Although some of the "Amusements" will result in death, in LSL6 you can "undo" if you die, so there's no need to worry about saving beforehand.
Checking in at La Costa Lotta
In the lobby of the hotel, first talk to Gammie twice to get your room key. Exit the closeup. Look at the thing to the left of the desk that resembles a trash can. Use the "pick up" icon to take another room key from this "Quickie Checkout" box. Go up the stairs on the right. Your room is the door next to the ice machine. Click your room key on the door and go in. Go through the top door into the bathroom and turn on the sink; brown water will come out. Turn off the sink. Leave the bathroom.
Read each of the three cards on the table. Pick up the phone. Call 71 for Room Service. Go through the menu (you can pick whatever you like). Pick up again and call 75 for Housekeeping. You will order the "turn-down service". Call 76 for Building Maintenance and you will report the brown water in the sink.
Leave the room by walking off the bottom of the screen. There may be a maid's cart in the hallway. If not, skip it for now and do this the next time you come back. Look at both sides of it and take everything but a towel (you'll get one of those soon): toilet paper, a washcloth, hand cream, and soap on the side facing your door; and toilet seat covers and dental floss on the far side. Go back down the stairs to the lobby.
For Your Amusement:
Click the zipper on Gammie.
Click the hand and zipper on the checkout key box.
Touch the carpet in your room.
Call the other numbers on the cards in your room (72, 73...).
Dial the following on the telephone: 976-xxxx (any four numbers), 911, 683-4468, 23292##, 275####, 34555##.
Walk behind the plants in your room and talk to the lower part of the plants.
East Side
Go down the hallway to the east and into the first door, which leads to the dining room. Search the ice bar to uncover an orange. Take the orange. Go through the double doors into the kitchen. Search the trash cans in the kitchen to find a can of lard. Pick it up. Leave to the southwest and go back through the dining room into the hall.
Continue east down the hallway, and take the ramp leading downwards to the Blues Bar. Take a match from the bowl on the bar. Leave the bar the way you came in.
Go through the next open doorway. At poolside, look at the floating bar and take the sunglasses case. Click the hand on it in inventory three times to open it, take the sunglasses, and find the polishing cloth. Exit the closeup view of the bar. Take the deflated beaver pool float that's at the top of the screen, to the right of the barrel that guards the high-dive tower.
Return through the open doorway. Go west one screen and through the dining room into the kitchen. Inflate the beaver pool float by using it on the front tire of the taco truck. Return southwest, south, and west to the lobby.
For Your Amusesment:
Click the zipper on the taco truck in the kitchen.
Suck air from the front tire of the taco truck.
Click the zipper on the bottles in the bar.
Open the door at the back of the bar.
Watch the pool window in the bar.
West Side
Head down the west hallway and go through the first door to the health spa. Take a brochure from the towel desk. Look at it. Sign your name in the registry on the desk to get a towel from Gary. (Oh boy, gay male stereotypes.)
Go through the second door from the left (the one next to the desk) into the men's locker room. Pass on through for the moment into the showers. Move the lighter-colored tile that you can see on the east wall (near the handle for the middle showerhead) to take a peek at the women's shower. (You can only do this while you're dressed in your leisure suit, not in the towel.)
Now return south to the locker room and open the bottom right locker. Undress by clicking the towel on yourself. Go north past the showers into the mud baths. Jump in and relax for a moment. Afterwards, click Exit and return west to the showers. Turn on the center-right tap to shower, then go south to the locker room. Get dressed again by opening the locker and clicking the towel on yourself. Go two screens south to return to the hallway.
Go west and down the ramp, which leads to the beauty salon. Take the electrical cord that is coiled on the floor from the empty station (row closest to the door, second from the left).
For Your Amusement:
Look at the men's and women's locker room doors.
Click the zipper on Gary.
Click the zipper on the fountain.
Click the towel on a random place on the locker room screen.
Enter the mud bath without first getting undressed.
Get hit by the Prancing Fluids in the shower, both dressed and undressed. (Just stand for a while where you stop when you enter the room.)
Try all the icons on the men in the shower.
Home Sweet Whatever
Return south, east twice, up. Get the items from the maid's cart outside if you didn't do it before. (If the cart still isn't here, don't worry just yet.) Go in to your room.
Go into the bathroom. Talk to the plumber. Click the "pick up" icon on him twice to take his wrench and file. Leave the bathroom and walk away from the door. The plumber will leave.
(If you still haven't seen the maid's cart, try leaving and returning to your room and/or leaving and returning from the lobby a few times. If you still don't see it, just skip the next paragraph for now and continue.)
Go back in the bathroom and put a toilet seat cover on the toilet. You will, er, plop down. Click the toilet paper on yourself to wipe and stand up. Urinate by clicking the zipper on the toilet. Flush the toilet. Turn on the water in the sink, then click the soap on the sink to wash your hands. Turn off the water. Leave the bathroom. Call Housekeeping again (75).
Take the flowers from the table and the condom from your pillow. Leave your room. Take some soap from the cart again. It's time to get us some ladies!
For Your Amusement:
Sit on the toilet, use the spa brochure on yourself, and then the hand lotion.
Sit on the toilet without having toilet paper in your inventory. (To get rid of toilet paper once you have it, stuff it down the toilet, then call Building Maintenance.)
(Oh boy, ethnic stereotypes.) Go west two screens, north into the Health Spa, and through the far left door. Look at the woman. Talk to Rosé until she repeats herself. Naturally, she wants flowers. Give her the flowers from your room. After the experience, she will give you an orchid.
(Oh boy, lesbian stereostypes.) Go through the men's locker room and showers to the mud baths. Go off the southeast side of the screen and continue east through the weights room to the aerobics studio. Click the hand on the empty platform to work out with the women. Afterwards, you'll be able to talk to Cav. After she talks about watching young women sweat, while still in her closeup, click "pick up" on her employee badge three times. She wants "your best girl". (The woman you will bring with you will be Burgundy.) Exit the closeup.
For Your Amusement:
After taking Cav's badge, click the hand on her shirt a few times.
Click the hand on the record player to play the game's various songs (you will need to leave and return so Cav is not there).
(Oh boy, BDSM stereotypes.) Return south to the the weights room. Talk to Thunderbird, the woman on the machine next to the door, working out her thighs. She wants some handcuffs. Exit the closeup.
Go west. In the mud baths room, click the hand on the plants under the camera on the left side of the screen. Click the wrench on the camera to turn it towards the women's shower room. Go through the men's showers and locker room, south out of the spa, east, and south to the front of La Costa Lotta. Look at the guard booth. While Daryl's distracted, steal his handcuffs with the "pick up" icon. Exit the closeup. Return east, west, north, through the locker room, showers, and mud baths, to the weights room, and give them to Thunderbird. She'll "invite" you back to her room. Get the rubber belt from the "Bunshaker".
Go west back through the mud baths, showers, and spa to the hallway. Go two screens west. Thunderbird's room is the middle door of the three. Knock on the door. After the experience, click the hand on the dog collar in inventory to take the diamond from it.
For Your Amusement:
Touch Daryl with the hand icon instead of the "pick up" icon.
Take the handcuffs without first turning the video camera.
Leave your room, go down to the lobby, west, and north through the spa and showers to the mud baths. Look at the woman in the mud bath. Talk to Char until she repeats herself. First, she wants 6 D-cell batteries for her, er, battery-powered David Letterman.
Return through the showers and spa lobby to the main hallway. Wait for the tram passing eastward. Ride the tram to the eastern end of the line. When you get off, carefully step out of the way onto the stairs that heads north. Art will turn the tram and then pat himself, looking for a match. (If he doesn't do this, first make sure you've talked to Char enough times to hear that she wants the batteries. If that still doesn't work, see here.) Talk to him, then give him the match from the bar. He'll go into the employee area for a smoke.
While he's away, open the toilet tank, er, I mean, tram engine, and use the wrench to disconnect one of the battery/motor wires. Exit the closeup. When Art comes back and starts fixing the tram, talk to him to offer to help. After he forces the wire back on, you'll have a few seconds to click the hand on the flashlight in inventory and take the batteries out of it. Give the flashlight back to Art, or he'll just ask for it back when he leaves.
Go south, into the building, west, and through the spa to the mud baths. Look at Char. Give the batteries to her. Now she wants you to open the electroshock room door. Click the hand on the electrical cord in inventory to strip the wires. Plug it into the socket next to the door nearest Char, then use the cord on the door. Char will follow you in shortly.
After the experience, notice that your gold medallion has been transformed into a figurine that appears in your inventory. Leave your room, go back to the electroshock room, and get the pearl that's next to the tanning machine.
For Your Amusement:
Use the hand on the cord (in inventory) when it is plugged into the wall.
Burgundy performs in the Blues Bar. Go north out of the electroshock room, through the showers and spa into the hallway, east past the lobby and dining room, and down the ramp. Unplug the microphone cord. Look at Burgundy. Talk to her until you asks if you can buy her a drink. Exit the closeup.
Leave the bar, go out to the pool, then west. Use Cav's employee card on the gate to enter the employee area. Take a six-pack from the tub where you can see silhouettes of people chugging. Leave west, go up the north steps, through the north doorway by the lifeguard's chair, and down into the bar. Unplug the mic cord and give Burgundy the beer. Wait and watch while she tosses 'em back. Go out to the pool, west, and back into the employee camp to fetch another six-pack. Take it back to Burgundy too. She'll suggest going to the sauna with you.
Go south into the hallway, west past the lobby, and north into the locker room. Open the bottom right locker and then click the towel on yourself to undress. Go two screens north, then through the door between the "champagne" spas into the sauna. Talk to the women repeatedly to screw up in true Laffer fashion. After the steam clears, take Burgundy's bracelet that she left behind. Leave the sauna and go take a shower. Continue south to the locker room and change back into your leisure suit.
For Your Amusement:
Listen to Burgundy sing "Cell Block Love".
Climb over the fence to the employees' camp.
Enter the sauna with your leisure suit on.
(Oh boy, trans stereotypes. Look, I know nobody comes to Larry games for tasteful jokes, but...) Go south twice back into the hallway, west, and down the ramp into the beauty salon. Shablee is the woman in green at the bottom right station. Look at her. Talk to her until you learn she wants a dress to wear to the dance. Exit the closeup.
Go out to the hallway, east past the lobby, and down the ramp to the Blues Bar. Climb up on the stage, then walk off tto the southwest to g.o backstage. Take Burgundy's dress. Exit the closeup. Take another match from the bar. Exit. Leave the bar, return west to the beauty salon, and give the dress to Shablee.
On the beach, alternately talk to her and touch her until she says she "...knows what a man wants". Give her the condom. The next morning, leave your room, go through the lobby into the east hallway, out to the pool, and east to the beach. Take the champagne. Dig in the sand to find a lamp buried there.
For Your Amusement:
Walk out into the ocean.
(Oh boy, airhead stereotypes. At least she's not blonde?) Go east to the pool area. Click the dental floss on the polishing cloth to make a fetching little swimsuit. Click it on yourself to go behind the bushes and change. Click the inflated beaver float on the pool to go float. Look at the floating bar and you will swim up to it. Click the hand on the beaver's tail to summon a waitress and order drinks. Show the "extra" room key as ID. After the waitress comes back, look at the woman next to you. Talk to Merrily until you learn she can only get aroused by bungee jumping.
When finished, exit twice, get out of the pool and talk to the lifeguard. Go up the diving tower. Press the tower key into the soap. Click the file on the extra room key to make a copy of the tower key. Jump off the tower by clicking the hand on the pool below. Get out of the pool and return the original key to the lifeguard. Get back in the pool with the float. Look at the bar, look at Merrily, and give her the key copy.
At the top of the tower, touch her three times. She will tell you to get undressed. Click the hand on yourself to do so. Click the zipper on her to get her "words of wisdom" and you'll fall off the tower.
For Your Amusement:
Get into the pool without first changing into your "swimsuit".
Click the zipper on the pool both before and after getting into it.
Gammie is (of course) in the lobby. Look at her and talk to her until you suggest fixing the cellulite machine. Exit the closeup. Go west to the spa and through the door on the far right. The machine has three things wrong with it: the piston is not lubricated, the filter is dirty, and the hose is ruptured.
To fix the piston, rub it with the lard from the kitchen trash. To clean the filter, undo the tank bolt with the wrench, open the filter can, and take the filter. Leave, go east past the lobby to the dining room, and into the kitchen. Wash the filter in the kitchen sink. Return to the machine, put the filter back, close the tank lid, and tighten the bolt. To fix the hose, use the rubber band from the Bunshaker machine. Turn on the machine and wait until you score the points for watching it. Turn it off and go tell Gammie it's ready. Follow her to the liposuction room and hook her up to the machine. Turn it on.
Gammie will ask you for an orange. Giver her the orange you found in the dining room. Talk to Gammie. To get a cool cloth, wet the washcloth in the kitchen sink, then put it in the refrigerator. Leave the screen and return. Get the washcloth and give it to Gammie. She'll ask for mineral water. Go down the eastern hallway to the screen with three doors. Take the water from the room service tray. Knock on one of the doors while you are here. Return west and give Gammie the water. After Gammie leaves, fill the lamp with fat from the tap at the foot of the table. (...Really, a lamp filled with human fat? Is that what we're doing? Okay then.)
For Your Amusement:
Run the machine before lubricating the piston.
Go to the lobby and up the stairs. Put ice in the champagne bucket by clicking it on the ice machine outside your room. Go to the kitchen. Notice the dumbwaiter at the back of the room. Press the button on the wall and you will squeeze into the dumbwaiter. Press the button again to go up to the penthouse suite. Go northwest and light the match from the fireplace in the center of the room. Use the match to light the lamp. Go out onto the patio and talk to Shamara. After you say "this ultimate babe will be mine", you can start giving her fruits (or is it residue?) of your experiences with the other women: orchid, diamond, gold figurine, pearl, bracelet, champagne, words of wisdom, and lamp of knowledge. The order doesn't matter except that she won't accept the champagne until you've given her everything else. Sproing!
For Your Amusement at various times:
Click the hand on yourself several times.
Knock on all the guestroom doors.
Use all the icons on everything you possibly can. Sierra was pretty thorough about writing specific responses.
For further entertainment, you may be interested in information on unused game resources, differences between game releases, debugging mode tricks, etc. at The Cutting Room Floor.
Action | Points | Action | Points | Action | Points |
Checking In | Cavaricci | Merrily | |||
Get room key | 2 | Do aerobics | 7 | Make "swimsuit" | 20 |
Get "extra" room key | 2 | Get Cav's badge | 15 | Change into "swimsuit" | 12 |
Enter your room | 5 | Show "extra" key to get a drink | 10 | ||
Read three cards on table | 6 | Thunderbird | Talk to Merrily | 2 | |
Call 71 Room Service | 1 | Talk to Thunderbird | 2 | Talk to lifeguard | 6 |
Call 75 Housekeeping | 9 | Move plants in mud baths | 5 | Press tower key into soap | 10 |
Call 76 Building Maintenance | 8 | Turn camera | 12 | Make copy of tower key | 20 |
Get toilet paper | 2 | Get handcuffs | 15 | Give copy of key to Merrily | 15 |
Get washcloth | 4 | Give handcuffs to Thunderbird | 15 | Get words of wisdom | 20 |
Get hand cream | 2 | Get rubber belt | 8 | ||
Get soap | 2 | Knock on Thunderbird's door | 10 | Gammie | |
Get toilet seat covers | 2 | Get dog collar | 20 | Talk to Gammie (suggest fixing cellulite machine) | 3 |
Get dental floss | 4 | Get diamond | 10 | Rub lard on piston | 6 |
Open filter tank | 5 | ||||
East Side | Char | Take filter | 4 | ||
Get orange | 8 | Talk to Char | 2 | Wash filter in kitchen sink | 10 |
Get can of lard | 6 | Ride tram to employee camp | 2 | Replace filter | 4 |
Get match | 4 | Give match to Art | 4 | Tighten tank bolt | 3 |
Get sunglasses case | 7 | Open tram engine | 6 | Put rubber band on hose | 7 |
Open case | 4 | Disconnect wire | 15 | Turn on machine | 10 |
Get sunglasses | 4 | Art repairs engine | 2 | Tell Gammie machine is fixed | 5 |
Get polishing cloth | 8 | Get batteries from flashlight | 20 | Hook Gammie up to machine | 2 |
Get pool float | 3 | Give batteries to Char | 15 | Give orange to Gammie | 6 |
Inflate pool float | 14 | Strip electric wire | 12 | Wet washcloth in kitchen sink | 6 |
Plug cord into socket | 7 | Put wet cloth in refrigerator | 6 | ||
West Side | Use cord on door | 12 | Get cool cloth | 3 | |
Get brochure | 2 | Char enters electroshock room | 10 | Give cool cloth to Gammie | 6 |
Sign registry | 3 | Get pearl | 15 | Get mineral water | 6 |
Look at women's shower | 1 | Knock on random hallway door | 1 | ||
Open locker | 4 | Burgundy | Give mineral water to Gammie | 6 | |
Undress | 6 | Unplug Burgundy's microphone | 10 | Fill lamp with cellulite | 15 |
Take a mud bath | 1 | Talk to Burgundy | 2 | ||
Shower after mud bath | 3 | Enter employee camp | 12 | Shamara | |
Get electric cord | 6 | Get beer (twice) | 12 | Put ice in champagne bucket | 12 |
Give beer to Burgundy (first time) | 6 | Go up dumbwaiter | 9 | ||
Home Sweet Whatever | Give beer to Burgundy (second time) | 8 | Light match | 12 | |
Get wrench | 8 | Enter sauna | 10 | Light lamp | 8 |
Get file | 8 | Get bracelet | 12 | Talk to Shamara | 4 |
Put seat cover on toilet | 2 | Shower after sauna | 3 | Give all eight gifts to Shamara | 160 |
Wipe with toilet paper | 1 | ||||
Urinate in toilet | 2 | Shablee | Total | 1000 | |
Wash hands | 2 | Look at Shablee | 2 | ||
Get flowers | 4 | Talk to Shablee | 4 | ||
Take condom from pillow | 4 | Get Burgundy's dress | 13 | ||
Give dress to Shablee | 14 | ||||
Rosé | Give condom to Shablee | 13 | |||
Give flowers to Rosé | 5 | Get champagne | 6 | ||
Get orchid | 15 | Get lamp | 14 |
Last updated: 9/02/2024