First things first:
(Al Lowe has the Larry manuals up on his site. See also clues & cheats there.) In some releases of the game, you can bypass the copy protection by typing in 0724 (Al Lowe's birthday) for any of the women. However, you don't see the opening movie if you do that.
Los Angeles
Go into the garage and walk to the right until you're hidden. Look. Get the dollar bill. Leave the garage. Go three screens north and two east to a screen that says "LIQUOR" on the side of a building. Look. Walk up to the knothole in the fence and look through the knothole. Proceed one more screen east and enter the Quikie Mart. Look at the woman behind the counter. Talk to her. Buy a lottery ticket. Select any six numbers you like (no need to write them down). Leave the Quikie Mart.
Go three screens west to KROD TV. Go inside. Look at the receptionist. Talk to her. Show her the lottery ticket. Take careful note of the six numbers she mentions. When she asks you what numbers are on your ticket, tell her the six numbers she just said. In the green room, walk to the top of the screen and sit on the bench In a few moments you will be fetched by a man in a green outfit. (Oh boy. Gay stereotype jokes.) Stand up and follow him through the left door. Play "The Dating Connection". (Oh boy. Airhead woman jokes.) It doesn't matter what answers you give. When it's over, you'll have a cruise ship ticket.
Sit down on the green room bench again. In a little while, you will be fetched a second time by a woman in white. Stand and follow her through the door on the right. You don't need to do anything here; you will automatically spin the wheel and win a million dollars a year for life. When it's all finished, leave KROD with your shiny new million-dollar bill. Go one screen east and one south. Enter Molto Lira, the only store in town that can break your million dollar bill. Go to the rack of swimsuits at the back and get one. Walk to the front of the counter and pay for it. (Wow. Only 6.5% sales tax in California? Those were the days...) Leave the store and go two screens east. Enter Swabs Drugs. Go to the left side of the left rack and get some sunscreen. Pay the clerk and leave.
Go one screen north to the Quikie Mart. Walk up to the drink dispenser and get Gulp. Pay the clerk and leave. Go two screens south and two screens west to a screen with glass buildings in the distance. Look. Carefully watch the center area of the screen, just behind the row of red bushes. When you see something moving there (from left to right), look at jogger. Go one screen west and one south, back to Eve's house. Walk up to the trash cans and search the trash twice. Take the passport. Go east two screens and enter Hairy Reams. Sit in the barber's chair and you will get a haircut. (The music shop doesn't open until you've done this.)
Leave Hairy Reams and go two screens north and two west to Ye Olde Ethno-Musicology Shoppe. Enter the store. Look at the woman. Talk to her. After you get the onklunk, watch the scene. When you regain control, go one screen south and one east. Show the purser your ticket. Walk up the gangway onto the Love Tub. Bon voyage!
For Your Amusement:
At Eve's house, sing to the balcony.
One screen north of Eve's house, look (in general) and look at the bushes.
Outside KROD, wait for a man to enter the screen from the left, and look at him.
On the "Hollywood" screen, look at the sign, and look at the cars. (...HA!)
On the screen with the fence, walk up behind the dumpster, right into the spot where it meets the wall. (...Classy.)
Look at the Quikie Mart, and look in the window. (Look at the left pane of the window with your actual eyes as well - you might see a familiar shape.)
In the KROD lobby, look at the painting.
In the green room, look at the painting.
Look at the suits and the statue (or painting) at Molto Lira.
Leave Molto Lira and Swabs without paying for your items.
Leave the Quikie Mart without paying for the Gulp. (save first)
Drink the Grotesque Gulp. (save first)
On the screen with the Scurvy Dog Saloon, look at the men.
One screen east of Eve's house, look, and look at the man.
Outside Ye Old Ethno-Musicology Shoppe, look at the light.
In the music shop, look, and look at one of the instruments. (Choose something simple, like "drums"; there are many nouns the game doesn't recognize.)
After visiting the music shop, go one screen east from where you regain control, and wait. (save first)
On the gangway, look in the windows of the ship.
Aboard the Love Tub
You are visible at the bottom right of the cutaway view. Save the game. Go east into your cabin. Walk towards the back and get the fruit. Open the door on the right. When Momma Bimbo is finished talking, look at her. Return to your cabin, move out of the doorway, and close the door. Walk to the top right corner, behind the grey wardrobe/closet. Wear the swimsuit and the sunscreen.
Leave your room. Follow the path up to the deck two decks above your cabin and go all the way east (aft) to the ship's swimming pool. Lie down on the empty lounge chair. Ignore the blonde henchette who approaches and propositions you. When she's gone, stand up and walk into the pool. Swim. Move to the center of the pool and dive. Go straight down, get the bikini top, and immediately return to the surface. Swim to the south edge of the pool, get out of the pool, and wear the sunscreen again. Leave the pool area to the south and return to your cabin. (Finding the exact right point to press the arrow key or click to go down the first set of stairs can be a pain.)
Walk behind the wardrobe and wear the leisure suit. Save the game. Open the door on the right again. Wait ten or fifteen seconds, then head towards the nightstand. If Momma Bimbo comes in, restore. (This may take quite a few tries. It may help to walk straight across to the bed and then up, rather than on a diagonal.) When you've managed to get into her room undisturbed, walk over to the nightstand and open the drawer. Look in the drawer. Get the sewing kit. Close the drawer. Leave Momma's room and close the door. Leave the cabin, go up to the pool deck, and go all the way west. Sit in the barber's chair. When finished, you will be returned to the cutaway view.
Walk to the center of the middle deck and go up the stairs to the revolving lounge. Go to the left side of the bar. Get the spinach dip. Leave the lounge and go back down the stairs to the middle deck. Go up the stairs that are on the west end of the deck, and into the bridge. Walk carefully to the console just behind the captain and throw the switch. This starts the evacuation sequence. (How would you know to do this, since looking at the console just tells you you don't understand it and doesn't even mention a switch?) Leave the bridge and go to the small deck that extends west off the stairs that go to the lounge. You may find it easier to go past them, then turn around and try to "take the exit" going downwards. (Slowing the game down may also help.) Walk over to the opening in the wall and get in the lifeboat. You will automatically be lowered into the water.
When your boat begins drifting away, use the sunscreen again, wear the wig, and throw away the spinach dip. You will now drift at sea for ten days and finally be washed ashore.
For Your Amusement:
Look through the window in your cabin.
Eat the fruit. (save first)
Walk close to Mama Bimbo. (save first)
In the cutaway view, look at the flag.
Sunbathe without first applying sunscreen. (save first)
Stand up and follow the blonde henchette. (save first)
Drown in the pool. (save first)
Look in Mama's closet.
Sit in the empty seat in the bar and order a drink. (save first)
Resort Island
If you're really curious "what possessions survived your disastrous journey," check your inventory. (You might notice the fruit is gone. It's an alternate solution to having the sewing-kit-cum-fishing-rig: you'll eat the fruit if you have nothing else, for fewer points, but otherwise it quietly disappears.)
Walk south. Notice the palm tree in the left-center of the screen. You need to get a pink flower that is growing near its base, but the computer controls you during this sequence. You will look around, walk off the screen to the left, and then re-enter from the right, walking left. When you walk up to bushes next to the palm tree, get the flower. Then just ride it out. (After this first time, you can speed up the jungle maze by saying walk around once you enter.)
You will end up in a restaurant. Talk to the man. Sit in the chair near the dividing rope. Wait while every rich and famous (and identical and Sierra-owning) jerk in the country is seated before you. When it's finally your turn, don't sit down at the table set up for you. Instead, go over to the buffet and get the cheese knife. (Make sure you do this now, because you won't be able to do it when you come back a second time.) Leave the restaurant.
After a second trip through the maze, you will be in a hotel room. Ignore the maid whenever she appears. Walk over to the nightstand, look at it, and get the matches. Go into the bathroom. Examine the sink and get the soap from the bowl. Leave the room.
After a third trip through the maze, you end up in a barber shop. Sit in the chair. (Oh boy, Italian stereotype jokes.) Why, what lovely hair you now have, my dear! Leave and go through the maze again. Back at the beach, go one screen west and get the blue bikini bottom that's sitting on the rocks just south of the nude sunbathers. (It's not there when you initially wash up on the beach.)
Go east, south, and through the maze again. You will wind up in the restaurant again, but there's nothing to do this time, so just leave.
Back in the hotel room, go to the top right of the screen, so you're hidden behind the wall. Wear the bikini. Put the soap or the money in the bikini top. (The soap only works in some versions.) Leave. You will arrive in the barber shop again. Sit in the chair and you will get a wax job. (For anyone out there wondering, no, that's not what waxing is like.) When finished, leave and go through the maze one last time.
You end up on the beach again. In your blonde babe disguise, you can now walk east from the beach, and the KGB will let you pass -- or make a pass at you, as the case may be. You can even walk up and examine the KGB men, if you like. Continue east. These cliffs may look dangerous, but don't worry about falling; you can't die. Just before the last bend in the path, save the game. When you go around the bend and are told that you pause ("...and your escape from that wonderful tropical resort"), wear your leisure suit. Do this quickly; you have only a moment to start typing the command, and if you don't, game over.
For Your Amusement:
Walk east from the landing beach at each stage in your disguise: completely normal; with only blond hair; wearing the bikini but without stuffing the top; and without having the body wax. (save first)
Look at the shark fin in the maze.
Give money to the maitre d' in the restaurant.
Sit down at your table in the restaurant and eat the food. (save first)
Eat some of the cheese from the buffet table.
In the guestroom, look in the mirror.
Try something naughty with the maid. (save first)
Look at the people on the nude beach (where you pick up the bikini bottom).
Talk to the maitre d' on your second trip into the restaurant, while blonde.
Look at yourself in the mirror after changing into the bikini and stuffing your top.
On the beach screen with the KGB, look at the bushes. (I'm not sure whether this joke was intentional, or whether it was just a fortuitous aliasing of "bushes" for some other noun.)
The Airport and Airplane
Walk up to the KGBishnas at the front door, but don't get too close. Look at Krishnas (the game uses the word "KGBishna" in its descriptions, but doesn't recognize it as input). Give them the flower. Go into the airport. Ignore the ticket lines for now. Go one screen west and into the barber shop. Look at the barber. (Heeeyyy, wait a second... is there any such thing as Daventry Airlines?) Sit in the chair. (It's highly "inflammatory"? Maybe that's Daventry dialect. For what it's worth, if you look at the object in inventory once you have it, the description correctly says "inflammable".)
When finished, go east two screens. Walk up to the man and show him your passport. Go east through the gate and through the baggage area to the snack bar. Buy insurance from the red vending machine on the right of the screen. Look at the grey sign to the left of the doorway you came in through. Um. Blue "Pate"? For real? Oh well. Walk up to the waitress and order the special. Search the food and take the bobby pin. Return west to the baggage area. Stand next to the conveyor belt and watch the X-ray screen. The tenth, camouflage, bag has a bomb (which is visible in the X-ray). Take the bag.
After the smoke dissipates, you will be in the ticket lobby, which is finally empty. Go up to the clerk and buy a ticket. Return east to the customs inspector and show your passport again. Go east two screens and step onto the right-hand moving walkway. When you arrive at the gate, take a pamphlet from the left side of the counter. Show your ticket to the gate agent. Walk down the jetway and through the door. Watch the takeoff scene.
After the man in the next seat recognizes you, give him the pamphlet. Take the airsick bag. Stand up and go to the back of the plane. Walk out of the cloud of smoke, stop, and look at the doors. You will learn that there are three doors, not just the two immediately obvious from the picture. Stand just behind the wing of the plane and move all the way down, so you are almost concealed. Try to open the door that you can't see. You want to be told, "There's a large red handle preventing that." Try to move the handle. Pick the padlock with the bobby pin. (If you have trouble with the syntax pick lock with pin, try just pick lock.) Move the handle. Wear the parachute. (In the GOG version, there is a bug that will not credit the points for this action.) Open the door. As soon as you start falling, open the parachute (or pull the cord).
For Your Amusement:
Hit one of the airport guards (men in camouflage).
Walk close to the KGBishnas. (save first)
Look at one of the paintings outside the airport barber shop.
Eat the "Blue Pate Special" both before and after finding the bobby pin. (save first)
Watch the X-ray screen carefully for a subliminal message.
Look at the painting over the X-ray machine.
Take each of the bags on the conveyor belt.
Look at the woman with children at the flight gate.
Go into the cockpit on the airplane. (save first)
Nontoonyt Island
Cut the parachute harness with the cheese knife. (As with the door puzzle, in some versions you need to say cut harness because "cut harness with knife" is not understood.) Walk a little to the right, then take the stick (i.e., the yellow thing lying on the ground). Save the game. Walk down until you hit the rocks, then walk left past the green part of the tree sticking out of the rocks. Look at the bush, and you will notice there are bees. Crawl under the bush. (If you're not close enough, carefully inch your way left.) Walk south one screen.
Save the game. Look carefully at the green mass of tree in the center of the screen. Do you see the snake eyes? When you walk under the tree, that snake will attack. Quickly put the stick in its mouth. (In some versions you need to say use stick as "put stick in mouth" or similar will not work.) Continue to the east.
Save the game again. Look carefully at the shades of brown depicting the swamp. Follow the light brown path across the swamp (using the mouse may help). When you successfully cross, on the next screen, walk down to the river bank, right down in the little pointy bit of brown next to the boulder. Slow the game speed down and save the game (again!). Swing on vine. As you get moving, swing on vine again. The timing can be tricky. Repeat until you are across. Once on the other bank, get a vine. Walk north up the beach, on the right-hand side of the screen. Go get a sammich to tide you over through the long cut-scene that follows. (Oh boy, island tribe stereotype jokes.)
Once the scene is finally over, hold your lounge lizards a moment; we're not going to cross the chasm just yet. Return south and east. Take some ashes from the campfire. Go south. Get some sand from the beach. Now return west, west, and north to the chasm. Save the game, lest you fall in. Stand close to the edge of the cliff, under the left tip of the low branch that extends leftwards. Throw the vine over the tree limb (or, again, try just throw vine without an object). The exact spot can be tricky to find; keep trying. Once on the other side, you will continue north. Go north one more screen. Walk up to the edge of the ice and throw either the ashes or the sand on the ice. In the next screen, go off to the northwest (carefully; it's quite possible to fall off the edge!).
Save the game again. Carefully walk up to the crack in the volcano top. Position yourself just to the right of the small plume of smoke that is coming out of the volcano by the rock in the center of the screen. Put the airsick bag in the bottle of hair rejuvenator. The game is very picky about where you can stand to do this, so just keep trying. (If phrasing the command as put bag in bottle makes you immediately throw the unlit bottle into the chasm, type specifically: put the bag in the bottle. Some versions have a parser bug that forces you to use the definite article here.)
When you've achieved your "Larrytov cocktail", light a match, which will automatically light the bag. Drop or throw the bottle in the crevice. Kaboom! Walk into the elevator--oh shiiiiii--!-- and watch the ending movie.
For Your Amusement:
Walk into the river.
In the screen after the chasm, look at the plant with the purple base.
In the screen after the refrigeration coils, look at the clouds.
For Your Amusement at various times:
Look at the mirror in any barber shop.
For further entertainment, you may be interested in information on unused game resources, differences between game releases, debugging mode tricks, etc. at The Cutting Room Floor.
Action | Points | Action | Points | Action | Points |
Los Angeles | Love Tub cont'd. | Airport/Airplane cont'd. | |||
Get dollar bill | 3 |
Get spinach dip | 2 | Show ticket to gate agent | 3 |
Look through knothole | 1 | Survive drifting at sea | 25 | Give pamphlet to passenger | 8 |
Buy lottery ticket | 3 | Get airsick bag | 5 | ||
Tell winning numbers to receptionist | 10 | Resort Island | Pick lock with bobby pin | 5 | |
Sit on bench in green room | 1 | Get flower | 3 | Wear parachute | 4 |
Play The Dating Connection | 20 | Sit in restaurant | 1 | Open door | 6 |
Get cruise ship ticket | 6 | Get cheese knife | 4 | ||
Spin lottery wheel | 12 | Get matches | 2 | Nontoonyt Island | |
Win $1 million | 7 | Get soap | 2 | Cut harness with cheese knife | 6 |
Get swimsuit | 5 | Sit in barber's chair (become blonde) | 3 | Get stick | 4 |
Pay for swimsuit | 3 | Get bikini bottom | 4 | Crawl under bush | 6 |
Buy sunscreen | 9 | Wear bikini | 5 | Put stick in snake's mouth | 10 |
Get Grotesque Gulp | 5 | Stuff bikini top | 12 | Cross swamp | 5 |
Pay for Gulp | 3 | Get waxed | 3 | Cross river by swinging on vines | 6 |
Look at jogger | 1 | Pass KGB men | 12 | Get vine | 4 |
Get passport | 5 | Pass cliffs/wear leisure suit | 6 | Meet Kalalau | 10 |
Get haircut | 3 | End of cut-scene | 25 | ||
Get onklunk | 10 | The Airport and Airplane | Get ashes | 5 | |
Board Love Tub | 9 | Give flower to KGBishnas | 7 | Get sand | 3 |
Look at barber | 3 | Throw vine over tree | 11 | ||
Aboard the Love Tub | Sit in barber's chair | 3 | Put ashes or sand on ice | 10 | |
Get fruit | 3 | Show passport to security agent | 5 | Make "Larrytov cocktail" | 5 |
Wear swimsuit and sunscreen | 3 | Buy insurance | 3 | Light bag | 5 |
Lie on lounge chair | 3 | Get bobby pin | 7 | Drop bottle in crevice | 10 |
Get bikini top | 7 | Get bag with bomb | 5 | Ending movie | 30 |
Wear sunscreen after swimming | 3 | Lobby clears | 15 | ||
Get sewing kit | 6 | Buy ticket | 5 | Total | 500 |
Sit in barber's chair | 3 | Take pamphlet | 11 |
Last updated: 9/02/2024