There is supposedly a bug in the CD-ROM version that sometimes causes the program to forget to credit points, so it may be possible to finish the game having performed all correct actions and still not have the maximum score. I can't personally confirm this. The CD version definitely does have timer problems that made various sequences (including the first playable scene) nigh impossible even on moderately fast computers of the day, like a 486 50MHz, so if you're playing that version, you'll need to be either running it in ScummV, which automatically caps CPU speed, or manually throttle the cycles/clock in DOSBox or whatever other emulator. You can also see SpaceQuest.net for some patches.
Xenon: Space Quest XII
On the streets of Xenon, watch out for a wandering zombie/cyborg. If it gets close to you, it will scream, summoning a security droid. The droid itself is also wandering around. To hide, walk behind a convenient piece of scenery; any will do, as long as no part of you is visible on screen.
Go west. Look at the skimmer. Click the hand on it. Open the glovebox and get the Pocket Pal. Go north. Search the tank. Look at the objects in the closeup. Get the unstable ordnance, then replace it in the tank. Return south and then go east twice. Get the yellow piece of rope at the bottom center of the screen.
Go north. Hide behind the Y-shaped support in the center of the screen and click the rope on the ground in the street. You will tie a noose and lie in wait for the bunny. Position the hand cursor over the loop and wait. When the bunny steps into the loop of the noose and does a little pirouette, click. If you miss, just click the rope on the street again to try again.
Look at the bunny in inventory, then remove its battery. Put the battery in the Pocket Pal. If you haven't already dodged the security droid, hang around here until it comes on screen (since you're already hidden); you score points for evading it. You'll hear ominous music when it's about to arrive. When finished, open the grate at the street corner. You will climb down.
Take the jar from the table. Lift the blotter. You will press the button underneath it. When the expository hologram is finished, open the door on the west wall and walk into the tunnel. Follow the tunnel west and then go south at the T-junction on the next screen. You will pass a grate on the wall and a green slime will ooze out and follow you. Save the game and keep walking. As soon as you change screens, click the walk icon on the spot where the tunnel joins in from the west. The ooze will catch up to you. Click the jar on the ooze, then immediately walk a little way into the western tunnel and wait for the slime to pass. (It may take a few tries to successfully get the ooze and not die.) If you miss, you can spawn another slime by walking past the grate again.
When you have the slime, continue to the west. Climb up the ladder. Wait while four Sequel Police climb out of the shuttle and leave the screen. Save the game. Click the hand on the ground to climb out of the manhole. Immediately walk east; don't hang about or the Sequel Police will catch up with you. Click the hand on the open landing strut compartment.
When you climb out of the shuttle in the computer bay, go west. Wait while another time pod materializes and a cop climbs out and starts jawing with the other one. While they are not paying attention, climb into the open pod. Write down the code on the screen (this is the code to go to Xenon). Enter any sequence of six symbols. Nothing will happen. Enter any other different sequence and you will be taken to Estros.
For Your Amusement:
On the first screen, click the tongue on the supercomputer structure seen in the background.
In the room just under the grate, walk to the bottom edge of the screen (so you can't see your feet), then all the way to the left. Next, select the buckazoid from inventory and click it on the very bottom left corner of your screen (such that you see only a quarter-circle).
Estros: Space Quest X
Press the red button on the left of the screen to open the pod. Go west (careful not to fall off the edge!) until a shadow passes overhead. Return east and go down the steps to the south. The dactyl will pick you up and drop you in its nest. Wait until it drops a Sequel Policeman as well. Search the unfortunate man. Escape through the opening on the southeast edge of the nest.
After splashdown, you will be apprehended by three Latex Babes. Get into the submarine. Wait while you travel through an underwater cavern and then the Latex Babes strap you into a torture device. When you see the view on Thoreen (?), as soon as you can, save the game. When the sea slug attacks, as soon as the screen changes to the view of you, select the hand icon. Wait until the slug has opened your restraints. Push the red button near your right hand. As soon as you climb out of the chair, grab one of the blue oxygen canisters. The slug will grab you and draw you towards its mouth. Click the canister on the slug's mouth. It retreats with a bit of indigestion, and the Babes decide to take you shopping as a reward. Watch the cut-scene.
For Your Amusement:
When in the dactyl's nest, wait for something to streak across the sky and look at it. (This is supposedly Sir Graham being carried by the eagle/condor/whatever bird in KQ1, but it rather looked to me like King Graham being carried by the eagle in KQ5.)
Talk to, smell, and taste the impaled Sequel Policeman.
Galaxy Galleria: Space Quest X
Pick up the ATM card that Zondra dropped (if you don't move, you can see it as a dot of cyan between your legs). Step onto the bottom right walkway. Get off by clicking the walk icon at the ATM just past the software store. Use the card on the machine. Hmm, seems it won't work since you don't look like the person it belongs to.
Get back on the moving walkway. Pass Radio Shock/Hz So Good (depending on the game version) and Monolith Burger, and go into the Big and Tall shop (all you see is "AND TALL"). Talk to the clerk and get outfitted in new pants and boots. Pay the clerk. Leave. Walk to the center island between the walkways (this can be tricky; try tacking to the right of the screen, but if you miss, you can try again on the next screen), then get on the one that goes back the way you came (clockwise). Go to Monolith Burger.
Talk to the manager twice and accept the job making burgers. (You cannot score full points if you don't at least attempt this sequence.) This is fairly simple for the first 15 burgers or so, but then the conveyor speeds up significantly. You will be fired after you screw up five burgers. The most you can make at once is 34, but you will probably be fired before then. Go back inside and get the job as many times as necessary so that you have a total of at least 63 buckazoids. (Hopefully this will only take you 2 rounds at most.)
When you're finished, get back on the counter-clockwise walkway, go three screens west, and get off at the women's clothing store. Talk to the robot clerk. After you get dolled up, pay her and leave. Follow the counter-clockwise walkway around one screen to the mall entrance. Pick up the cigar stub near the end of the top walkway on the right. Get on the bottom (counter-clockwise) walkway. Go back to the ATM and put the card in it. Select "Withdraw funds" and then "Clean it out", then "Done" twice. You now have 2001 more buckazoids. Continue counter-clockwise to the women's store. Return to the dressing room to change back into your uniform.
Leave. Go counter-clockwise two screens to the software store. (The music in here may sound a little familiar!) Click the hand on the bargain bin to your left. Move the items aside to find the "Space Quest IV Hint Book" at the bottom. Look at it. Click "Keep", then "Done". Pay for it by clicking the buckazoid on the clerk. Leave.
Go four screens counter-clockwise to the arcade. Walk to the back right corner. A time pod will materialize on the pad at bottom left. One cop will get out and leave the arcade; another will start walking north. Quickly leave the arcade going straight south. Follow the clockwise walkway to the Zero-G Skate entrance in front of Radio Shock/Hz. So Good and get off on the top of the stairs. Save the game.
Go down the stairs. Shooty and Bang-Bang will start shooting at you. Even without timer issues, this is an extremely difficult sequence, and it may take you many tries to survive it. See this page for some tips. You want to go up to the top of the dome. Try going left a bit first, then up. Continue across the dome to the left and you will find you're being followed by the cops. Head for the bottom left corner and as soon as you get there, land at the steps and exit the screen immediately. (Click click click click fast fast fast!!)
Enter the arcade and get into the time pod. Write down the coordinates shown on the screen (Galleria). In inventory, click the hand on the hint book to read it. Look for the question about being in the "stupid time pod" and reveal its answers. Click the hand on the gum wad. Punch in the three symbols from the hint book and then the three from the gum wrapper to go to Ulence Flats.
For Your Amusement:
Talk to the bouncer outside the software store when the crowd is gathered there.
Smell, taste, and talk to the condiments at Monolith Burger.
Return to the Big and Tall store after changing back into your regular clothes. (The guy rummaging around, pulling out a pair of shorts with red polka dots, is Bob Andrews, former Sierra programmer.)
Look at all the games in the bargain bin at the software store.
Play Ms. Astro Chicken (the game next to the time-pod pad) and look for Cedric (from KQ5).
Talk to the trash can in the arcade.
Ulence Flats: Space Quest I
Go south and enter the bar. Try to get the matches and you will find yourself thrown out on your janitorial ass by the local toughs. Knock over the sand bikes. You will emerge from hiding behind Tiny's hut. Save the game. You will have to dodge a biker at least once before getting back in the pod. To do so, wait until the bike is quite close to you, and then click the walk icon to either side of where you are standing. If you do it right, you'll perform a roll. Go east and go back into the bar. Take the matches and leave. Go north. Even if you've already dodged a biker, you'll have to do it here as you approach the time pod. Climb in and enter the code for Xenon.
For Your Amusement:
Smell the Droids-B-Us building. (The Two Guys were sued by Toys-R-Us for the parody in SQ1.)
Xenon Again
You will materialize in the bay from which you left. Go east two screens. Use the jar of acidic slime on the door lock. Open the door and enter the tunnel. Light the cigar with the matches and the smoke thus produced will reveal three pairs of laser beams. Click on the control panel to the right. You have to enter a number of degrees (in multiples of 12) for each of the rings to rotate them to a vertical position. In Peter Spear's Space Quest Companion it says to enter 156, 024, and 108, but in my experience this does not produce the desired effect (the rings did not always move at all, for instance). I've had to muck around with them a lot. When you get one upright, you can enter 000 to bypass it on further cycles. When you have them all perfectly vertical, exit to the northwest. Walk up to the connection box at the junction of the north and west catwalks and examine it. Pause the game and make a quick sketch of the plug shape. Backtrack to the time pod and enter the code for the Galleria.
Galleria Again
You materialize in the arcade again. Go to Radio Shock/Hz So Good. Look at the salesbot. Select "Catalog" and then "Electronic Gadgets". Select "Continue" until you get to Pocket Pal Connector. Purchase this. Select the correct plug shape. Select "Return to top level" and exit the store. In inventory, use the connector on the Pocket Pal. Return to the arcade, get in the pod, and return to Xenon.
For Your Amusement:
Read all the item descriptions in the catalog.
Xenon Yet Again
Go east and northwest through the tunnel to the catwalks. Use the Pocket Pal on the connection box. The grey rectangle on the right represents you, and the blue circle on the left represents a security droid. Click on the power switch to disconnect. Go north, west, and down the left-hand stairway. Watch while a droid passes on the top level. As soon as it leaves the screen, return up the stairway.
Go east, south, and west. Plug the Pocket Pal into the connection box in front of the tunnel. Vohaul will gloat about having your son in custody. Turn off the Pocket Pal and go into the tunnel. Read the hint book again, revealing the answers about being "inside the supercomputer". Note down the number code (6965847669). Walk into the programming chamber. Click the droid icon and click it on the toilet. Now you no longer have to worry about the security droid. Save the game.
Flush the brain icon. This starts a timer when the computer will be formatted, and your son along with it! Click the "close" button. Leave the room and go east twice, north, west, down, and west to the glass tube elevator. You will be transported to the top level. Go north, east, and north into the glowing tunnel.
When Vohaul is done jabbering and you have control again, press the up arrow key to walk up and grapple Vohaul/Roger Jr. After a moment you will be thrown back. Press up again. Repeat three more times. On the fifth time, you will throw Vohaul into the beam, paralyzing him. Quickly climb down the ladder and wait a moment while you retrieve Roger Jr.'s personality disk. Click the disk on the panel next to the beam. Click "Disk Upload" to put Roger Jr. into the computer and "Beam Upload" to put Vohaul there as well (which means he will get formatted). Click on Roger Jr.'s name and then "Beam Download" to put him back into his own body. Sit back and watch the confusing father-and-son... er... well, it's not really a re-union, now is it? Aw heck. Just watch the movie.
For Your Amusement at various times:
Any time you're in the time pod, enter the first row of symbols followed by the first symbol in the second row as a code.
Try the following code sequence:
For further entertainment, you may be interested in information on unused game resources, differences between game releases, debugging mode tricks, etc. at The Cutting Room Floor.
Action | Points | Action | Points |
Xenon | Galaxy Galleria cont'd. | ||
Get Pocket Pal | 5 | Buy hint book | 5 |
Get ordnance | 25 | Escape Sequel Police | 15 |
Put ordnance back | -20 | Enter Ulence Flats code | 5 |
Get rope | 5 | ||
Catch bunny | 10 | Ulence Flats | |
Get battery | 3 | Knock over bikes | 5 |
Put battery in Pocket Pal | 3 | Get matches | 5 |
Hide from security droid | 5 | Dodge biker | 5 |
Open grate | 5 | ||
Get jar | 5 | Xenon Again | |
Watch hologram | 10 | Use slime on door lock | 10 |
Get slime | 5 | Light cigar | 10 |
Climb out manhole | 3 | Align lasers | 15 |
Get into landing gear | 5 | ||
Steal timepod | 10 | Galleria Again | |
Buy plug | 10 | ||
Estros | Install plug on Pocket Pal | 3 | |
Get paper | 5 | ||
Push red button | 5 | Xenon Yet Again | |
Get oxygen tank | 5 | Use Pocket Pal in the super computer (first time) | 10 |
Throw tank into slug's mouth | 5 | Find programming chamber | 10 |
Open programming chamber door | 10 | ||
Galaxy Galleria | Flush droid | 5 | |
Get ATM card | 2 | Flush brain | 15 |
Buy clothes at Big & Tall | 5 | Enter Vohaul's chamber | 5 |
Get job at Monolith Burger | 3 | Get Roger Jr.'s personality disk | 5 |
Buy dress and wig | 5 | Insert disk in drive | 5 |
Get cigar butt | 5 | Download Roger Jr. | 25 |
Get money from ATM | 10 | ||
Change back to normal clothes | 3 | Total | 315 |
Last updated: 9/02/2024