Depending on whether you're playing in ScummVM or DOSBox and your exact settings, there are some CPU timer issues in a few scenes. You may need to throttle down the virtual CPU in the emulator settings.
Press Ctrl-Alt-X to bypass the age test, if desired. You may also want to increase the interval for the "File > Auto Save" reminder to something longer than 5 minutes.
The island jungle screens each have a top and a bottom exit on the east and west edges of the screen. They can be a bit tricky to find at first; look closely to see where the paths go. These directions will be referred to as "top" or "bottom" east and west.
Read the plaque in the center of the screen. Type exit to leave this view. Look through the left pair of binoculars. When done, leave the screen to the bottom right. Follow the pointing hand to your house (this is "top-west"; the pathway is just behind the large-leafed plant). After Kalalau dumps you (*cringes at lesbian stereotypes*), go east and bottom-east. Wait a few seconds. The Lounge Lizard king is back!
Continue one more screen bottom-east, then go bottom-west in the direction the hand points, and west once more into Natives Inc. When you're done being fired (this just isn't your day, is it?), go east and then top-west twice. Get the piece of wood that's under the small tree at the center-right. Continue top-west back to your house. Open the mailbox and get the envelope. You will find a credit card.
Return bottom-east twice and go south past the fountain. Wait and watch the three different souvenir sellers peddle to the sunbathing woman. Walk up to Tawni and look at her. Talk to her to see her closeup, then talk to her again. Give her your credit card. While you are gettin' it on, you will be interrupted. Tawni really is a sucker for souvenirs, isn't she? When the sequence is over, go west. Sharpen the knife on the steps. Go top-west and top-east. Walk into the patch of grass in the center of the screen and cut some grass with the knife. Weave a skirt. Carve the granadilla wood.
Go south, bottom-east, and east behind the steps. Get a drink from the fountain and get the soap on a rope that is hanging over it. Walk into the first stall and wear the skirt. Leave the stall and go west and south to the beach. The game will take over for a bit as you sell Tawni your "souvenir" and make a little cash. (Kinda weird that Tawni's dialogue still refers to you as "the peddler", same as everyone else. I sense stock footage!) When it's over, go east, enter the cabana stall again, and wear your leisure suit. Return west and south to the beach and get the towel. Sunbathe or use towel. Stand up when "your tan looks MAHvelous" and you hear the points music.
For Your Amusement:
On the screen with your house, look at the wall.
Look at the beach.
Walk into the ocean. (save first)
Enter and exit the cabana screen (where you change clothes) until you see a pair of men. Look at them. Talk to each of them.
Search the trash (oil barrel) in the cabana screen.
Continue to sunbathe after you get a tan. (save first)
Cherri and Suzi
Go west, then up the steps into the resort casino. Go north twice and then west. Look into the mirror. Continue west one more screen. Look at the posters. Talk to the man. Give him your free pass. (You don't have an in-game item; the magazine is included in the game package. You can see the game manual on Al Lowe's site .)
Page | Ticket | Page | Ticket | Page | Ticket |
2 | 00741 | 10 | 25695 | 18 | 49114 |
5 | 55811 | 11 | 32841 | 19 | 33794 |
6 | 30004 | 12 | 00993 | 22 | 54482 |
9 | 18608 | 15 | 09170 | 23 | 62503 |
Give money to the maitre d'. Relax and watch the show. After it's over, start walking out of the lobby. Cherri will come out from backstage and start using the phone. Walk up to Cherri. Look at her. Talk to Cherri twice. Offer her your land. She'd do anything, hm? We'll just keep that in mind!
Leave the casino by going east twice, then south twice. Go top west and then top-top-east. The path you're looking for is way up in the top right-hand corner of the screen, in the grey area. Enter the building. Walk up to the desk and ask about your deed. It may take a couple of tries to get Roger's attention. In Suzi's office, sit on the couch. Look at Suzi. Talk to her. Ask Suzi about your land. When she's finished, stand up and leave the building, letting the doors close behind you. Return immediately and ask Roger about the deed. Leave.
Return south, bottom-east, up the stairs, north twice, and west twice to the casino showroom lobby. Knock on the door. You'll give the deed to Cherri and she'll start to reward you. When the game returns control to you and asks what you're going to do, say dance. After your dance is over, leave the casino (yes, dressed just as you are!). Return west and top-top-east to Dewey, Cheatem, and Howe. Ask Roger about your divorce from Kalalau. Pay him. You'll be in for another treat when you go into Suzi's office.
When the experience is over, once again leave the building and return. Ask Roger about your divorce papers. Leave the building. Return south, bottom-east, into the casino, north, and west to the show lobby. Open the door and go into the backstage area. Walk over to the dark lump on the floor, which is your leisure suit. Wear the suit. Leave the casino.
For Your Amusement:
On the screen with the mirror, look at yourself and the casino.
Wait and do nothing while in Cherri's getup on the casino dance stage. (save first)
Look at the trees in the DCH lobby.
Look at Roger's computer.
Look at Suzi's desk.
Look at the fax machine in Suzi's office.
Go top-west and then bottom-west. Enter Fat City. Read the divorce. Look at the Fat City card. Turn it over. Notice the names of the three businesses and look up their corresponding page numbers in the magazine. This is the combination to Suzi's locker (locker #69, naturally). Write it down.
Bippi's Island Liquors | 10 | Island Office and Voodoo Supply | 13 | |
Chip 'n' Dale's | 12 | Nontoonyt Community Center | 9 | |
Comedy Hut | 8 | Nontoonyt Nectarine Advisory | 19 | |
Dewey, Cheatem and Howe | 16 | Panti-of-the-Month Club | 13 | |
Fat City | 23 | Piggi's Coffee Shop | 18 | |
Freddi's Feral Bar-B-Q | 12 | Pink Flamingo | 2 | |
Hurtz Rent-A-Bike | 24 | Witch Doctor Appearance Centre | 17 | |
Island Computer Center | 10 |
Insert the card into the slot by the door on the left. Follow the "maze" to the dead end that's as far up the screen as you can go. Stand facing north, with the line that marks the corner fully visible to the left of Larry. Open locker and enter the combination. If it doesn't open, you may not be standing on quite the right spot; move a little and try again.
When you have the locker open, look inside it. Wear the sweats. Close the locker. Go out through the right-hand doorway at the top right of the screen. In the exercise room, walk up to one of the machines. Exercise. Move the cursor keys up and down, making sure the counter in the center of the screen is increasing. The game will let you know when you've done enough reps. (In the GOG version this is fixed at 12 reps.) Stand and move to the next machine. The rightmost can be used from both the top side and the bottom side. When you have used all four, stand and witness your transformation into he of the titular (tee hee hee) Pulsating Pectorals!!
Leave the exercise room and return to the locker. Open it and undress. Wear the towel (or don't, if you'd like to see full frontal Larry). Close the locker. Go into the left-hand door. Walk to the top center of the screen and turn on the water. Walk under the spray and use the soap. Turn off the water and leave the shower. Go back to the locker and open it. Dry off and use the deodorant. Wear your leisure suit and close the locker. Go back through the maze and leave the locker room to the east. Put the card in the slot by the door at the top of the screen. Approach the stage. Look at Bambi. Talk to her three times. Help Bambi with video. After the fireworks are over, leave Fat City.
For Your Amusement:
Turn over the Fat City card a second time.
Masturbate in the shower.
Don't dry off after showering. (save first)
Go east, top-east, and west into the cave opening. Carefully walk up to the flowers growing on the right side of the screen (don't fall!) and pick some. Make a lei. Return west out of the cave, south, bottom-east and east to the casino. Go up the ramp and head east twice at the top, into the piano bar. (Hmm, Patti seems to have gotten a dye job since LSL2, or else she was a bottle blonde then.) Sit in the seat closest to the pianist and look at Patti. Talk to Patti a few times. Show her your divorce and give her the lei. Ask Patti for a date. She will give you the key to her penthouse apartment. Stand and leave the casino.
Go west, top-east and east. Enter the Comedy Hut through the red "saloon" doors. Approach the men at the lower left table and talk to them. Enter anything you like. When they're gone, sit down at the center table and take the bottle. Sit through Paul Paul's comedy routine. It's offensive (even by late 1980s standards, never mind 21st century), clichéd, boring, long, offensive, clichéd, and boring, but you score 100 points for seeing the duck impersonation at the end of it. (My suggestion for getting through it is to supply silly adjectives or other non-ethnicities when prompted to name three ethnic groups.)
When it's over, stand, leave and return west, bottom-east, and up the stairs to the casino. Go immediately to the right, rather than going up the ramp. Press the call button for the elevator. Once inside, press 9. Walk up to the tray with the glasses and pour the wine. Watch the scene (or press F8 to skip it, if you'd rather not).
For Your Amusement:
Walk off the edge of the cave cliff where you pick the orchids. (save first)
Exit and re-enter the piano bar until you catch both Elvis and Roger Wilco.
In the Comedy Hut, get on stage.
Welcome to the Jungle
Here you switch point of view to Patti. Walk behind the dressing screen at the lower left. Wear your bra, panties, hose, and dress. Take the empty wine bottle from the table at the foot of the bed. Leave the room to the south and go down the elevator by pressing 1. Go west, north, north, and east twice to the piano bar. Take your tips from the tip jar on the piano and take the "magic" marker from the black sign at bottom left. Leave the casino.
Go behind the casino to the cabana. Stand next to the drinking fountain and drink. Fill the bottle. Go west, top-west, and top-east. Talk to the man standing outside Chip 'n' Dale's. Count your tips. Handy, that! Pay the man. Walk up to the center chair at the table in front of you and sit. Watch the show. Very soon, Dale's shirt will land on your table. Throw your panties at him. Afterwards, Dale will come talk to you. Look at him. Ask Dale about Larry. Talk to Dale. Exit the close-up, stand up, and leave the strip club. Go east and northeast. Walk up to the wall of bamboo, then walk west to enter the maze. Save the game.
For Your Amusement:
Play the piano in your penthouse.
Rather than paying the doorman at Chip 'n' Dale's, type suck cock (or other words to that effect).
In this maze, you need to drink the water when you get a message saying you're "delirious". Go N N E E N W N E N N N W W S W W N N W N. (Never never ever eat nectarines washed; no, eat Nontoonyt nectarines naturally! When we're slurping wholesomely, we nibble nutritiously with nectarines!)
Once out, save the game again. Carefully walk up to the edge of the river and drink. Continue north. Walk up next to the smaller rock at the edge of the cliff (not the arch). Remove your hose and tie the hose to the rock. You will automatically descend the cliff. After you fall onto the ledge, walk south towards the hemp plants. Pick some hemp, then make a rope. Walk up to the right-hand palm tree. Climb the tree, get some coconuts, and climb down. Throw the rope across the chasm. Repeat if necessary until you lasso the rock on the far side. Tie the rope to the tree. Rip dress to make a "safety" harness. Cross chasm.
Once across, save the game. Walk carefully west along the edge of the chasm and exit to the northwest. Remove your bra and put the coconuts in it. Save the game. Slowly approach the river, staying to the left as much as you can. When the pig jumps out, throw your bra at it. (The game won't let you until you've been shown the message about the pig, but be quick after that.) Continue north, as if you were going to walk into the river. On the next screen, actually walk into the river. Swim up to the log that is half hiding beind the plants on the left. Examine the log. Move the log, then slow the game down and save. Ride the log.
You now begin an arcade sequence where you must dodge obstacles. It's quite long. A good technique is to stay close to the bottom of the screen and save the game after every few obstacles you pass, cycling between two or three saved games (since it's possible to save at a point where you cannot avoid the next obstacle). To move, don't hold the arrow key down; just press once to lean to the left or right. You can also press number-pad 5 to stay put. This sequence is especially difficult because the upcoming obstacle is always randomized, even if one was already visible on the screen when you saved. (You can also press F8 to skip the whole sequence, although you forfeit 150 points by doing so. If you want to do this, you have to first press Enter or click the mouse to clear the message telling you to press F8, then press it once you actually see the river sequence.)
When you finally get to the end, you'll be captured by (some terrible stereotypes of) Amazons.
For Your Amusement:
After picking the hemp, smoke pot. (save first)
The Wacky, Illogical Ending
In the cage with Larry, use magic marker (or draw door) to draw yourself an escape route. After you fall into the Police Quest set, exit at the top right towards "Studio C". (Fourth wall? What fourth wall?) Continue east onto the Space Quest set. Float over to the anti-gravity machine and stop. Wait until you rotate upside-down, then pull the plug. Go east one last time onto the King's Quest 4 set, and watch the ending movie.
For Your Amusement:
Look at all the stuff in the Sierra prop room: the flats, the taxi, the gravestone, the cauldron, the clothes, the sign (the "M"), the men (salesmen clones), and the numerals.
For further entertainment, you may be interested in information on unused game resources, differences between game releases, debugging mode tricks, etc. at The Cutting Room Floor.
Action | Points | Action | Points | Action | Points |
Tawni | Bambi | Jungle, cont'd. | |||
Read plaque | 2 | Read divorce | 100 | Get wine bottle | 25 |
Look through binoculars | 2 | Turn over Fat City card | 65 | Get tips | 25 |
Get granadilla wood | 2 | Put keycard in locker room slot | 3 | Get "magic" marker | 50 |
Get credit card | 20 | Open locker | 100 | Fill bottle with water | 37 |
Give credit card to Tawni | 52 | Wear sweats | 4 | Pay doorman | 43 |
Make it with Tawni | 38 | Do reps on all four machines | 100 | Throw panties at Dale | 100 |
Sharpen knife | 50 | Use soap in shower | 60 | Look at Dale | 1 |
Cut grass | 20 | Dry off | 22 | Drink water in maze | 20 |
Weave skirt | 30 | Use deodorant | 27 | Exit bamboo maze | 100 |
Carve wood | 50 | Put keycard in studio slot slot | 3 | Drink from river | 42 |
Drink from fountain | 2 | Help Bambi with video | 102 (total) | Remove hose | 15 |
Get soap | 12 | Tie hose to rock | 40 | ||
Wear skirt | 10 | Patti | Pick hemp | 10 | |
Go to beach as peddler | 35 | Pick flowers | 25 | Make rope | 100 |
Get towel | 2 | Make lei | 50 | Get coconuts | 25 |
Get a tan | 30 | Look at Patti | 5 | Throw rope across chasm | 20 |
Show divorce to Patti | 100 | Tie rope to tree | 20 |
Cherri and Suzi | Give lei to Patti | 100 | Rip dress | 50 | |
Look in casino mirror | 2 | Ask Patti for a date | 100 |
Remove bra | 5 |
Bribe maitre d' | 50 | Get penthouse key | 25 | Put coconuts in bra | 45 |
Look at Cherri | 5 | Talk to men in Comedy Hut | 5 | Throw bola at pig | 100 |
Offer land to Cherri | 25 | Take wine bottle | 15 | Move log | 10 |
Ask Roger about deed | 10 | Watch comedy act/see duck impersonation | 100 | Ride log | 20 |
Ask Suzi about land | 30 | Press 9 in elevator | 4 | Survive river obstacles | 150 |
Ask Roger about deed (after talking to Suzi) | 20 | Pour wine | 500 | ||
Give deed to Cherri | 25 | The Wacky Ending | |||
Dance | 43 | Welcome to the Jungle | Draw door | 500 | |
Pay Roger for divorce | 10 | Wear bra | 20 | Pull plug | 40 |
Make it with Suzi, dressed in costume | 100 | Wear panties | 20 | ||
Ask Roger about divorce papers | 20 | Wear hose | 20 | Total | 4000 |
Wear leisure suit | 25 | Wear dress | 10 |
Last updated: 9/02/2024