Space Quest 1: The Sarien Encounter

This walkthrough is for the AGI version of the game. For the SCI version, click here.

The Arcada

While walking around, be wary of wandering Sariens. If you hear footsteps approaching, immediately get into an elevator or leave the screen (unless, of course, you would like to get shot in the first five minutes). Save frequently.

From the starting screen, go three screens west. Search the body and take the keycard. Return east two screens. Walk across the room. When you near the eastern door, a dying scientist will enter and fall over. Examine him. Make a note of the final phrase he whispers before he expires ("astral body"). Walk over to the computer console and look at the screen. Enter "astral body". The droid will bring you a data cartridge. Take the cartridge. Leave the room to the west.

Go down the elevator. Go one screen east. Go down the elevator. Go one screen east. Walk up to the control panel by the yellow and black stripes (between the second and third red blinking things). Examine the panel. Press open. Continue one more screen east. Walk up to the panel next to the elevator. Put the keycard in the slot, then enter the elevator.

Walk to the two square white buttons on the north wall. Press the left button. Look in the closet. Get the gadget. Press the right button. Get the suit (Roger will automatically wear it). Walk down to the control panel at the bottom of the screen. Examine the panel. Press airlock. Walk through the door to the west. In the hangar bay, examine the control panel. Press platform. Walk to the left side of the escape pod and enter the pod. Close the door. Wear the seatbelt. Press power. Read the screen. Move the throttle. Press the AutoNav button and the pod's computer will steer you to Kerona.

For Your Amusement:
When asked for a name to log on with, type ken or scott. (May only work in some versions. This page claims the response to scott was added in v. 2.2, but I didn't get any response in that version. There could be some variation based on running a true original game vs. GOG or other distributions.)
In the escape pod, press the "Don't Touch" button. (save first)


While still seated, examine the pod. Get the survival kit. Unfasten your seatbelt. Exit. Walk to the south side of the crashed pod. Examine the ground. Get the glass. Examine the survival kit and you will discover dehydrated water (!) and a Xenon army knife. Whenever the game says you are thirsty, drink the water.

Go three screens east. Walk up the ramp leading up the cliff. Follow the path around to the west. Carefully cross the bridge and continue west. (You can only cross four times.) Notice the rock positioned on the western side. Keep following the clifftop pathway west, then north, then east. At this point a spider droid will land in the sand below. Return west and south. Save the game. Go east and position Roger just above the rock. The spider droid should enter from the south. Type push rock, but don't press Enter. When the droid walks to the spot just to the right of the lobe of the green patch at the base of the left pier of the bridge, press Enter to push the rock. If you time it right, you will smash the droid. If you fail, restore and try again. Return west, north, and east two screens. Walk in between the two arch pieces and you will fall down an elevator shaft.

Get the rock that's lying on the ground. Go west. Carefully approach the grate. Walk up to hug the north wall, then cross the grate to the west. Put the rock in the hole steam is coming from. Go north through the door. Follow the path north through the tunnel archways and to the west. Save the game. Carefully approach the laser beams and use the glass. Follow the path up and around to the east. Walk up near the dripping acid and save the game again. Watch the timing of the drops carefully. Walk past each drop just after it falls. It may take some experimentation to find the spot in between that is safe (look at the marks on the ground). Continue east. Turn on the gadget. Proceed east one more screen. A giant holographic head will give you an assignment and you will be returned to the surface.

Go south, east, east across the bridge, and south down the ramp. Go north. Take a swig from your water canister and save the game. Enter the cave on the east side of the screen. (It may not look very much like a viable exit to you; it doesn't to me). Throw the water at the Orat. Boom! Take the Orat part that's left over and leave the cave. Go south, up the ramp, and follow the path all the way back to the elevator shaft. Go through the caverns to the room with the head the same way as you did before. Drop the Orat part. Walk forward (north/into the screen) to another room and you will be presented with a skimmer. Before you get in the skimmer, examine the console that the alien in the red robes was standing in front of. Put the cartridge in the slot. Write down the destruct code (6858). Take the cartridge.

Get in the skimmer. Examine the controls. Slow the game speed down and save the game. Turn the key. Dodge the rocks as best you can; the fifth hit (after "critical") will kill you. Save frequently, rotating between at least two saves. Eventually you will arrive in Ulence Flats.

For Your Amusement (you can tell these all result in death, right?):
Walk out into the open desert and get eaten by a Grell.
hit by an asteroid. (VGA only?)
Get caught by the spider droid.
Let Roger die of thirst.
Enter the hole in the cliff on the screen to the west of the ramp.
Touch the pool of acid. Try smelling and tasting it, too.
Walk through the laser beams.
Get hit by an acid drop.
Get killed by the Orat.
Attempt to cross the bridge a fifth time.

Ulence Flats

Get the key. Leave the skimmer. A shady-looking character will approach you and offer you 30 buckazoids for it. Ignore him and go east, off the edge of the screen (not into the bar). Return west. Say "yes" to accept the alien's second offer of 30 buckazoids, a jetpack, and some coupons (you don't see the coupons in your inventory). Enter the bar. If you watch the green creature playing the game machine on the right side of the screen, you'll notice that eventually he gets zapped. (Them's the breaks when you play Slots O' Death!) Walk over to the empty end of the bar. When the bartender is near you, get beer. Drink the beer. Order and drink beer two more times. On the third time, you will overhear a story. Make note of the sector mentioned (HH). Walk up to the slot machine. Save the game. Bet 3 buckazoids each round, until you max out the machine at 250. Save every time you win, and restore every time you lose.

Leave the bar. If you are approached by an alien asking you to follow him, ignore him. Go one screen north and one east. Enter Droids B Us. Walk up to the white and red robot at the top of the stairs. Buy the robot. Leave the shop. Go two screens west and one south. Return north and Tiny will follow you. Buy the ship. Climb the ladder to get into the ship. Examine the controls. Press load to take your nav-droid on board. Give it the sector number you overheard earlier in the bar. (Oops, seems the actual owner of this ship is none too happy...)

For Your Amusement:
Look at the mountains in the distance.
Leave and re-enter the bar until you spot ZZ Top and the Blues Brothers.
Walk behind the Droids B Us building and take leak. (There are three possible messages.)
Punch in incorrect coordinates three times in a row.

The Deltaur

When you arrive, put on the jetpack and exit the ship. Fly to the center of the screen. Position Roger so that his feet are just "standing" on the bottom of the doorway. Open the door and go in. Walk up to beside the doorway and wait for a droid to come through the door. Quickly go through the door behind the droid while it is still open. In the next room, stand to the right of the trunk. Push the trunk. Open it, put the jetpack in the trunk, and close it again. (You can't go into the vent with it on, but you don't want to leave it lying around.) Climb on the trunk. Pry the vent with your Xenon army knife. Enter the vent. Crawl to the left, up the ladder, and to the right. Kick the vent, then open it. Crawl to the right. Open the washing machine door and get in. After a moment, you'll find yourself wearing a Sarien uniform. Open the door. Look in your pocket and you will find an ID card. Exit to the east.

Talk to the guard who enters from the right. Repeat until he asks a question about King's Quest II. Answer yes. Kiss the guard. Enter the left elevator. Go west and take the elevator up. Go east four times. Walk to the counter. Show the ID card to the droid. While the droid is in the back room, quickly walk to the south side and get a grenade. When the droid returns, you will have a pulseray gun (F6 to fire). Go west. Stand directly over the Star Generator guard and drop the grenade. Return east, show the card again, and get the other grenade to get another point.

Go west three screens. You will trip and lose your helmet. Enter the elevator. When you come out at the bottom, save the game. Go east. If there is a Sarien guard, immediately press F6 to fire the pulseray. (You get three points for shooting a guard the first time. You can't shoot the droid.) If the security droid is there, flee west and return (watch out that there could be a guard or the droid there as well). Continue east to the Star Generator room. Search the body and you will find a remote control. Press the button to turn off the force field. Walk up to the Star Generator. Examine the control panel. Enter the destruct code (6858). Save the game. Go west, looking out for a guard or the security droid. Enter the elevator. When you come out, go into the right-hand elevator. Walk down to the yellow striped area and enter the ship. Look. Press launch.


For further entertainment, you may be interested in information on unused game resources, differences between game releases, debugging mode tricks, etc. at The Cutting Room Floor.


Action Points Action Points
The Arcada   Ulence Flats  
Get keycard 1 Sell skimmer for second offer (get jetpack) 5
Look at dying man 2 Drink three beers 5
Get cartridge 5 Buy white and red robot 4
Open bay doors 2 Buy ship 4
Put keycard in elevator slot 2 Arrive at Deltaur 25
Get gadget 2    
Get suit 2 The Deltaur  
Push platform 1 Climb through vent 2
Escape Arcada 15 Find trunk 1
Activate AutoNav 2 Kick grate to enter laundry 1
    Get in washing machine 5
Kerona   Talk to Sarien 1
Get survival kit 2 Answer yes to question about King's Quest II 5
Get glass 3 Kiss Sarien 1
Push rock to smash spider droid 5 Get grenade 1
Get rock 2 Get gun 3
Put rock on steam geyser 4 Drop grenade on guard 5
Use glass in laser beam 5 Get second grenade 1
Pass dripping acid 3 Shoot Sarien (first time) 3
Throw water canister at Orat 5 Get remote control 3
Get Orat part 2 Turn off force field 3
Drop Orat part for holo head (get skimmer) 10 Enter self-destruct code 10
Put cartridge in console 5 Enter shuttle launch bay 1
Get cartridge 5 Press launch button 3
Arrive at Ulence Flats 25    
    Total 202


Last updated: 6/01/2021