To get maximum points, you must play all the arcade sequences without skipping forward, but you can do them on the easiest level if you like, and you don't have to do perfectly to score full points for each one.
The chemicals in your pharmacy workroom are for copy-protection purposes only. Do not try any of this at home, ya idjit.
Act I: Living the Coarsegold Dream
Go two screens east. Use the key in your inventory on the pharmacy door. (Wow, 500 points! Sure feels like you're halfway through the game already, huh?) Open the door. Go behind the counter by clicking the hand on the swinging part at the far left of the counter. Penelope Primm will enter and give you a prescription. Go to the back room of the pharmacy and click the hand on your workroom desk. Read Penelope's prescription. Put the graduated cylinder (first item from the left on the third/bottom shelf) on the desk. Get the pepticlymacine tetrazole (dark blue-green bottle, fifth from left on first/top shelf) and measure out 40 ml in the cylinder by clicking the bottle on the cylinder 8 times. Get a medicine bottle (third from left on second/middle shelf), pour the cylinder into it, and cork the bottle (second to last on third shelf). Return to the main pharmacy and give the bottle to Penelope.
Next, Helen Back will enter. Go to the laboratory. Read Helen's prescription. Measure 15 ml bismuth enterosalicyline (blue/purple bottle, first from left on top shelf) with the graduated cylinder and pour it into a beaker. Measure 30 gm phenodol oxytriglychlorate (beige canister; fourth from right on second shelf) with the balance and add to the beaker. Stir with a glass rod (last item on third shelf), then dispose of the rod in the waste receptacle. Pour the mixture into the pill machine. Pull the lever. Get a bottle and put the 3 pills in it. Repeat six times (sigh) until all the mixture is used and you have a bottle of 21 pills. Cork the bottle, return to the counter, and give it to Helen.
Next, Madam Ovaree will give you a prescription. Look at it. Leave the pharmacy, go two screens west, and enter the saloon. Take the whiskey glass from the bottom right table and use it on the prescription. Show it to Doc Gillespie, the man sitting at the table. (Make sure you are clicking the top right corner of the object icon on Doc.) He will correct the prescription. Leave the saloon, go two screens east, and back to your workroom. Put 15 gm of bimethylquinoline (white canister; third from right on second shelf) and 15 gm of metyraphosphate (beige canister; first from right on first shelf) in the mortar and grind it with the pestle. Use the 5 gm spatula to put a dose on a dispensing paper (third from right on third shelf) and put the paper in a prescription box (green boxes, second from left on second shelf). Repeat five times until you have used all the mixture. Return to the counter and give it to Madam Ovaree.
Finally, Smithie the blacksmith will arrive. Look at the top of the left-hand display case. Get the Preparation G (bluish/purplish tube in front) and give it to Smithie.
For Your Amusement:
Talk to the Indian outside the pharmacy.
Act II: The Plot Sickens
Save the game to prevent having to go through all that prescription-filling again (ugh). Go west two screens and into Mom's Café. Take the empty bean can from the shelf. Leave the café and enter the saloon. Exit through the back door at top right. Get the icepick that is stuck in the barrel just outside the door. Take the yellow bottle of elixir from the broken wagon at the bottom right of the screen. Go back through the saloon and west one screen. Get the rope and bridle that are hanging on Smithie's closed building. Take charcoal from his forge. Put the charcoal in the tin can. Use the ice pick on the can to make holes in it. Put the bridle on the can. Voila, an Old West-style gas mask! Use it on yourself. Whenever the game says you are getting light-headed, use the mask to get a few breaths of fresh air.
Go east two screens and into the mercantile store. Get the paper bag from the counter. Exit the store and go east one screen. Stand next to the horses. Wait until you see a tail waving upwards. Quickly click the bag on the horse's rump. (Don't pay attention to the sound effects; just look for the animation. This may take several tries, as you only have a fraction of a second to make the click, and have to keep using your gas mask as well!) Go to your workroom. Put the elixir in the alcohol lamp , and light the lamp with the matches. Put the gaseous spectroscope in front of the lamp. Use the bag on the spectroscope. (If the game won't allow you to do it, fiddle with the position of the spectroscope.) Move the spectroscope and click the hand on the lamp to extinguish it. Measure 40 gm sodium bicarbonate (blue canister, first from right on second shelf) and 15 ml furachlordone (brown bottle, fourth from left on first shelf) into a beaker. Add 45 ml water (small brownish bottle in center of second shelf). Add 5 gm magnesium sulfate (blue box, first from left on second shelf). Stir with a glass rod and dispose of the rod. Pour the mixture into a bottle and cork the bottle. Leave the pharmacy and pour the mixture into the horses' water trough.
After the little scene about the snail stampede, go two screens west to the saloon and talk to the bartender. Give him your money to buy a case of beer. Go out the back door and then south. Open the church door. Click the hand on the candles to get a puddle of wax. Examine the right-hand church door. Get the key from the keyhole. Use the key (a church-key, get it?) to open the bottles of beer. Go east and southeast. Take the ladder from the slide on the playground. Go six screens west, across the bridge. Get one of the snails. Use the beer on the snails. Talk to the man sitting on top of the anthill. Use the ladder on the anthill. After rescuing Srini, you will be back in the pharmacy.
After the scene, leave the pharmacy. Go east and northwest to the outhouse. Look at the people. Turn on the faucet at the end of the pipe that comes down from the water tank. Use the beer bottles on the faucet to get some water. Turn the faucet off. Click the bottles on yourself to drink the water. Oh my! Go west, south, west, and into Mom's Café. Talk to Helen a few times and give her the snail. Leave, return east two screens to the pharmacy and go to your workroom. Put 25 ml bismuth subsalicylate (pink bottle, sixth from left on first shelf) and 5 ml orphenamethihydride (rust bottle, sixth from right on first shelf) in a test tube. Light the lamp and heat the tube over the flame. Put out the lamp. Pour the mixture into a bottle and cork the bottle. Leave the pharmacy and go all the way west across the bridge. Get the ladder. Go east twice, north, and east twice back to the outhouse. Put the ladder on the water tank stand. Climb the ladder with the walk icon. Get the ladder and put it on the side of the water tank. Climb the ladder again. Click the hand on the rope in inventory to make a lasso. Use the lasso on the top of the tank. Climb up the rope with the hand. Open the small hatch on the right side of the tank roof. Pour the medicine into the water tank.
What, now the Assay Office is on fire? Sheesh! Go downstairs and leave the pharmacy. Get the sacks of bicarbonate of soda that are outside the door. Go east. Put the sacks of baking soda on the right-hand side of the see-saw. Click the hand on the swing. Save the game (it's easy to screw up here). Click the hand icon on yourself. As you swing forwards, click again. Repeat twice to be sure you are swinging as high as you can. When you are at the peak of the swing, click the hand on the roof of the school to jump off the swing and land there. Then jump down onto the left-hand side of the teeter-totter. Paf! Baking soda everywhere! And an effective fire suppressant. Now, go west four screens and then south. Stand still while you overhear the banker and the sheriff discussing their nefarious deeds. Go into the brothel. Get the postcards that are on the table. Go northwest into the other room, or just wait until Madam Ovaree comes out. Watch the cut-scene.
For Your Amusement:
Drink the elixir. (save first)
Talk to and click the hand on Cedric the owl, who appears past the bridge when you go to get the ladder.
Visit Cedric a second time.
Eat the snail. (save first)
Look at each of the people standing in line for the outhouse.
Drink the water purification medicine. (save first)
Eat the baking soda. (save first)
Open the cabinet in the foyer of the brothel.
In the brothel, talk to each of the ladies (including the sheep).
Act III: Guns and Neuroses
Open the night-stand drawer, look inside, and get the key. Open the dresser, look inside, and get the claim check. Open the trunk at the foot of the bed, look inside, and get your gunslinger's outfit. Go downstairs. Unlock the desk on the left of the screen with the small silver key. Roll up the desktop, then unlock the drawer in the desk. Look inside and get the letter. Read the letter. Go outside and get the pile of horse dung. Go west one screen and into the barber shop. Give Salvatore the claim check for your boots, then give him the postcards, and he will trade you a canister of nitrous oxide. Leave the barber shop. Go west to the church and through the arch on the left side of the screen into the graveyard. Get the shovel and read the headstone of the grave it was stuck in. Dig up the grave. Get into the grave using the hand icon. You will get a key and put the letter in Phil's hands. Fill in the grave with the shovel and click the hand on it to get a lump of clay.
Go east out of the graveyard, then west, southwest, and into the bank. Give the banker the safe deposit box (bronze) key. Open the box. Unfold the cloth. Get the guns and neckerchief from the box. Click the Exit icon on the box. Leave the bank. Go east one screen. Go to Mom's Café and get a cup of coffee from the black pot at the center back of the screen. Put the horse dung on the floor and leave the café. Go through the saloon to the back of the cafe and get the pie from the windowsill. Return through the saloon and east twice. Enter the sheriff's office. Talk to the Sheriff. Give him the coffee and you will get a box of bullets. Give the sheriff the pie and you will get a gun-cleaning kit. Leave. Use the gun cleaning kit on your guns, then load them. Go west, north, and west to the open area west of the graveyard. Use the beer bottles on the fence posts. Select your skill level and do your best to shoot all the bottles.
Go south and east two screens to the mercantile. Use the lump of wax on Willy. (Lost-wax casting, if you want to know - although Willy gives a pretty thorough description of it himself!) Leave the shop and return. Get the pocket knife from the box where Willy was sitting and whittling -- er, sittin' an' whittlin', sorry. Use it to carve an ear out of the wax. Use the clay on the ear. Leave. Go east, into the pharmacy, and get the medallion that is hanging on the back right wall. Go to your workroom. Light the lamp and use the clay mold on it. Put the silver medallion in the crucible and melt the silver over the lamp. Pour the silver into the mold. Put out the lamp. Use the hand on the mold in inventory to scrape away the clay and find a silver ear. Go out to the main pharmacy and talk to Srini. Go upstairs. You will automatically change into full gunslinger regalia.
For Your Amusement:
Eat the horse poop. (save first)
Click the nitrous oxide can on yourself. (save first)
Act IV: Showdown at the Hallelujah Corral
You may want to save the game after each of the action sequences in this act.
Go west. Talk to Chester, who is walking outside the saloon. Enter the saloon and look at the poker game. Click the hand icon on the third hand that you can see darting up from under the table. Uh oh! When you are hiding behind the upturned table, shoot the brass rail at the foot of the bar. The bullet will ricochet and cut down the chandelier, dropping it right on "Aces". Exit through the back door and go up the stairs on the left of the screen. You will come out on the hotel balcony. Put the can of nitrous oxide on the balcony. Return downstairs. Go south, west, and south twice. Walk into the gazebo. Shoot the can of nitrous oxide, which is the green dot on the balconly you can barely see at the top right of the screen.
Return north to Main Street. Select your skill level and play the bad-guy target-shooting game. (Besides the bad guys, you can also shoot the vultures and snails.) Shoot Kenny the Kid. When you are lying on the ground bleeding, get your neckerchief and use it on your ear. Once in the schoolhouse with Penelope, drop your guns by clicking the hand on them in inventory. Quickly get the slate from the desk you are standing next to.
After Penelope throws the gun at your head, you will wake up tied to a chair in the basement. After Penelope is finished villain-monologuing, Click the hand icon on the chair repeatedly, like with the swing, rocking back and forth until you fall. Get the silver ear. Use the ear on the floor to sharpen it , then use it on the ropes tying you to the chair. Go upstairs. Get the other sword from over the blackboard. Choose your skill level. Switch active object from the ear to the sword. Fight Penelope until you corner her. Throw the sharpened silver ear at Kenny. Enjoy the Epilogue. (Everybody sing along!)
For Your Amusement:
Talk to the dude in the white suit who is leaning against the bar.
For Your Amusement at various times:
Look at everything you possibly can (all objects in all locations, buildings...).
Talk to all the passers-by on the street, including the animals.
For further entertainment, you may be interested in information on unused game resources, differences between game releases, debugging mode tricks, etc. at The Cutting Room Floor.
Action | Points | Action | Points |
Act I | Act II continued | ||
Open pharmacy | 500 | Put out fire | 12 |
Fill Penelope's prescription | 10 | Get postcards | 1 |
Fill Helen's prescription | 10 | ||
Get whisky glass | 1 | Act III | |
Use glass to read prescription | 10 | Get key from nightstand | 1 |
Show prescription to Doc | 7 | Get claim check | 1 |
Fill Madam Ovaree's prescription | 10 | Get gunslinger outfit | 1 |
Get Preparation G | 1 | Get letter | 1 |
Give Preparation G to Smithie | 3 | Get horse dung | 1 |
Give claim check to barber | 6 | ||
Act II | Trade postcards for nitrous oxide | 5 | |
Get bean can | 1 | Get shovel | 1 |
Get ice pick | 1 | Dig grave | 2 |
Get elixir | 1 | Find key in grave | 5 |
Get rope | 1 | Get clay | 1 |
Get bridle | 1 | Get safe deposit box | 1 |
Get charcoal | 1 | Get guns | 1 |
Put charcoal in tin can | 3 | Get neckerchief | 3 |
Use ice pick on can | 5 | Get coffee | 1 |
Put bridle on can | 5 | Put horse dung on floor in cafe | 9 |
Wear "gas mask" | 12 | Get pie | 1 |
Get paper bag | 1 | Give coffee to Sheriff (get bullets) | 4 |
Get fart sample | 6 | Give pie to Sheriff (get gun-cleaning kit) | 4 |
Put elixir in alcohol lamp | 5 | Clean guns | 5 |
Use bag on spectroscope | 10 | Shoot bottles | 15 |
Mix up horse remedy | 5 | Use lump of wax on Willy | 2 |
Pour remedy in water trough | 20 | Get pocket knife | 1 |
Buy beer | 5 | Make silver ear | 20 |
Get wax | 1 | Change into gunslinger outfit | 1 |
Get key | 1 | ||
Open beer | 2 | Act IV | |
Get ladder | 1 | Catch cheating gambler | 10 |
Get snail | 1 | Drop chandelier | 20 |
Use beer on snails | 16 | Put can of NO2 on balcony | 5 |
Use ladder on anthill | 10 | Shoot NO2 from across the street | 20 |
Get water sample in beer bottle | 1 | Get neckerchief | 25 |
Drink water | 1 | Use it on bleeding ear | 10 |
Give snail to Helen | 1 | Get slate from desk | 10 |
Put ladder on water tank | 2 | Get silver ear | 1 |
Move ladder after climbing it | 4 | Sharpen ear | 10 |
Make lasso | 2 | Cut ropes with ear | 10 |
Lasso top of water tank | 5 | Get sword | 1 |
Pour medicine into water tank | 10 | Defeat Penelope | 35 |
Get baking soda | 1 | Throw ear at Kenny | 35 |
Put baking soda on see-saw | 2 | ||
Land on roof | 5 | Total | 999 |
Last updated: 9/02/2024