Los Angeles - PornProdCorp
Grab the coffee pot and you will automatically walk into the boardroom. You'll also automatically score a point for getting the camcorder. When the scene is over, use the water cooler. Look at the award plaque shaped like a pair of breasts in the bottom right corner.
Go into the room at the top right of the screen. Take the credit card from the imprinter at the bottom center of the screen. Open the top drawer of the brown filing cabinet at the far right of the screen. Take the resumes. In inventory, click the hand on each one to extract their contents. Read the business card.
Leave the room and go down the hallway at top left. Use the barrel of disinfectant. Open the leftmost drawer, under the television, and you will get the battery charger. Play the 8-track, the thing near the television that looks like a radio. Take the tapes sitting next to the TV at the bottom right of the screen. Use each one on the degausser, which is the thing that looks sort of like a VHS camcorder on the right-hand end of the table, near the disinfectant. Insert one of the tapes into the mini camera. Leave the room.
Plug the battery charger into the electrical socket near the floor next to the coffee maker. Plug the camcorder into the charger. Look at the camcorder until the battery charge reads 100%. Take the camcorder and charger. Leave the PPC building to the east. Look at the statue in the fountain. Get in the limo. You will automatically be taken to the airport; watch the cut scene.
When you get out of the limo, use the computer terminal. Insert "your" AeroDork card. Select New York, making a note of the time. Consult the game's copy protection card and enter the code that corresponds to New York at that time. Take the boarding pass and card. Enter the airport. Show the AeroDork card to the security camera. Wait for the boarding call for your flight. Put the boarding pass in the slot to the right of the door. You're off! Get the magazine from the seat pocket in front of you. Read the magazine. Soon, you will be in dreamland...
For Your Amusement:
Click the hand on the electrical socket.
In the PPC lobby, look at all the framed pictures, etc.
Touch the Titty award.
In the file room, look at the paintings and the magnifying desk lamp.
In the tape room, look at the calendar on the back of the door.
Click the zipper on the fountain outside of PPC.
Click the zipper on the limo driver.
Look at the airplane you see over the airport.
Click the hand on the boarding pass in inventory.
Read all the signs in the LAX airport.
Look at the ticket counter when neither of the women are there.
Look at Buffi and Muffi, the ticket agents.
In the AeroDork VIP lounge, sit on the chair, try the coffee, and look at the art.
Workin' for the FBI
When you gain control of Patti in the FBI lab, look at each of the scientists. Go east. Commander Twit will rattle off a bunch of information, but you don't need to pay attention to any of it. Look at the scientist here. Go through the door to the east.
After the scene is over, look at the table with the computer Twit was using earlier. Take the Dataman (yellow) and DataPaks (blue and purple). Go west. Get the metal bra (the Hooter Shooter). Look at it in your inventory. Wear the Hooter Shooter. Exit through the door on the top of the screen and get into the limo. Get the bottle of champagne (the lighter-colored bottle on the left). Put the Reverse Biaz pak in the Dataman and look at it. Show the Dataman to the driver and he will head for the Shill Building. Soon, you will be snoozing and dreaming of... a certain Donald. (...ew.)
For Your Amusement:
In the first screen of the FBI lab, look at the dartboard, the monitors near Commander Twit (green screens in yellow cases).
In the second screen, look at the drinking bird and the books on the table.
New York - The Hard Disk Café
Leave the lounge. Take a quarter from the "GIVE" charity container next to the door. Go west one screen. Read the center blue sign at the top of the screen (looks like it would say, for some reason, "FRESNO") to get the number for Checker Limo, 552-4668. Go two screens east. Use the leftmost telephone. Dial 552-4668. After the conversation is over, leave the airport and get into the limo. Take the day planner from the limo seat. Show the Hard Disk Café napkin to the driver. Open the day planner; you will find some money and credit cards. Wait until you arrive at the café. Walk behind the plant to the left of the door. (If you don't hear the "ding" of a point as you relieve yourself, keep trying.)
Enter the Hard Disk Café. Talk to the maitre d'. Keep talking until you wheedle an entry tape out of him. Take the tape from the reader. Use it on the music box in the lower left of the screen. Insert the tape into the reader by the door. Sit down at the empty table. You will see Michelle Milken enter the "Herman Hollerith Room". Insert your paper tape into the reader to the left of the door. Talk to Michelle until she invites you to sit down with her. When you see her closeup, go into inventory and click the hand on the camcorder to turn it on. Talk to Michelle twice. Are you sensing a theme? Give her the day planner, credit cards, and money. Sit back and enjoy the fun.
When it's over, turn off the camcorder. Use the phone in the lobby to dial Checker Limo (552-4668). Go outside, get in the limo, and you will be automatically taken back to LaGuardia. Watch the cut-scene. Follow the same routine to get on the plane as you did at LAX, only this time, select Atlantic City as your destination. Noting the time, enter the proper code and get your boarding pass. Go into the airport, show the Aerodork card to the camera, and insert your boarding pass when the "NOW BOARDING" sign blinks. Soon, you will once again be dreaming...
For Your Amusement:
Read all the signs at LaGuardia.
Look at Tracie and Stacie, the ticket agents.
Look at the lady at the table next to you in the first dining room.
Baltimore - des Rever Records
Enter the Shill Building. Read the sign at the left of the screen. Click the eye on the entry for des Rever Records. Talk to the guard to wake him up. Show the guard the DataMan with the Reverse Biaz DataPak in it and he will summon the elevator for you.
At the top, walk to a spot in front of the record player and gold record. Take the gold record and put it on the record player. Press play and put the tone arm on the record. Listen to the music until you get a text message on screen. Press reverse. Again listen. Press 78 rpm (the rightmost button). Listen. Press forward. Listen. Press stop. Take the record and exit the closeup view. Look at Reverse and he will notice you and invite you into the studio. Enter via the door at the back. Click the hand on the keyboard. The middle and top rows of letters play the keys, or you can use the mouse. You have to at least try to play (doing nothing won't cut it), but don't worry about how well you do; on the third round the game will take over.
When you're in the control booth listening to the cut, give the champagne to Reverse. He'll get blotto (...what a lightweight!) and spill the beans about his nefarious doings, giving you a tape full of evidence. Once you're back in the limo, take Reverse's pak out of the Dataman and put in P.C. Hammer's. Show the Dataman to the driver and you will be taken to K-RAP Radio. Once again, you will drift off...
For Your Amusement:
Read all the other entries on the Shill Building sign.
Have sex with Reverse instead of drinking the champagne.
Atlantic City - Tramp Casino and Boardwalk
Leave the airport lounge. Read the sign with the picture of the limo to get the number for Tramp Limo (553-4468). Go west one screen. Put one of the two blank tapes in the camcorder and then charge it using the outlet on the west wall. When finished, pull the handle on the second slot machine from the left. Go two screens east and use the second telephone to dial Tramp Limo. As in New York, leave the airport and get into the limo. Show the matchbook to the driver.
You will arrive at Tramp Casino. Talk twice to the blonde girl who is standing to the left of the door. Guess any number you like; as long as you're broke you will always be correct (and if you have any money, you will always be wrong). You will receive $10 in "silver dollars". Go inside the casino and play video poker. A pair of jacks is the minimum to win (you win back your bet on a pair). As in LSL1, I find it useful to bet as much as possible every time, saving after every win and restoring after every loss. However, if you lose all your money you can always go back out and get more "dollars" from the door-girl. Play until you have at least $550. Cash out and go through the doorway at the back of the room. Talk to the bouncer and pay him $25. Walk towards the front row and you will sit down. Look at Jennifer Jiggle.
Leave the casino. Go four screens east down the boardwalk. Enter Ivana Skates. Approach the counter. Talk to Ivana. Offer your camcorder as a deposit. Leave the shop. Wear the skates. Stand up. Skate up and down the boardwalk until you see Lana Luscious. (Go west first; the boardwalk is endless to the east and you could have a long trip back if you go too far.) Talk to Lana, or skate close to her. She will invite you to sit down. Talk to her in closeup until she leaves. Return to the screen with the skate shop, sit down on the bench, and remove the skates by clicking them on yourself. Go into Ivana Skates and return the skates to Ivana.
Go back to the casino and go into the show room. Pay the bouncer to join in the show ("Lemme at 'em!"). Sit down as before. As soon as Lana walks onstage, turn on the camcorder. Lana will challenge you to wrestle her. Click on the flashing body parts. You have to get eleven "hits" for the scene to occur. When you get back outside, turn off the camcorder. Talk to the door-man to have him summon a limo. You will automatically be taken to the airport. Put your AeroDork card in the machine, select Miami, and enter the code. Get your boarding pass. Go through the drill of boarding the airplane again, and yet again, you will doze off...
For Your Amusement:
Look at the casino doors and each of the girls at the front of the casino.
Click the zipper on the man and woman outside the casino.
Look at each of the other skaters on the boardwalk.
Look at the various storefronts on the boardwalk.
Look at each of the posters at Ivana Skates.
Philadelphia - K-RAP Radio
Enter the K-RAP building. Look at the Dataman. Note the access code, 45954. Look at the control panel next to the door and enter the access code. Enter the office. Look at the potted tree. Search the pot and you will get a desk key. Take the letter opener from the desk. Use the key on the desk. Look at the desk to get an access code; this changes every game, so note it down. Click the hand on the desk to find a file folder. Look at the folder in inventory. Use the file folder on the copy machine (next to the western door). (Oh boy... a blackface joke. Moving on...) Put the folder back in the desk. Put the key back in the pottd plant. Click the letter opener on the right-hand part of the desk to put it back in its place. Exit through the door on the left. Click the hand on the "shower". When you're at the bottom, put on the clothes that are conveniently hanging on the rack.
Look at the music group you can see through the booth window. Go one screen east. Click the hand on the keypad for control room B (the top one of the two on the right). Enter the code you found on the sticker. Open the door. Click the hand on the cabinet at the back of the room to take a blank reel of tape. Click the hand on the right-ish part of the control console seven times, until you bring up volume on Studio A and hear 2 Live 2 Screw. Use the tape on the reel-to-reel recorder at bottom left. Click the hand on the control panel just above it. Wait. P.C. Hammer, not amused, will block your escape with a microphone stand. Click the hand on the control panel again to stop tape. Click the hand on the tape twice to rewind and take the tape. Click the hand twice on the part of the control console you used before, so you raise the volume of the monitor speakers "to ear-splitting level". Click the talk icon on the microphone. Your high C will shatter the glass, allowing you to escape. You will automatically be taken "home" (so... how did you remove all that toner?) and slip into sleep again on the way.
For Your Amusement:
Examine the toilet at the bottom of the bathroom screen.
Look at the statues of the man and woman in the basement.
Miami - Doc Pulliam's
Leave the lounge. Go one screen west and charge up your camcorder. Switch in the last blank tape. Click the hand on the cigarette machine to get two quarters. Go two screens east. Read the left-hand and center signs: Just Green Cards, 554-1272, and North Beach Limo, 554-8544. Use the third telephone to dial first Just Green Cards and then the limo. Leave the airport. Get the green card from the trash can. Enter the limo and show the business card to the driver.
When you arrive, go upstairs to the dentist's office. Knock on the window twice. Answer all the questions (Y Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N). Get the doily from the table at the bottom right. Click it on yourself to fake a toothache. Knock on the window again. Look at Chi Chi. Talk to her until she reveals she has no immigration documents. Click the hand on the button of her blouse six times. Turn on the camcorder. Give Chi Chi the green card. Chi Chi will invite you downstairs to the gym. When finished, turn off the camcorder. Return to the dentist's office and call North Beach Limo (554-8544) with the phone on the left. Go outside and get into the limo. You will automatically be taken to the airport again. Follow the drill to get on the airplane back to Los Angeles. During this flight, after a cut-scene featuring Patti, you will suddenly find yourself faced with Certain Death™! Click the hand on the cockpit five times and you will hit the autopilot and Save the Day™.
For Your Amusement:
Look at the ticket agents, Trixie and Dixie.
Look at the degree and the poster of teeth in Chi Chi's exam room.
Washington - The State Dinner
The game will take over for a while. After Larry smooshes Dan Quayle into a pie and you regain control, quickly click the Hooter Shooter on Julius. Now you too have Saved the Day™! And remember... Better babes through technology!
For Your Amusement at various times:
Read all the signs in all the airports.
Look at yourself (both as Larry and as Patti).
Show something out-of-city to the limo driver (e.g. show the Hard Disk matchbook to the Miami driver).
Action | Points | Action | Points | Action | Points |
Los Angeles | New York cont'd. | Philadelphia | |||
Get coffee pot | 1 | Take day planner | 12 | Look at Dataman | 1 |
Get camcorder | 1 | Open day planner | 11 | Enter office | 1 |
Use water cooler | 1 | Urinate behind plant | 1 | Search potted tree (get key) | 10 |
Look at award plaque | 1 | Annoy maitre d' into letting you in | 3 | Get letter opener | 4 |
Get credit card | 5 | Take entry tape | 4 | Unlock desk | 13 |
Get resumes | 8 | Use tape on music box | 12 | Find access code | 5 |
Open resumes (1 pt each) | 3 | See Michelle | 3 | Get file folder | 5 |
Read business card | 1 | Insert tape on second entry door | 12 | Examine folder | 4 |
Use disinfectant | 1 | Turn on camera | 4 | Copy folder | 12 |
Get battery charger | 8 | Give day planner to Michelle | 5 | "Take a shower" | 7 |
Play 8-track | 5 | Give credit cards to Michelle | 5 | Wear clothes | 1 |
Get tapes | 6 | Give money to Michelle | 5 | Get blank tape | 4 |
Degauss all three tapes (2 pts each) | 6 | Make it with Michelle | 60 (total) | Find 2 Live 2 Screw in audio inputs | 8 |
Put tape in camera | 4 | Call limo (second time) | 2 | Record 2 Live 2 Screw | 4 |
Plug in charger | 8 | Get boarding pass to Atlantic City | 4 | Take tape | 7 |
Charge camcorder | 3 | Shatter glass | 15 | ||
Get camera and charger | 1 | Baltimore | |||
Look at fountain | 1 | Read directory | 3 | Miami | |
Get boarding pass to New York | 4 | Show Dataman to guard | 6 | Get quarters from cigarette machine | 5 |
Show AeroDork card to camera | 9 | Get gold record | 12 | Get number of Just Green Cards | 1 |
Put boarding pass in slot | 7 | Play record forwards and backwards at 33 and 78 RPM (3 pts each) | 12 | Get number of limo company | 1 |
Get magazine | 8 | Play keyboard | 8 | Call Just Green Cards | 7 |
Read magazine | 5 | Get Reverse drunk | 40 | Call limo (first time) | 3 |
Get tape | 18 | Get green card | 12 | ||
Workin' for the FBI | Answer dentist's questions correctly | 13 | |||
Look at two scientists (3 pts each) | 6 | Atlantic City | Get doily | 5 | |
Get contact phone number | 1 | Get number of limo company | 1 | Put doily on yourself | 17 |
Look at third scientist | 3 | Pull handle on slot machine | 5 | Unbutton Chi Chi's blouse | 2 |
Get Dataman | 5 | Call limo (first time) | 3 | Give green card to Chi Chi | 15 |
Get Datapaks (13 pts each) | 26 | Guess number | 2 | Make it with Chi Chi | 60 (total) |
Get Hooter Shooter | 6 | Play video poker | 4 | Get boarding pass to Los Angeles | 4 |
Examine Hooter Shooter | 2 | Look at Jennifer Jiggle | 8 | Turn on autopilot | 100 |
Wear Hooter Shooter | 5 | Give camcorder as deposit for skates | 8 | ||
Get champagne | 6 | Wear skates | 3 | Washington | |
Put Reverse Biaz pak in Dataman | 7 | Meet Lana Luscious | 6 | Shoot Julius | 100 |
Show Dataman to driver | 8 | Talk to Lana | 2 | ||
Return skates | 3 | Total | 1000 | ||
New York | Pay to join mud wrestling | 12 | |||
Get quarter from donation box | 5 | Make it with Lana | 60 (total) | ||
Get number of limo company | 1 | Call limo (second time) | 2 | ||
Call limo (first time) | 3 |
Last updated: 9/02/2024