This game contains five arcade sequences: a quarterstaff fight, a match of Nine Men's Morris, catching a pixie, an archery tournament, and a climb down a tower wall while dodging falling stones. To get maximum points, you must play with Arcade on the hardest setting; choosing lower settings will yield fewer points. If you turn it all the way down, you won't have to do any of the sequences except Nine Men's Morris, but as a side effect you will not be able to practice archery.
Directions like "go to the overlook" or "go to the widow's cottage" can be followed by using the map in the icon bar. It's possible to walk screen by screen, but you usually don't have to, so I mostly haven't provided directions that specific. (It's a bit of a shame that this means they painted all these lovely forest scenes, and then you barely see any of them in normal gameplay.)
Day 1
Take your horn from the wall. (50 points just for that? Yeah, this game has serious point-total inflation. No idea why they didn't just divide by 10.) Open the small chest on the shelf at the left of the screen and you will automatically take the money. Exit the cave. After Will and Little John leave, go two screens north to the shooting glade. Talk to Simon. Give him a farthing. Click the bow on the wreath on the tree to practice archery. Click the bow icon on your hand to nock another arrow. When you've had enough, click the walk icon on the scene to leave the shooting view.
Return south two screens to camp and go four screens west to the Watling Street overlook. After John speaks to you, wait until you see a man chasing a woman. Walk down onto the road. Talk to them. Shoot the Sheriff's man to save the peasant woman. (You're an outlaw, remember? Non-violence isn't always the best solution here as it might be in most other Sierra games!) Give her a farthing.
Go to the Widow's cottage. Talk to each of the sons and the widow. Leave the screen. You will be fast-forwarded to a cut-scene that night in the outlaws' camp. You will have a special dream, and wake up holding half a heart carved of emerald.
For Your Amusement:
One screen north of the outlaw camp, shoot at a forest pixie and get its bag.
At the Widow's cottage, talk to the sheep.
Day 2
After you awake, leave the cave. Go to the willow grove. Walk to the upper portion of the screen to enjoy the grove for a moment. Go one screen north. If you do not see Marian being attacked, exit the screen and re-enter until she is there. Shoot the monk to save Marian. She will throw you a slipper; pick it up. Leave the screen (or open the map) and the day will end.
Day 3
Go to the overlook. Wait until a beggar appears, and walk down onto the road. Give him a farthing and you will switch clothes with him. Wearing this disguise, open the map and go to the Cobbler's street in Nottingham. Enter to building on the right of the screen. Give Lobb the slipper. After talking to him, you will have a silver comb. Leave the cobbler's, leave the screen, and click the walk icon south of the river to leave Nottingham. The day will end.
For Your Amusement:
Talk to the duck and the cat.
Day 4
Leave the cave. After Will speaks to you, go to the willow grove. Talk to Marian and give her the silver comb. Show her the emerald. After Marian leaves, pick up your bow and arrows. Go to the overlook. When a guard and a man come by, walk down onto the road to stop them. Shoot the guard to save the man. Give the poacher a farthing. After the poacher leaves the screen, the day will end.
Day 5
Leave the cave. After Alan is done talking, go the Widow's cottage to hear what has happened to her sons. Go to the overlook. You will see two monks. Walk down onto the road and stop the man in black robes (Fens monk). Save the game. Click the bow on him to threaten him. Accept his challenge to a quarterstaff fight.
After you have defeated him and are dressed in his robes, go to the Fens Monastery. Walk down the path to the shore. Click the whistle you took from the monk on yourself to summon a boat. Get into the boat by clicking the hand on it. When you arrive at the entrance, talk to the doorkeeper. Save the game. Give him the whistle, then the pouch. Answer his three gemstone riddles, each of which requires pointing to three stones. The powers of the stones are listed in the game manual.
A piece of sky fell to my feet and I picked it up. Where it touched me, it raised boils. I fear it poisons me. |
lapis (it is a fallen piece of the heavens) sapphire (it cures boils) amber (it counteracts poison) or jet (it prevents poisoning) |
Alas, sadness clothes me like a leaden cloak. A wicked woman lies to me, but I fear danger will come upon me by surprise. |
agate (it cures melancholia) amber (it can make a woman confess her sins) turquoise (it warns of danger by changing color) |
Demons dance to my call. I am a thief none can catch. No sharp blade worries me. |
jet (it controls demons) opal (it makes the wearer invisible) carnelian (it suppresses blood flowing from wounds) |
I am old and my hearing fails me, I am ill and wonder when death will come for me, my mouth is dry. |
amber (it cures blindness and deafness) opal (it forecasts death in one who is ill) quartz (it quenches thirst when held in the mouth) |
I have a fever which has driven me to madness. My teeth loosen and I taste blood in my mouth. |
amber (it cures fever) agate (it cures lunacy) carnelian (it cures bleeding gums) |
I have three fears: I fear traveling by ship I fear my wife will be unfaithful I fear the lies of men. |
agate (it protects sailors at sea) sapphire (it preserves chastity) lapis (it is the stone of truth) |
I lie dying, cut deeply by the sword, my flesh burns, spirits of Hades hover to take my soul. |
carnelian (it guides the dead to rebirth) amber (it cures fever) jet (has power in the underworld where the dead walk) |
I must go into battle where I may well be wounded. Then I will know great thirst and my eyes will burn. |
carnelian (it suppresses blood flowing from wounds) quartz (it quenches thirst when held in the mouth) sapphire (it cures diseases of the eye) or lapis (it cures diseases of the eye) |
I must ride upon a fiery horse, through valleys filled with adders and seek the fate that awaits me. |
turquoise (it keeps horses from becoming lame) jet (it cures snakebite) sapphire (it is the stone of destiny) |
I will seek out the devil where he lies and I will cross many seas to do so. Then I shall blast him with fire from heaven. |
jet (it controls demons) lapis (it symbolizes the power of water) or agate (it protects sailors at sea) quartz (it draws down fire from the heavens) |
I would comfort a friend who fears that death will come upon him without warning. But if death should come, let my gifts guide him beyond demon's reach and to new life. |
opal (it forecasts death in one who is ill) jet (it has power in the underworld where the dead walk) carnelian (it guides the dead to rebirth) |
I'll build a ship to carry me skyward. If it falls, I'll not be harmed. But I will never tell how it is done. |
agate (it will pull objects toward the sky) turquoise (it protects from injuries by falling) sapphire (it preserves secrets) |
In summer, my ice does not melt. The red eye becomes clear. Demon runs when I raise my hand. |
quartz (it is petrified ice) sapphire (it cures diseases of the eye) or lapis (it cures diseases of the eye) jet (it controls demons) |
My trees are heavy with fruit, my heart is full of desires, and my wife gives birth to a holy child. |
agate (it brings good crops) carnelian (it grants a heart's desires) quartz (it represents the Immaculate Conception). |
Sadness weighs upon my soul. My heart aches to be filled. Would that I could steal into my love's chamber unseen. |
agate (it cures melancholia) carnelian (it grants a heart's desires) opal (it makes the wearer invisible) |
The drought lengthens, the corn withers in my field, and a witch curses me with a glance. |
lapis (it symbolizes the power of water) agate (it brings good crops) jet (it averts the Evil Eye) |
Once inside, go to the Refectory (the four tables in the center) and you will talk to the Prior. Go to the northwest tower. After the Prior leaves, lower the rope to release Fulk, the jester.
Go to the southeast tower. Examine the rack of scrolls at the back. Read the rightmost scroll in the middle row, that is, the one on the bottom right in the compartment with two scrolls ("the history of this very fort..."). On the page of text after the one that names the "Guardians of the Gate", make note of which faces need to be touched: wisdom, hunger, and the fool. Take the bottom center scroll, the "hand" scroll Marian spoke of. Click the walk icon in the black area to exit.
Take the Prior's goblet to spill it and drive off the Prior. Take the verse scroll he was studying. Open it and read it. Return to the northwest tower. Give the verse scroll to Fulk. Get into the boat he leads you to. Give a farthing to Fulk. Look at each of the gargoyle faces in the arch. Press the bottom left (thoughtful, that is, wisdom), top right (lean and hungry), and top left (foolish) gargoyle faces to open the gate. After you and Fulk reach shore, he will give you a lapis ring that controls water, and the day will end.
For Your Amusement
In the northwest tower, take a rat.
Read all the other scrolls.
Day 6
Leave the cave. After Much is done talking, go to the overlook. When a man in brown robes (Abbey monk) walks by, go down and talk to him. Click the hand on him -- he is very afraid of you and will give up his clothes without a fight or a bribe. Go north along the street to the Nottinghamshire map and go to Nottingham town.
Go to St. Mary's. Enter the abbey. Go through to the left door at the rear of the chapel, into the maze. (See image to the right.) Walk through the maze until you find the exit on the north wall: up; zig to the right, around the top corner of the hedge bit that stops near the top of the screen and exit in the southeast corner of the screen; then turn back north (this bit is tricky, as you're in a tight corner where it's hard to see yourself), go through the gap in the right-hand wall, exit to the north; left through a gap; and then north again towards the back wall. Go west until you see the exit, and look at it. (You need to find the exit now so you know where it is later when you really need it.)
Return through the maze to the abbey. Leave the chapel to the south and go to the laundry, the northwest corner off the entry court. Get the three hanging sets of robes. Go to the refectory tables in the southwest corner and talk to the Abbot. Take the ale cask. Leave the refectory to the east and leave the abbey.
Go to the castle. Talk to the guard. Bribe him with four farthings (1 penny). After the scene, go to the pub. When you see a bucket lower behind the barnan, look at it. Talk to the barman. Give the cask to the barman and you will get a new one in exchange. Talk twice to the man sitting at the game board at lower right. Bet him a farthing. Save the game and play Nine Men's Morris. You must beat Harry to win the amethyst. (If you play fair, this may take many tries, even on a low arcade setting. If you can manage to make a mill while you are still initially placing your pieces, that will strengthen your position. If you're getting frustrated and would rather have a step-by-step algorithm so you can get on with your life, see The Sierra Chest's page for Conquests of the Longbow.)
Once you have won, click the hand on the bars of the cellar door at the back of the room. Click the hand on the tap of the cask that is second from the top to open it and reveal a secret passage. Follow the left tunnel and look through the peephole at the end (do not enter!). Return and take the right fork to return to St. Mary's. Agree to drink with the Abbot. Use the amethyst on your mug of ale. Talk to him five times while you drink until he talks about the treasure train and you gain points. After the Abbot falls asleep, search him and take his money. Take the empty cask as well. Go to the Abbot's room (off to the right of the entrance hall). Look under the rightmost pillow on his bed and take the puzzle box. Put the pillow back in place.
Return to the pub, give the barman the second empty cask, and pay the Abbot's bill of 12 pennies. He will let you back into the secret tunnels. This time, take the left fork. Look through the hole in the door again. Wait for the guards to leave. Enter the room, quickly place 4 pennies (or 3 1/2?) on the table, and leave. Look through the hole again. When the guards go off to buy their ale, go back in and open the trapdoor. Click the robes on the pit to use their silk sashes as a rope to rescue the widow's sons. Return to the secret tunnel and exit on the left of the screen to return to the pub. Agree to try to pass the Sheriff as monks. When asked to bless the Sheriff, talk to him to do so, and you will leave the pub. The widow will reward you with a golden net, and the day will end.
For Your Amusement:
In the abbey, look at all the individual monks' cells.
In the Refectory, use the emerald on the tapestry.
Day 7
Go to the willow grove. Give Marian the hand scroll. Show her the emerald.
Go to the oak tree. Walk to any forest screen nearby and wait for a small pixie to run across the screen. Catch him with the net by clicking it slightly ahead of where he is. This may take a few tries. Watch the scene. After talking to the Green Man, save the game. Talk to him again to begin the riddle test.
You must spell out the answers to the riddles using the Druid hand code that was on the scroll (see image to the left). Click the blank center of the palm to enter your answer. You must answer three riddles correctly, and are also allowed two incorrect answers (the third will result in your remaining a tree forever). These are the answers:
Metal or bone I may be... comb
I am the heart... wood
Golden treasure I contain... beehive
Not born, but from a mother's body... cheese
Many teeth I have... comb
I am two-faced... coin
I am a window, I am a lamp... eye
My first master has four legs... fur
High-born, my touch is gentle... snow
I am the outstretched fingers... feather
Leave the screen to end the day.
For Your Amusement:
Shoot the Green Man/oak tree. (save first)
Day 8

Go to the overlook. Stop the yeoman. Give him some money (the game chooses the amount) and switch clothes with him. Go to Nottingham to the Fair. Catch up to and talk to the woman in blue -- she is Lady Marian.
There are three different scholars wandering around the fair. You are looking for the one in grey, with a brown fur capelet and a grey hat. When you find him, talk to him, and choose the correct coat of arms from his book by answering Yea or Nay as appropriate (see image to the right). If he cannot show you the right one, seek another scholar. When you have identified the scholar, give him the hand scroll. Accept his money. (If it takes more than one try to find the right scholar, and/or you give him the scroll on the second meeting, you will receive fewer points.)
Make sure to do all these things to get all the points:
- Have your fortune told by the fortune-teller.
- Buy a vial of rose oil for Lady Marian from the Apothecary, on the south side of the third screen from the right.
- Give a farthing to each of the two beggars, on the south sides of the second and fourth screens from the right.
- Buy a silk scarf for Lady Marian on the north side of the fourth screen from the right.
When you are finished, go all the way west to the archery tournament. Give the guard a penny and stand in the center lane. Click the bow on the target. To win you need to split the other man's arrow. (See Mythbusters on the implausibility of this!) You will win the golden arrow.
For Your Amusement:
At the fair, look at and talk to everyone, including the mule and the boar.
Day 9
Save the game. Go to the Widow's cottage. Due to the Sheriff's men roaming the forest, you may not be able to use the shortcut and may have to go two screens south and one west. Talk to the widow. Go one screen east and one south. You are standing in the middle of a grove of elder trees, and will hear the Sheriff's men. Click the hand on yourself and spell RUIS. You will be transformed into an elder tree and thus evade the men. (I picked this elder grove because it was near the cottage, but any of the trees can protect you in this fashion if you can find a grove of them. You could also go to the oak tree and spell DUIR, for example. On any screen where there are blackberry bushes that would normally block your path, forming the border of the game area, MUIN will make them move aside so you can pass and escape the Sheriff's men that way.)
Afterwards, go to the overlook. Stop the merchant. Search him by clicking the hand on him until you find his jewels. After you have switched clothes, use the rouge on yourself to change the colour of your facial hair. Go to the castle in Nottingham and talk to the guard. Show the sample jewels to the sheriff. After he asks you for more evidence of this cave, just leave the room. His wife will cajole him into following you and you will have some fun revenge on the Sheriff. (Take the brooch?)
For Your Amusement:
Look for a fly on the cobbler's street in Nottingham, and click the hand on it. If necessary, exit and re-enter the screen until it shows up.
Day 10
Read Fulk's verse scroll that you took from the Prior, and note the first letter of each of the names of the trees that spoke. (This changes every game.) In inventory, click the hand on the puzzle box and enter those letters to open it. Leave the cave. Blow your horn. Select Little John's plan for rescuing Marian. Go to Nottingham and go to the Pub. Talk to the barman repeatedly until he lets you into the cellar. Open the second cask and go to St. Mary's. Leave the Refectory. Wear the fire ring and go into the maze. Quickly go to the exit. Just as you reach the door, you will hear the horn blow. Open the door and you will save Marian. Afterwards, in the willow grove, use the emerald on her to heal her. Take note of the password she gives you (it changes every game).
For Your Amusement:
Save the game before blowing your horn and try each of the plans to rescue Marian.
Day 11
Blow your horn. Select Tuck's plan to ambush the treasure train.
For Your Amusement:
Save the game before blowing your horn and try each of the plans to get the treasure.
Day 12
Head south three screens to the elder grove. There you will have to transform into a tree again to avoid the Sheriff's men. (Or, again, you can choose other trees, such as the oak.)
Go to the overlook and talk to the knight. Show him the password via the hand code. Talk to him again. Show him the password again. When he draws his sword, shoot him. Search his body and you will find a letter proving his treachery. Blow your horn to call Little John and show him the letter.
Day 13
Go to the Fens Monastery and go down the path to the swamp. Remove the fire ring and wear the water ring. Talk to the water spirits. Use the boat they bring you and follow them through the fens. Get out of the boat. Click the hand on the ivy climbing up the tower. Use the hand language to spell GORT and the ivy will grow for you. Climb the wall. Enter the window and talk to the knight/give the letter to him. Spell the password for him. Climb down carefully, watching for falling stones. Once you reach the boat, sit back and watch the ending movie.
For Your Amusement:
On the swamp shore, alternate screens left and right until you see the Loch Ness Monster. Look at her and talk to her.
Items marked with an asterisk are variable according to arcade setting. The amount below is the maximum possible on the highest setting.
Action | Points | Action | Points | Action | Points |
Day 1 | Day 6 | Day 8 cont'd. | |||
Get horn | 50 | Get brown robe | 75 | Buy silk scarf | 25 |
Get money | 50 | Go to St. Mary's | 10 | Win archery tournament | 200* |
Give farthing to Simon | 10 | Enter maze | 10 | subtotal | 545 |
Shoot Sheriff's man | 100 | Find maze exit | 100 | ||
Give farthing to woman | 50 | Get robes from laundry | 50 | Day 9 | |
subtotal | 260 | Get used ale cask | 25 | Escape Sheriff's men by becoming a tree | 75 |
Bribe guard | 50 | Search jeweler (get clothes) | 100 | ||
Day 2 | Look at bucket | 10 | Use rouge | 25 | |
Shoot monk | 100 | Give cask to barman | 25 | Talk to guard | 10 |
Get Marian's slipper | 100 | Win Nine Man's Morris (get amethyst) | 50* | Get brooch | 300 |
subtotal | 200 | Turn tap (find secret passage) | 100 | subtotal | 510 |
Use amethyst | 50 | ||||
Day 3 | Talk to abbot 5 times | 25 | Day 10 | ||
Give farthing to beggar (get clothes) | 100 | Get abbot's purse | 10 | Open puzzle box | 100 |
Give slipper to Lobb | 25 | Move pillow (get puzzle box) | 25 | Talk to innkeeper until he lets you into cellars | 50 |
Receive comb | 25 | Replace pillow | 10 | Enter Witch's Court wearing fire ring | 500 |
subtotal | 150 | Give cask to barman | 10 | Use emerald on Marian | 300 |
Pay abbot's bill | 20 | subtotal | 950 | ||
Day 4 | Leave money on table | 75 | |||
Give comb to Marian | 50 | Guards leave | 100 | Day 11 | |
Show emerald to Marian | 50 | Use robes on trap door | 150 | Choose Tuck's plan | 500 |
Shoot guard | 100 | Agree to impersonate monks | 50 | Seize treasure | 500 |
Give farthing to poacher | 50 | Bless Sheriff | 10 | subtotal | 1000 |
subtotal | 250 | Escape with Widow's sons | 300 | ||
Receive gold net | 50 | Day 12 | |||
Day 5 | subtotal | 1370 | Evade Sheriff's men | 75 | |
Win quarterstaff fight (get black robe) | 100* | Talk to knight | 50 | ||
Use whistle | 25 | Day 7 | Shoot false knight | 50 | |
Answer gem riddles | 100 | Give hand scroll to Marian | 200 | Search knight (get letter) | 50 |
Release Fulk | 100 | Show emerald to Marian | 50 | Blow horn | 50 |
Get Marian's scroll (hand scroll) | 100 | Catch pixie | 10* | subtotal | 275 |
Get Fulk's scroll (verse scroll) | 150 | Answer tree riddles | 200 | ||
Give verse scroll to Fulk | 300 | subtotal | 460 | Day 13 | |
Arrive at water gate | 10 | Climb up ivy | 25 | ||
Give farthing to Fulk | 25 | Day 8 | Enter tower window | 25 | |
Select correct gargoyles | 100 | Give money to yeoman | 100 | Give letter to knight | 100 |
Receive water ring | 25 | Find correct scholar | 100 | Give password | 50 |
subtotal | 1035 | Give scroll to scholar | 50 | Climb down tower | 100* |
Get fortune told | 25 | subtotal | 300 | ||
Buy rose oil | 25 | ||||
Give alms to beggars (10 points each) | 20 | Total | 7325 |
(note: this only actually adds up to 7305)
See The Sierra Chest's page for Conquests of the Longbow for lists of alternate solutions yielding fewer points or ways to lose points.
Last updated: 9/02/2024