Around Serenia
Walk south two screens from Crispin's house and go into town. Enter the tailor's shop (the one directly in front of you) and talk to the man in the green striped sleeves right in front of you. Look at the cloak on the right side of the shop. Try on the cloak, but you can't purchase anything now. Exit the tailor's. The person who was fixing a wagon next to the shop when you went in will be gone. Pick up the silver coin he left behind (you can see it as a white dot that occasionally sparkles). Look in the barrel on the corner of the other building near where the wagon was, and get the fish. Go to the toy shop (the second, arched, doorway). Talk to the owner. Click the hand on the sled hanging on the right wall. Exit this shop and go to the shoemaker's (the green door around the corner). Talk to the woman. Leave the store and leave town to the west.
Go west three screens. Give the fish to the bear. After Queen Beetrice is done talking, click the hand on the hole in the tree to get some honeycomb. Get the stick that's lying on the ground. Go north one screen. Use the stick on the dog. Note that you now have a favor from the ants. After you are done talking with King Antony, go east one screen. Talk to the elderly gnome. Go north one screen. Talk to the weeping willow tree. (Is it me, or is this harp tune in Conquests of Camelot and/or Conquests of the Longbow?) Return south and west to the anthill. Save the game.
For Your Amusement:
Walk near the anthill.
The Desert
Enter the desert by going west one more screen. Go south one screen, then west four screens until you come to an oasis. Drink. Go west two screens, then south one screen. Get the shoe that's next to the skeleton. Go west three screens to another oasis and drink. Go north three screens to some cliffs, then east two screens. Save. Drink from the puddle between the rocks, then move behind one of them to hide. Watch the bandits ride up and open the temple. After they leave, go south, west two screens, then south two screens. Drink at the oasis. Go south three screens, then west one screen to the bandit camp. Save. Drink from the clay jar next to the fire at the bottom left of the screen. Enter the smaller tent. Carefully walk around the rug, get the staff, and walk back around the rug to exit. Drink from the jar again.
Go east, then north three screens. Drink from the oasis. Go north three screens to the cliffs, then east twice. Drink again from the puddle between the rocks. Go north to the temple. Save the game. Use the staff on the door. Get the coin and brass bottle that are near the door and get out. Don't pause to admire the scenery, or you'll be trapped inside; you have only 10-12 seconds. Go south. Drink again. Go east three screens, then south two screens. Drink at the oasis. Go straight east five screens to the bee tree.
For Your Amusement:
Get trapped inside the temple. (save first)
Open the brass bottle. (save first)
The Dark Forest
Go north two screens to the travellers' camp. Give the man the gold coin. Relax and watch the cut-scene. When it's over, wear the amulet Mushka gives you. Go east two screens to a crossroads with a warning sign, then north into the Dark Forest. The witch will probably appear on one of the next two screens, but if not, she definitely will on the third. When she does, use the brass bottle on her.
Take the left fork in the path. Go north and then east. Cross the bridge and enter the house. Open the chest and take the spinning wheel. Click the hand on the lamp hanging from the tree root to get a small key. Open the drawer in the table to the left and get the pouch. In your inventory, click the hand on the pouch to find three emeralds inside it. Leave the house.
Go east. Climb up the toothy-looking ramp, unlock the door in the tree with the little gold key, and get the Willow's heart. Go back down the ramp, around the back side to the place on the western edge where you came in, and west two screens to a screen where you can see eyes blinking in the bushes. Use the honeycomb on the ground to squeeze out a puddle of honey. Use the emeralds on the honey three times to catch an elf. Follow him west twice to the elf land. You will receive a fine pair of boots and be shown the way out of the forest.
Around Serenia Again
Go west. Give the heart to the Willow. (...bleh.) After she and her prince leave, take her harp. Go west. Get the tambourine the travellers left behind. Go south, then east. Give the spinning wheel to the old gnome. He will give you his grandson's marionette. Save the game here just in case it hangs during the song on the next screen.
Go south. Search the haystack. A contingent of King Antony's ants will file in and come up with a golden needle for you. (If you don't have to hear the song they sing in the talkie version, count yourself lucky.) Go east. Slow the game down some and save the game. Ready the old shoe as your active inventory item. Click the walk icon on the eastern edge of the screen, then immediately switch to the shoe. Just as you pass the tree near the eastern edge of the screen, a rat being chased by a cat will appear on the western edge. Quickly throw the shoe at the cat. (If you miss, it will catch the rat and you will not be able to finish the game.) Enter the building, which is the bakery. (The woman and her son in here were winners of a contest to get a cameo in KQ5.) Buy a custard pie with your silver coin.
Leave and go east twice into town. Go to the tailor's (first door). Give him the golden needle to receive the cloak. Leave. Go to the toy shop (second door). Give the toymaker the marionette to receive the sled. Leave. Go to the shoemaker's (third door). Give him the elfin boots to receive his cobbler's hammer. Leave the shop and leave town.
Go west two screens to the inn. Enter the inn and talk to the men. You will be captured and tied up in the basement, but the rat you saved will return the favor. Take the rope that's at your feet. Use the hammer on the door lock. Leave the cellar. Open the cabinet in the kitchen and take the leg of lamb. Leave the kitchen by the western door. Walk south onto the path. Go east twice back to the screen with the town and then go north. Use the tambourine on the snake. Exit eastward into snow country.
Snow Country
During this sequence, when you get hungry, eat the lamb (just once; don't eat all of it).
Save the game. Put on the cloak. Carefully follow the path around and exit to the northeast. Throw the rope onto the rock you see jutting out next to the tree branch. Climb the rope. On the next screen, save the game. Cross the chasm by using the hand icon to jump across the back row of three stones, then to the one closest to the eastern edge of the chasm. Cross over the log. Exit to the east. Wolves will kidnap Cedric. If the game hasn't yet told you you are hungry, eat the lamb now. Use the sled on yourself to toboggan down the mountainside. (Oof!) Go east.
Give the remaining lamb to the eagle. Go north to enter Queen Icebella's castle. After she pronounces her sentence upon you, before her wolves get you, quickly start playing the harp. From the screen the wolf leads you to, walk north towards the cave you can see in the distance. Quickly throw the pie at the yeti. He will fall over the edge. Enter the crystal cave. Use the cobbler's hammer on the crystal at the back center of the screen. Return south and west to Sir Greywolf. You will be led back to the castle, then back to the screen south of the yeti cave. Go south. Make your way around the path towards the "tunnel" at the bottom center of the screen that leads up from the snow to some water. When you emerge from its top, you will be captured by a roc and taken to a bird's nest. Quickly grab the sparkling object (a locket) before you are rescued by the eagle.
For Your Amusement:
On the screen where the wolves kidnap Cedric, look at the middle mountain you see in the distance.
(Floppy disk version only) Click the cloak twice on the broken sled. (save first)
Don't feed the eagle.
The Shoreline and Harpy Island
Get the crowbar (the green bar at the bottom center of the screen). Go north one screen. Look at the boat. Use the beeswax on the boat, then get in it. Go east three screens, then south one. You and Cedric will be captured by Harpies. As the Harpies start debating what to do with you, play the harp. After they leave, pick up the sparkling object that is by the rock at bottom left (a fishhook). Go west. Pick up Cedric and go west again. Get the shell that you can see sparkling in the shadow of the rocks near the center of the screen. Get back in the boat. Go west three screens. Ring the bell outside the shipwreck shack. (And you may ask yourself: How did I get here?) Give the shell to the man. Watch the cut-scene. Cedric will get fixed up and you will be led to Mordack's island.
Mordack's Castle
Take the fish that's lying near the foot of the stairs. Go up the stairs and north. Use the crystal on one of the serpent statues. Go north to approach the castle, then walk west around the side. Use the crowbar on the grate. Save the game. Click the hand on the hole to drop into the labyrinth.
See this map (or this different local version if that link is broken). You begin at the square labeled "Hole" (or "Start"), facing north. The viewpoint rotates with you, so rotate the map accordingly as you move. Make your way to the top right corner labeled "Dink". Use the tambourine on Dink. Get the hairpin he drops. Find the square labeled "Door". Use the hairpin on the door. Go through the door to the castle larder. Open the cabinet on the left and get the bag of peas. Go north to the kitchen. Give the girl the locket -- it's Princess Cassima. Save the game.
Go east one screen to the hallway. Linger, looking at things. You're waiting for a strange blue beast to show up so you can get caught by it. If it doesn't come, wander back and forth between this screen, the dining room (the next screen to the east), and the kitchen until you see it. Don't go south from the dining room because you may run into Mordack's cat Manannan (remember him from KQ3? Manannan is Mordack's brother!), and you're done for if you do. Restore the game if necessary.
When you get caught by the beast and thrown in a dungeon cell, use the fishhook on the mouse hole you can see at the back center to get a piece of cheese. Wait a moment for Cassima to show up and rescue you. Follow her back through the maze to the door into the larder. (If you lose Cassima, you began at the square labeled "Cell".) Go into the kitchen. Make the bag of peas your active inventory item. Save the game.
Go east into the hallway. This time, when the beast shows up, don't get caught; instead, quickly click the peas on it to empty the sack all over the floor and trip up the beastie. When you have an empty pea sack, save the game. Go to the dining room, then go south. Now you are looking for the cat. Go back and forth between the screen south of the dining room and the one to the west (with statues and a stairway) until you see him. (If you get caught by the blue beast -- despite appearances, it was only unconscious -- restore the game.) When you find the cat, use the fish on him. While Manannan's busy with the fish, use the sack on him to put the cat in the bag. Now you don't have to worry about him any more.
Go up the stairs in the room south and west of the dining room. Go west into Mordack's bedroom and south into his library. Read the book lying on the table at the bottom left of the screen. Stand to the left of the doorway and wait a while until you see Mordack poof into his bedroom and go to sleep. Enter his bedroom, go up to the night table, and take his wand. Go east two screens into the laboratory. Go up the stairs. Walk over to the machine on the right-hand side of the screen. Put Crispin's and Mordack's wands in it, then put in the cheese. After the fireworks are over, quickly take Crispin's wand. You will be discovered by Mordack. When he transforms into a "sting", click the wand on yourself or on him, pick the tiger spell, and click OK. When he changes into a dragon, click the wand on him and pick the rabbit spell. For the cobra, choose the mongoose, and for the fire, the raincloud. Mordack will be rained out. Enjoy the ending movie.
For Your Amusement:
Play the organ. (save first)
For further entertainment, you may be interested in information on unused game resources, differences between game releases, debugging mode tricks, etc. at The Cutting Room Floor.
Action | Points | Action | Points |
Around Serenia | Snow Country | ||
Get silver coin | 2 | Wear cloak | 4 |
Get fish | 2 | Climb rope | 5 |
Give fish to bear | 6 | Cross chasm | 2 |
Get honeycomb | 2 | Eat lamb (once only) | 4 |
Throw stick to dog | 4 | Sled down mountain | 5 |
Give lamb to eagle | 3 | ||
The Desert | Play harp for Icebella | 6 | |
Drink at oasis (first time only) | 2 | Throw pie at yeti | 4 |
Get shoe | 2 | Break crystal with hammer | 4 |
Find temple | 3 | Get locket in roc's nest | 2 |
Hide behind rock | 2 | Eagle rescue | 2 |
Find bandit camp | 3 | ||
Get staff | 2 | Shoreline and Harpy Island | |
Open temple | 2 | Get crowbar | 2 |
Get coin | 2 | Use beeswax on boat | 5 |
Get brass bottle | 2 | Captured by Harpies | 3 |
Play harp | 4 | ||
The Dark Forest | Get fishhook | 2 | |
Give gold coin to man (get fortune told) | 5 | Get Cedric | 3 |
Enter Dark Forest | 2 | Get shell | 2 |
Use brass bottle on witch | 4 | Give shell to man | 7 |
Get spinning wheel | 2 |
Find key in lamp | 2 | Mordack's Castle | |
Get pouch of emeralds | 2 | Get fish | 2 |
Unlock door in tree | 3 | Use crystal on serpent statue | 5 |
Get Willow's heart | 2 | Open grate with crowbar | 4 |
Squeeze honey on ground | 4 | Use tambourine on Dink | 3 |
Use emeralds on honey three times (2 points each) | 6 | Get hairpin | 2 |
Get boots | 4 | Pick lock with hairpin | 4 |
Get bag of peas | 2 | ||
Around Serenia Again | Give locket to Cassima | 4 | |
Give heart to Willow | 4 | Get caught by blue beast (one time only) | 2 |
Get harp | 2 | Get cheese from hole with hook | 4 |
Get tambourine | 2 | Empty sack of peas in front of beast | 3 |
Give spinning wheel to gnome (get marionette) | 4 | Give fish to cat | 3 |
Search haystack | 2 | Catch cat in bag | 2 |
Throw shoe at cat | 4 | Take Mordack's wand | 3 |
Buy custard pie | 2 | Put Crispin's wand in machine | 4 |
Give needle to tailor (get cloak) | 4 | Put Mordack's wand in machine | 4 |
Give marionette to toymaker (get sled) | 4 | Put cheese in machine | 5 |
Give boots to cobbler (get hammer) | 4 | Choose correct spells to defeat Mordack (5 points each) | 20 |
Take rope | 2 | ||
Break lock with hammer | 4 | Total | 260 |
Get lamb | 2 | ||
Use tambourine on snake | 3 |
Last updated: 9/02/2024