
Kensington Gardens

Go east to the Flower Walk. Get the ball. Go northwest to The Wabe. Examine the sundial, then examine the gnomon. Unscrew the gnomon and get it. Go northeast, then north to Lancaster Gate. Wait one turn. After the woman loses her umbrella, throw the ball at it, and get the umbrella. Go west twice to Black Lion Gate. Open the pram. Push it south to the Broad Walk. Give the seven-sided coin you have in your pocket to the bird woman to buy a bag of crumbs. Get the bag and your change. Put the small coin in your pocket. Feed the pigeons. Try to take the ruby.

Push the pram east to Round Pond. Examine the boats. Get the paper bird and unfold it. Examine the paper. Look at your watch. Gee, that's soon. Push the pram east again to Lancaster Walk. Get in the pram. Open the umbrella. CRASH! At Long Water, get all. Look at your watch.

...Oh, dear.

Examine the missile. Go east to Wading. Enter the door. ("It's a perfectly legitimate direction.")

For Your Amusement:
Stand in the pram.
Give the bird woman your credit card, and the small (20p) coin you get as change.
Hit the bubble-blowing boy.
Sit on the missile at Long Water.
Things you can ask the bird woman about: Trinity, roadrunner (both before and after you see it), ruby (both before and after you see it), watch, London, soccer ball, Round Pond, Long Water, statue of Queen Victoria, bag of crumbs, gnomon, pigeons, change, credit card, pram, boy, grass, paper bird, piece of rice paper, umbrella, Albert Memorial, herself, Wabewalker.

In the Wabe

From the Meadow, go north, east, and north to South Bog. Try to get the log, then get the remaining splinter. Go southeast twice to Arborvitaes, then west to the Arboretum. Examine the pergola. Go north, up, get the axe at Top of Arbor, south, and down to the Arboretum. You have just gone "around the pergola". Did you notice that the writing on the "abstract sparkling sculpture" is now backwards? Fun, sure, but the practical effect is that it also reversed the direction of the threads on the gnomon -- not to mention everything else that has "handedness", including the game map!

Go east, northwest, then north three times to the Vertex. Screw the gnomon onto the sundial. ("My threads clash." "Get a better tailor?") Lower the lever. Examine the ring. Examine the symbols. Ready to play with space and time?

Turn the ring to Mars. Go down twice, southwest, east, southwest, east to the Arboretum, and around the pergola (north, up, south, down). Notice that the writing is forwards again (a Klein bottle, natch), which will make it a bit easier to move around the game map. Go west, northeast, northwest, northeast to Chasm's Brink. Cut the tree with the axe. Push the tree north. Drop the axe. Go east and southeast to the Moor. Enter the toadstool.

For Your Amusement:
Put something in the Klein bottle, then go to the top of the pergola.
Eat the toadstool.
Open the umbrella (or get inside a bubble - see Mercury Door, below) and jump into the chasm. (save first)

The Mars Door

In Thin Air, open the umbrella to slow your descent. After you land in the sandpile, get all. Go east to the Shelter and get the spade. Return west to the Playground and wait one turn for a little girl to appear. Give her the paper. Give her the umbrella to trade for the bird she has just refolded. Ride the bird. Enter the door.

From the Moor, go west twice, then up twice to the Vertex.

For Your Amusement:
While falling, refer to the city as Hiroshima. (save first)
Wait until you can see the bomb falling, then examine the bomb. (save first)

The Barrow

Turn the ring to Pluto. Go down twice, west twice, then north to the Cemetery. Open the crypt with the spade. Look in the crypt and examine the corpse. Get the shroud and the boots. Remove the bandage and drop it. Examine the mouth and get the coin.

Go south, southeast, then east twice to The River. Drop the shroud, boots, and silver coin. Go west, west, northwest, and north three times to the Ossuary. Search the bones and get the skeleton key. Enter the toadstool.

For Your Amusement:
Kiss the wight. (save first)
Look inside the hole in the Barrow wall.

The Pluto Door

Underground, get the lantern. Go west to another Underground location. Get the walkie-talkie (you can refer to it as "walkie" or "talkie"). Turn the lantern on and drop it. Go west again to another Underground location. Put the splinter in the crevice. Get the skink and put it in your pocket. Return east and get the lantern. Return east twice through the door to the Ossuary.

Go south to the Barrow. Put the key in the hole and turn it. Go down to the Ice Cavern. Turn off the lamp. Throw the spade at an icicle, and take the icicle.

For Your Amusement:
Unscrew the bomb.
Chop the bomb with the spade. (save first)
Eat the skink. (save first; you need it later)

The Cottage

Go east three times, north twice to the Vertex (to re-harden the icicle in the cold high-altitude air), then return south twice, northeast, east twice to the Crater. Put the icicle on the lump of metal. Go west, south, west, and south to the River and drop the walkie-talkie and lamp. (This is preparing a bunch of inventory items for later need.) Return north, east, north, east to the Crater and get the lump of metal. Go west and northwest to the Bluff. Open the door and enter the cottage.

The things the magpie is saying (besides narrating your actions) are the ingredients for a spell, which you're going to be collecting. Examine the map and read the book. (Eerie, huh?) Leave the cottage to the west and go southeast, then west to Under Cliff. Put your hand in the hive twice. Go west twice and the flytrap will catch the bee.

Go east, northeast, and east back to the Cottage. Put your hand in the cauldron. Open the back door and go east to the Herb Garden. Search the refuse and get the garlic. Return west and put the garlic in the cauldron. Go west, southwest twice, east, and up twice to the Vertex.

For Your Amusement:
Read the book several times.
Put your hand in the hive a third time. (save first)

The Neptune Door

Turn the ring to Neptune. Go south twice, west, northeast, and north to the Mesa. Enter the door.

From the Scaffold, go down to Bottom of Scaffold. Open the box. Press the button. Go south, then east to East Beach. Wait four turns for a dolphin (the gray fin) to come up out of the lagoon, then go south and west to West Beach. Wait three turns while a coconut drops from a tree on the distant islet. When "the coconut floats away", say dolphin, get the coconut. Get the coconut, then go south and north back to Bottom of Scaffold. Go up and enter the door.

Back at the Mesa, go south to Chasm's Brink. Get the axe. Go northeast and east to the Cottage. Drop the coconut, break it with the axe, and get the coconut again. Pour the milk in the cauldron. (Skipping pedantically over the fact that the stuff inside a coconut is coconut water and not coconut milk...) Drop the coconut. Go west, southwest, southwest, east, north, and north to the Vertex.

For Your Amusement:
Refer to the fin as Jaws and the dolphin as Flipper.

The Mercury Door

Turn the ring to Mercury. Go south, south, west, and north twice to the Promontory. Get in the dish. Wait until you are inside a soap bubble. Go south and southwest, and enter the door.

In Earth Orbit, get the skink out of your pocket and kill it. (One of the things the magpie specified, if you didn't hear it, was a "skink killed in the light of a crescent moon".) Wait four turns while the lump of metal pulls you towards the satellite, until the white door is "very close now". Break the bubble with the axe and you will be blown back through the door.

At Waterfall, drop the axe. Go northeast, east, northeast, and east to the Cottage. Get the cage. Put the skink in the cauldron. Go west to the Bluff. Wait one turn while fireworks happen inside the cottage. Return east. Look in the cauldron and get the emerald. (Notice that there are both a ruby and an emerald, and a red and green boot?) Open the cage to let the magpie go free. Go west, southwest, southwest, east, and north twice to the Vertex.

For Your Amusement:
Hit the giant bubble-blowing boy.

The Libra Door

Turn the ring to Libra. Go south twice, east, northwest, northeast, east twice to the Herb Garden. Enter the white door.

On the Platform, go down, then northeast twice to Cliff Edge. Look in the fissure and get the lemming. Put it in the cage and close the cage. Return southwest twice to Under Platform, up the ladder, and enter the white door. Go west, west, southwest, southwest, east, up, up to the Vertex.

For Your Amusement:
Refer to the rodents as lemmings before the game tells you that's what they are.
Jump off the cliff with the lemmings. (save first)
Go southwest of the enclosure, to the control bunkers. (save first)

The Alpha Door

Turn the ring to Alpha. Go down twice, east, and south to The River. Get the red and green boots and burial shroud, and wear them. Get the coin, walkie-talkie and lamp. Double-check that you are carrying the lantern, walkie-talkie, silver coin, emerald, birdcage with lemming, and bag of crumbs, and make sure you are wearing both the red and green boots.

Wait a few turns for the dory to appear and be guided to "a soundless landing". Board the boat and give the boatman your silver coin. When the boat stops on the Sand Bar, go south onto the Islet and enter the door.

For Your Amusement:
Give the credit card or the 20p coin to the boatman.
Refer to the river as Styx and the boatman as Charon.

The Trinity Site

At the Shack, remove the shroud and drop it. Drop the wristwatch. Get the small (20p) coin and credit card from your pocket and drop them. Open the book and get the slip of cardboard (a.k.a. bookmark). Examine it. Read the poetry.

After you hear "a squeal of rubber, and the motor fades into the distance", it's safe to leave the shack. Go west, then down twice to Base of Tower. Put the emerald in the green boot. Get the ruby and put it in the red boot. (Doing this makes you move much faster, which is necessary or you'll never complete your tasks in time.) Go northwest three times. (Whee!) Get in the jeep. Examine the dial on the radio. Set the walkie-talkie to the same number, then raise the antenna and turn on the walkie-talkie. Leave the jeep.

From Paved Road, go southeast five times to Northwest of Ranch. Open the gate and go southeast again to Back Yard. Go south, open the door, east to the Kitchen, east, then north twice into the Closet. Close the door. Open the birdcage (to let the lemming out), then open the closet door. Drop the birdcage.

Go south to the Assembly Room. Look under the paper. Get the screwdriver. Go south and west to the Kitchen. Get the knife. Go east. Open the front door and go east twice, then southeast, then north to Edge of Reservoir. Drop the bag of crumbs and walkie-talkie. Return south, then northeast and up to the Windmill. Turn on the lamp. Try to get the binoculars. When you fall into the Reservoir, dive and get all. Return up to the surface. Go south and get the bag of crumbs and walkie-talkie. Turn off the lamp.

Go south again, then west twice, north, northwest, west, south three times to Behind the Shed. Look at the shelter with the binoculars. Wait one turn for the roadrunner to show up. Roadrunner, get the key. Take the key.

Go north four times to Base of Tower. Unlock the box with the key. Examine the control panel. Open the circuit breaker. You will hear someone on the walkie-talkie asking whether "the kid" has reconnected either the ground, positive, informer, or detonator line. Make a note of which line is mentioned. Close the breaker again. ("If it dies again before the sequencer takes over, we're gonna have to scrub", eh? So you'll have to make sure it only dies afterwards...)

Go southwest four times to Outside Blockhouse. Wait for the roadrunner to show up and start bothering the dog. Drop the bag of crumbs. Return northeast four times to Base of Tower. Go up the tower twice and east into the Shack.

Open the box with the screwdriver. Pull the chain to turn on the light. Examine the diagram on the bookmark (the cardboard). DET is detonator, POS is positive, INF is informer, GND is ground; RD is red, BL is blue, ST is striped, WH is white. The wire you want to cut is the one that corresponds to the circuit mentioned when you opened the breaker earlier. Wait until the autosequencer takes over at zero minus 45 seconds, then cut that wire with the steak knife.

For Your Amusement:
Try to go back east through the white door.
Pet the roadrunner.
Open the wallet in the jeep and look at the boy in the snapshot.
Ask the roadrunner to look under the brown paper.
At Behind the Shed, wait a couple of turns until "a thin man steps into view" in the shelter, then examine Oppenheimer.

Kensington Gardens... again

At this point, you can do what you like. Repeat actions from the start of the game, if that amuses you. Or just wander around. All prams lead to the Kensington Gardens, after all...


For further entertainment, you may be interested in:
Lists of bugs in Trinity: Nathan Simpson, Graeme Cree, XyzzyNews
Posts about this game at The Digital Antiquarian, The Adventurers Guild, and SPAG
Source code


Action Points Action Points
Kensington Gardens   The Neptune Door  
Get ball 1 Get coconut 3
Get gnomon 5 Break coconut with axe 1
Get umbrella 5 Put coconut milk in cauldron 1
Buy bag of crumbs 1    
Get paper bird 3 The Mercury Door  
    Kill skink in Earth Orbit 3
In the Wabe   Get cage 1
Get splinter 1 Put dead skink in cauldron 1
Get axe 1 Get emerald 1
Screw gnomon onto sundial 5    
Push tree 3 The Libra Door  
    Put lemming in cage 1
The Mars Door      
Get spade 1 The Trinity Site  
Give umbrella to girl 3 Get bookmark 1
    Put emerald in green boot 1
The Barrow   Get ruby 1
Open crypt 3 Put ruby in red boot 1
Get shroud 1 Examine radio dial 3
Get coin 1 Set walkie-talkie to same number 3
Get skeleton key 1 Distract snake with lemming 3
    Get screwdriver 1
The Pluto Door   Get knife 1
Get lantern 1 Get binoculars 1
Get walkie-talkie 1 Look at shelter with binoculars 3
Get skink 3 Ask roadrunner to get key 3
Unlock door in Barrow 1 Take key 1
Get icicle 1 Unlock control box 1
    Re-close breaker 1
The Cottage   Open enclosure with screwdriver 3
Put icicle on lump 3 Examine diagram 3
Get lump 1 Cut correct wire 5
Get honey 3    
Put honey in cauldron 1 Total 100
Get garlic 1    
Put garlic in cauldron 1    

Last updated: 4/28/2021