This walkthrough refers to the original Sierra version. For the Infamous Adventures fan remake in VGA, click here.
General Information
The bulk of this game is racing against the clock. Manannan leaves to go on journeys or sleep for 25 minutes at a time. You'll need two of these periods of time to get everything done. You must make sure to leave no evidence to tip him off that you're defying him: when he returns or wakes, everything in his office must be back in place, and you must not be carrying any of various forbidden items (marked with an asterisk in your inventory), or he will kill you. He will also kill you if he catches you down the mountain more than five times (if you're not carrying any of the forbidden items, he'll just send you back up) or if you fail to perform your chores more than five times.
Although you can teleport down the mountain with the magic map, teleporting back to the house actually only sends you to the bottom of the mountain. You still have to walk up, which takes about 1:00-1:15 with the game speed on Normal, so it's a good idea to start climbing with several minutes to spare so you have time to arrive safely and hide stuff under your bed.
If you've kept your nose clean, then whenever Manannan is not away or asleep, he will poof around the house keeping an eye on you without saying anything. You can just ignore him when he does this.
Manannan's House
You begin inside the house. In a few moments Manannan will appear and assign you a chore. Perform it at once.
1. Feed the chickens. The chicken feed is in a pile next to the coop, outside the house. Walk up next to it (careful not to fall off the mountain, which is easy to do here) and feed chickens.
2. Dust his office. The office is one screen north from the entryway of the house, and the feather duster is on top of the oak cabinet in the lower left corner of the screen. When you take it, you will automatically dust the office and then return the duster to its place.
3. Empty his chamber pot. Manannan's bedroom is on the second floor, north off the first screen. Pick up the pot next to the bed and you will automatically dump it out the window and replace it.
4. Clean the kitchen. From the inside the front door of the house, go east and north into the kitchen. Take the broom leaning against the back wall and you will automatically sweep the kitchen.
When you're finished with the chore, go to the dining room. Get the tin cup from the table. Go into the kitchen. Walk up into the top left corner by the butter churn and get the blue bowl from the shelves on the left. Get the spoon and knife hanging next to the fireplace. Take the mutton chop, fruit, and bread from the table by the windows. (You'll only wind up using one of them in this walkthrough, but taking them all scores points.) Before you can do anything else, you need to wait for Manannan to leave, so twiddle your thumbs for a while. (Don't go into his office, because if you catch him in there, he'll scold you and assign you another chore, which will make it take longer until he leaves and you can get started.) Somewhere around 5:00-7:00 game time, Manannan will appear to say he has decided to take a journey. He'll return 25 minutes later, at about 30:00, so keep an eye on the clock.
Is he gone? OK, let's get cracking!
Whenever you see the black cat wandering around, walk up to it and get it. It may take a few (or many) tries, but eventually you will catch it. Get some hair.
Go to Manannan's bedroom on the second floor. Open the drawer under the vanity mirror and you will get a hand mirror. Walk over to the wardrobe (or closet) in the top right corner. Look on top of wardrobe and you will get a small brass key. Open the wardrobe. Look behind clothes and you will get a scroll of parchment (a magic map). Close the wardrobe. Open the drawer in the table on the right of the screen to get Rose Petal Essence. Go up to the observatory on the third floor and get the fly lying on the floor at the right.
Return to the first floor and go into the office. Unlock the cabinet at the bottom left (with the brass key). You will automatically take the wand, close the cabinet, and lock it. Walk up to the bookshelves on the right side of the room. Move a book. Pull the lever. Go down the stairs. These aren't too tricky by themselves, but if you see the cat, save the game. If you get too close to it, will trip you and you will fall to your death, and what counts as "too close" is probably further away than you realize until the first time it gets you. You can pass by it if you stay as far away from it as possible, but it can be a bit tricky.
Proceed downstairs to the lab. Examine the shelves at the back of the room. Get the saffron. Look at the table (note the mortar and brazier), then look at the book. The actual text of the book is in the manual and acts as copy protection. To do magic, you have to turn to the desired page as shown in the manual by specifying it in Roman numerals (!), follow the instructions exactly, and type the incantation exactly as it appears. This is all as much of a pain in the ass as it sounds like. You can save in the middle of performing a spell, but this can make it easy to lose your place, so be very careful if you choose to do that. In any case, save the game right before beginning any spell.
Right now you only have ingredients for the "Flying Like an Eagle or a Fly" spell. Turn to page IV. Put saffron in the rose essence. A box will pop up for you to enter the magic words. Press Enter at the end of each line:
Oh winged spirits, set me free
Of earthly bindings, just like thee.
In this essence, behold the might
To grant the precious gift of flight.
Wave the magic wand. If you look at your inventory, you will see that you now have Magic Rose Essence. To use it, you dip either the wings of a fly (which you have) or an eagle feather (which you don't, yet) into the essence. You can use the essence four times. Go back to the first floor.
For Your Amusement
Kick the cat.
Sleep in your bed.
Eat the chickens.
In Manannan's bedroom, use pot. (No, not that kind of "use pot". This isn't Leisure Suit Larry 3!)
When Manannan is home, go to the observatory. Leave and re-enter the screen until you catch him using the telescope.
Look carefully at the bookshelves in the office. Do you see the computer screen?
Look under the rug in Manannan's bedroom.
Look behind the tapestry outside your bedroom.
When Manannan is home, repeatedly go down the mountain path as far as you can, or don't do your chores. (The sixth punishment will be death.)
Drink the rose essence. (save first)
Make a mistake when casting the flying spell. (save first)
The Town and Desert
Regarding bandits: in some of the screens near the mountain path and in the west of Llewdor near the desert, you may be mugged by bandits. If this happens, don't worry; you can get your stuff back. Skip ahead to "The Bandits' Hideout" to find out how.
Leave the house. Walk up to the chicken yard and open the gate. Walk up to a chicken and get it. This may take a few tries. When you catch one, take a feather. Open the gate again to leave the chicken yard.
Take a moment to examine the magic map. Currently, it is blank. You can only use the map to travel to places you have already been: visiting a screen down the mountain will fill in its square. The first time, however, you have to walk down the mountain the hard way. Press F8 to put the map away for now.
Go south one screen to the mountain path and save the game. Slowing the game speed down may help you negotiate this path. Walk carefully and save every few steps. (Alternating between two saved games is a good idea, because it's possible to save in a place where you're stuck and can't move without falling, or even once a falling animation has already begun.) To pass the large rock in the center of the screen, position yourself behind its center, then walk straight down. You won't be able to see yourself, but go far enough that you're sure you've hit the back side of the rock. Then turn to the right of the screen and in a moment you'll walk out from behind the rock. Continue south to the next screen.
Be careful on the second to last curve on the far right; it might look like the edge of the path is just a short drop to some grass, but actually it's an invisible deep ravine. Here too there is a rock that conceals the path. Position yourself in the center of the path and walk straight from right to left.
Once at the bottom, hang around a few moments and see if an eagle passes overhead, dropping a feather. If not, go east one screen. If you still don't see it, don't worry; you can get the feather another time. Go south from the screen with the cave and stream to the town. Open the door to the tavern. If the bandits aren't here, leave and return until they appear. Dip the fly wings into the essence and you will transform into a fly. (The spell lasts about 2 minutes if you don't cancel it yourself.) Fly over near the men sitting at the table. You will overhear the bandits discussing their security measures. Fly south out of the tavern (yes, somehow you can open the door...) and then west two screens to a tree with acorns on the ground beneath it. Fly into the hole at the base of the tree. Notice the rope that the bandits were talking about. Fly back out of the hole. Say fly begone myself return to turn back into your human form.
Get some acorns. If you don't find dried ones, keep trying until you do. When you've got them, stand just to the south of the tree and reach into the hole. Walk up to the ladder that drops down and you will automatically start climbing. Climb up into the tree. Be careful stepping off onto the treehouse at the top. Save the game. Go into the treehouse. If the bandit is awake, leave and return until he's asleep. If your stuff has been stolen from you, open the bin in the corner and take it all back (you can say get all). Quickly take the purse from the table and leave. Climb back down the ladder to the ground.
Go east two screens and south one screen. Get the mistletoe from the tree at the left center. Go west one screen. If you see Mama Bear gardening or the Three Bears returning from a walk, leave and return until they are not there. (If you see them leaving for their walk, that's OK.) Open the door to the cottage and enter. If there aren't three bowls of porridge on the table, leave and return until there are. Take the smallest bowl of porridge. Go upstairs. Walk up to the dresser in the top right corner and open the drawer. Take the thimble. Leave the house. Examine the flowers. Get the dew (in the thimble).
Go west one screen. Walk up to the west edge of the screen, but don't change screens yet. Type show mirror to Medusa but don't press Enter. Save the game. Continue west into the desert. Immediately turn to face north, south, or east, and stop moving. When Medusa appears, wait a moment for her to get closer (but not too close!) and press Enter. If she's too far away, quickly press F3 to recall the last command and try again. When she's taken care of, go north. Walk up to the small green cactus near the base of the rock at the top left. Get the cactus. Go north two more screens and get the brown snake-skin that's lying in the center of the screen (near the rock and short cactus).
Look at the magic map. Use the arrow keys to move the pointer to the square with the town, then press F6 to teleport there. Open the door to the store and walk in. Pet the dog lying on the floor to the left to get a tuft of dog fur. Look at the shelves. As you can probably guess, you need to buy a leather pouch, salt, fish oil, and lard. Buy each of these things. When you've bought all the items, leave the store.
For Your Amusement:
In the tavern, drink the beer.
In the Three Bears' house, sit in the chairs, sleep on the beds, and eat the porridge. (save before eating the small bowl that you need)
Go north one screen. Walk up to the brown part of the stream bank and get some mud (with the spoon). If you don't already have the eagle feather, look out for it here. Go east. Walk into the ocean where there are white wave lines and get some ocean water (in the cup). Return west. Alternate between this screen and the one to the west (the foot of the mountain) until you get the eagle feather.
When you have the feather, approach the cave. When the screen changes, stand on the brown stream bank and get some mud (with the spoon). Dip the eagle feather in the essence. Fly towards the spiderweb. Having disposed of the spider ("It's not a question of where 'e grips it. It's a simple question of weight ratios!"), enter the cave. You will learn that you have a twin sister named Princess Rosella and receive an amber stone. After the cut-scene, leave the cave.
Save the game at the foot of the mountain and climb the path. In the second screen, remember how you got past the boulder in the opposite direction: walk behind it, then turn and walk towards the top of the screen.
When you get to the top, open the door of the house. Go into the office and down the stairs into the lab. Get the mandrake root powder from the shelves. Turn to page XXV to make "Transforming Another Into a Cat". Put the mandrake root powder and cat hair in the bowl. Put two spoons of fish oil in the bowl. Stir with the spoon. Put the dough on the table. Pat the dough into a cookie.
Mandrake root and hair of cat
Mix oil of fish and give a pat
A feline from the one who eats
This appetizing magic treat
Wave the wand. Put the cat cookie into the bowl of porridge. (Notice it is now called "poisoned porridge", and loses the "danger" asterisk that means you can't carry it in Manannan's presence.) Save the game.
Return upstairs. Pull the lever to close the trap door, then move the book back into place. Unlock the cabinet. You will automatically replace the wand and lock the cabinet. Leave the office. Go up to the second floor, east one screen, and into your bedroom. Walk up to the bed and put all under bed, then get back the poisoned porridge.
Wait the remaining time for Manannan to return. When he does, he will say he is ready to eat. Go to the dining room and give him the porridge. Turns out that revenge is a dish best served lukewarm! Go back upstairs and get everything from under your bed, then go back down into the lab.
For Your Amusement:
Without transforming into an eagle, get too close to the spider web. (save first)
More Magic
Turn to page II (ii) to make "Understanding the Language of Creatures". (This spell isn't necessary to complete the game, but it scores points.) Put the chicken feather, dog fur, snake skin, fish bone, and dew in the bowl, in that order. Mix with hands. Separate mixture into two pieces. Put the dough in your ears. Recite:
Feather of fowl and bone of fish,
Molded together in this dish,
Give me wisdom to understand
Creatures of air, sea and land
Wave the wand. After each spell, the game backs you away from the table a little bit, so walk close to the book again. Save the game.
Turn to page VII to make "Teleportation at Random". (This spell also isn't necessary to complete the game, although it can provide an alternate if highly inconvenient solution for one puzzle, but it too scores points.) Grind the salt in the mortar. Grind the mistletoe in the mortar. Rub the amber stone in the mixture. Kiss the stone. Recite:
With this kiss, I thee impart,
Power most dear to my heart.
Take me now from this place hither,
To another place far thither.
Wave the wand. Save the game.
Turn to page XIV to make "Causing a Deep Sleep." Grind the acorns in the mortar. Put the acorn powder and nightshade juice in the bowl. Stir the mixture with the spoon. Light the brazier. Heat the mixture on the brazier. Spread the mixture on the table. Recite:
Acorn powder ground so fine
Nightshade juice like bitter wine.
Silently in darkness you creep
To bring a soporific sleep
Wave the wand. Put sleep powder in pouch. Save the game. (Halfway there. Are we having fun yet?)
Turn to page LXXXIV to make "Brewing a Storm". Put the ocean water in the bowl. Heat the bowl on the brazier (it's still hot from the sleep powder spell). Put the mud in the bowl. Put a pinch of toadstool powder in the bowl. Blow into (not "onto"!) the brew. Recite:
Elements from the earth and sea,
Combine to set the heavens free.
When I stir this magic brew,
Great god Thor, I call on you.
(Soo... why does Thor exist in the King's Quest universe?) Wave the wand. Pour the storm brew into the empty jar (from the fish oil). Save the game.
Turn to page CLXIX to make "Becoming Invisible". Cut the cactus with the knife. Squeeze the cactus juice on the spoon. Put the cactus juice, lard, and two drops of toad spittle in the bowl. Stir the mixture with the spoon. Recite:
Cactus plant and horny toad
I now start down a dangerous road
Combine with fire and mist to make
Me disappear without a trace
Wave the wand. Put the ointment in the empty lard jar. Save the game. (Phew!!!)
With the magic dough in your ears and some time on your hands, you can listen to the various animals around Llewdor if you like. This is completely optional, as it doesn't score any points, but may be interesting. The animals that have something to say are: the chickens outside the house; a pair of lizards in the desert; and in the screens just east of the desert, you can find two different pairs of birds and a pair of squirrels. (Look out for the bandits, but you can get your stuff back if you need to.) To overhear them, just stand still on the screen and wait.
When you're bored of listening to the animals, look at the map and teleport to town. Enter the tavern. Talk to the sailor wearing the hat. Give him your gold. Leave the tavern and go east two screens. Walk up the gangplank. Arrr! Looks like you've been kidnapped by pirates, matey!
For Your Amusement:
Make mistakes when casting each of the spells. They all have different consequences. (save first)
Buy a drink in the tavern.
Spend all four of your remaining coins on drinks, then try to book passage with the captain. (save first)
At Sea
In the ship's hold, go east one screen. If there aren't any mice on the screen, leave and return until there are. Wait and listen to the mice. If they don't talk about treasure, leave and return until they do. Get the small box and return west. Stand to the west of the large box and drop the small box. Jump on the small box, then on the large one. Jump once more to catch the ladder. Go up to the next deck. Press the right arrow key to get off the ladder. If the captain is in his cabin, leave the screen to the east and return until he isn't there. Save the game. Open the chest at the foot of the captain's bed and get all your possessions. (If you're not quick enough, you'll be caught; you can try again, but will be thrown overboard if you're caught a second time.) Go back into the hold.
There's nothing more to do until you hear the shout of "Land ho, Captain!" You can check your map periodically to see the ship's progress. It takes some 14 minutes of real time to make the journey, so it's more thumb-twiddling for you. (Or, if you're an extreme King's Quest speedrunner, you could do a quick run of the entire game of King's Quest 1 while you wait.) When it's time, pour the sleep powder on the floor. (The hold counts as a "dank, dark place" as specified in the spell book. If you look while in either of the hold screens, the description includes the word "dank" on both and "dark" on the eastern one, although it doesn't look dark or even dim on the screen.) Recite: Slumber, henceforth! (Alternatively, you can rub the teleportation rock over and over and over again, hoping to land on the beach in Daventry. You can do that a lot of times in 14 minutes, so it can actually be faster.)
Climb up one deck and go east. Get the shovel from under the boat. Return west. Go up to the top deck. Go east. Save the game. Dip the eagle feather in the essence. Fly east two screens towards land. Say eagle begone myself return to turn back to human form. (You can also just walk off the edge of the ship to jump overboard. Swim as close as you can to the bottom edge of the screen, then turn east. On the next screen, beware the shark! When it gets too close, quickly duck off the screen to the south and return. The shark will start over at the top left and you should be able to make it to land.)
For Your Amusement:
Stand beside the hole that goes from the middle deck down to the bottom. Type jump on ladder but don't press Enter. Fall into the hole. When the screen changes, press Enter. A bug makes you walk in midair throughout the hold and sometimes change to the head-over-heels "falling" sprite. (save first)
While the pirates are still awake, climb up to the crow's nest. (save first)
Use the map to teleport to the middle of the ocean. (save first)
Go out astern or up to the top deck and use the storm brew. (save first)
Before you hear "Land ho," try to fly to shore as an eagle and as a fly. (save first)
Cast the sleep spell before you have reached land. (save first)
After the lookout shouts "Land ho," wait and do nothing. (save first)
Welcome to Daventry
Go east. Stand to the east of the palm tree. Slow the game down. Remember what the mice said: Walk five steps east of the palm tree, then dig. If you don't find the treasure, move a little and try again. When you have it, go north and east.
Walk up the path and follow it back to the west. Stop in front of the large boulder and climb it by pressing the up arrow key. (If you don't climb, move slightly to the left.) Move over to the right, then down onto the other part of the path. (You may fall several times, but fortunately here it won't kill.) Go east and follow the path back to the first screen. Go around the bend. Save the game and continue carefully along the path on the next screen, heading out to the east. On the next screen, approach the stream, then climb up the waterfall with the arrow keys. Save the game. Type dip eagle feather in essence but don't press Enter. When the abominable snowman appears, press Enter. Confused, he will retreat to his cave. Fly east. Wait to see if the snowman reappears on this screen. The spell should wear off soon, or you can say eagle begone myself return. Go south.
Save the game. Head straight down for the ledge directly below you. When you touch it, stop moving, or you'll fall. Enter the cave. You emerge at top right. Stop quickly, or you'll fall. Save again. Walk carefully to the left edge of this ledge. Turn to face the rock and you'll begin climbing. Climb left a bit and down to the ledge at the bottom center of the screen. Enter this cave and you emerge at bottom left. Save again. Climb up the wall once more, this time heading for the ledge in the very center of the screen. Enter the cave. You emerge at the bottom right. Exit to the east.
For Your Amusement:
Drink from the waterfall.
Talk to the snowman.
Rescuing Rosella
Save once more. Continue along the path east two screens and south one screen. (There's nothing you can do to avoid this fall.) Ignore the stairs for now and go west and north. Talk to the gnome who will fill you in a bit about Rosella and the dragon. Return south and east and start going up the stairs. Save the game because there's two more screens of climbing ahead (which should look familiar to players of KQ1); but if you position yourself properly, you can hug the wall and use the diagonal key to go straight up the each section of the stairs.
At the top, walk out into the Land of the Clouds. Walk to the western edge of the screen but don't change screens yet. Rub the invisibility ointment on your body. Go west. Stir the storm brew with your finger. Recite: brew of storms, churn it up. When the storm is over, untie Princess Rosella. Return east and walk down the stairs. Go west and north. After the gnome scampers off, follow him north towards the castle. Enjoy the ending scenes.
For Your Amusement:
Fall into the chasm that's at your feet when you trip into Daventry. (Save first.)
Talk to Rosella after rescuing her.
For Your Amusement at various times:
Give a command while flying (other than the restoration spell).
Use the storm brew anywhere outdoors.
Try swear words.
Action | Points | Action | Points |
Manannan's House | The Oracle's Cave | ||
Get cup | 1 | Get ocean water | 1 |
Get bowl | 1 | Get mud | 1 |
Get spoon | 1 | Kill spider | 4 |
Get knife | 1 | Enter cave (get amber stone) | 3 |
Get food (1 pt each) | 3 | ||
Open vanity drawer (get mirror) | 1 | More Magic | |
Look on top of wardrobe (get key) | 3 | Get other five spell ingredients from shelf (1 pt each) | 5 |
Look behind clothes (get map) | 7 | Cast "Understanding the Language of Creatures" | 10 |
Open dresser drawer (get rose petal essence) | 1 | Cast "Teleportation at Random" | 10 |
Get fly | 1 | Cast "Causing a Deep Sleep" | 10 |
Open cabinet in office | 4 | Cast "Transforming Another Into a Cat" | 10 |
Pull lever (open trapdoor) | 5 | Cast "Brewing a Storm" | 10 |
Get saffron from shelf | 1 | Cast "Becoming Invisible" | 10 |
Cast "Flying Like an Eagle or a Fly" | 10 | Turn Manannan into a cat | 12 |
Pay for passage on ship | 3 | ||
The Town and Desert | Board ship | 2 | |
Get chicken feather | 1 | ||
Get eagle feather | 2 | At Sea | |
Overhear bandits as a fly | 3 | Climb out of hold | 2 |
Get mistletoe | 1 | Get back your items | 3 |
Get porridge | 2 | Get shovel | 1 |
Get thimble | 1 | Arrive on land | 5 |
Get dew | 1 | ||
Turn Medusa to stone | 5 | Welcome to Daventry | |
Get cactus | 1 | Find treasure | 7 |
Get snake skin | 1 | Get past snowman | 4 |
The Bandits' Hideout and Back in Town | Rescuing Rosella | ||
Get acorns | 1 | Recite storm spell | 7 |
Fly into tree as a fly | 5 | Untie Rosella | 3 |
Pull rope | 3 | Arrive at castle | 4 |
Climb ladder to hideout | 2 | ||
Get purse | 4 | Total | 210 |
Get dog fur | 1 | ||
Buy pouch, salt, fish oil, lard (1 pt each) | 4 | ||
Put inventory under bed (first time) | 4 |
Last updated: 9/02/2024