: Thursday through Sunday, July 21-24, 2011.

Location: The site is in southwestern Washington. The exact location will be given on registration if I know you from a past event or elsewhere, and on payment of the registration fee for new folks. (The point of this is not to ransom the site information and keep it a hard secret, but to try to make sure that only sincere people with good intentions turn up.) If you need more specific information to determine whether you would be able to come, email me.

Transportation: I believe the site can only be reached by car (or similar private transport); I'm not aware of any public transit options. The closest airport is Portland (about 90 minutes away); Seattle is just a little farther in the other direction.

Accomodations: The main space has a shared bunkroom, but tents may be pitched on the grounds if necessary. This site has a full kitchen with stove and refrigerator, and dishes and and cooking equipment are provided. There are showers in the bathroom.

Registration: Registration has closed. Please note that pre-registration is required for all attendees. There is no at-the-gate admission.

Cost: $36 per person for the full event. This site operates on a per person, per day system, so reduced rates for fewer nights and day-trip only are also available. (Disclaimer: The fee is only to help me recover the cost of reserving the site. I make no profit.)

Food: No meals are provided. Plan to bring your own food and drink for the weekend. Groceries are 15-20 minutes away; more specific information will be in the registration packet.

Activities: See the schedule. Anyone is welcome to present a workshop, ritual, talk, performance, etc. on a topic related to otherkin. The schedule is shaping up, but there's still space available!

If you have questions or would like more information, check out the mailing list or email Arethinn.

Site last updated: Monday, July 25, 2011