A Mind Forever Voyaging

Most of this game is a non-linear "sandbox". You need to perform a certain number of tasks to move the story along, but which ones is mostly up to you and there are no time limits nor really any maximum score (unless you just like to be a completionist). So instead of a "walkthrough", the bulk of this page is actually a checklist for the actions that score points; a lot of other possible actions are not covered. It is also not comprehensive with regards to directions, so you will need a map to navigate around Rockvil. (See mostly page 9 of that PDF, although it also contains other useful information.)

General tips

You play the part of a computer called PRISM. As such, you have various "modes" that you can enter: Communications Mode, where you begin the game, and which you fall back to when you abort simulation; Library Mode, where you can access various informational data files; Interface Mode, to control subsidiary computers and systems; and Simulation Mode, where you will spend the bulk of the game, simulating the effects of the "Plan for Renewed National Purpose".

While in Simulation Mode, you need to record certain events so Perelman can see them when you return to Communications Mode. Type record or record on to start recording, and record off to stop. Your recording buffer can only hold so many minutes, so you can't just turn it on and leave it on; you'll need to be a little efficient about turning it on just when you want to capture something. In many cases you can turn the recorder on just before you take a single action, then turn it off again, but sometimes it will need to be on for several turns. You will receive a warning when it is half full. When it fills, abort the simulation. Generally you will then wait in Perelman's office until he appears and then show buffer to Perelman. (See each part below for instructions on what to do next.)

Part I (2031/2041)

To pass some time until you can begin the simulation, enter library mode and read the files there, which will give you some insight into the setting of the game. See the command instructions under the directory/file list for help on how to open directories and files in Library Mode. You can also listen to the news feed from Communications Mode by typing WNNF, or play around with the other communications outlets: PPCC (project control center), RCRO (building rooftop), PCAF (cafeteria), MACO (maintenance core). Perelman will be in his office (PEOF).

You can begin simulation as soon as you receive the message with the list of the things you should record, a little after 7:30 PM, but you don't have to do so right away. You can finish reading and exploring everything else first, if you like. When ready, enter simulation mode and enter the Security Code from the game documentation. (Note: The sixth column of the grid format should read 82, not 52, and when the game asks for dark blue, read the row labeled blue.)

For Your Amusement:
At PEOF, ask Perelman about himself (ask Perelman about Perelman), Esther, Senator Ryder, Vera Gold, Aseejh Randu, Dr. Grimwold, Alyson Price, Eleanor Fortzman, Emily Warren, the Plan, mindex, clerkmatons, your parents, and his resignation letter (found in the PERELMAN.PERSONAL folder in Library Mode).
Ask Perelman to look at your record buffer before you've ever entered Simulation Mode, and before you've recorded anything.
Wait at PPCC until Perelman shows up at about 9:45 PM, then talk to him.
Talk to one of the technicians at PPCC.
Shut off the ventilation in gamma sector, then wait at the PPCC outlet.


You begin the 2041 simulation in Kennedy Park.

1. Attend a court in session.
Go to the Courthouse, northwest of Elm & Park.

2. Talk to a government official.
Go to City Hall, west of Rockvil Centre.

3. Eat in a restaurant.
You can go to Roy's Pagoda south from Elm Underpass (on the west edge of town), the Burger Meister northeast off Aquarium & Park (in the northwest), Simon's northeast off Bodanski Square (in the northeast), or the Coachman southeast off Main & Wicker (on the east side of town). (If inflation from 2021 to 2041 is similar to what it was from 2001 to 2021, the $65 soybean salads at Simon's or the Coachman are about $42 in 2021 dollars; the $30 check at Roy's for hot and sour soup and assorted appetizers is around $20; and Burger Meister's $20 beef burger is about $13.)

4. Visit your own home.
You live in the Parkview Apartments in the southwest area of town. Use your key to unlock both the inner lobby door and your apartment door. (Just say unlock door in each case. The game doesn't recognize modifiers like "glass", "lobby", "apartment", or "north".)

5. Ride public transportation.
Entrances to the Tubes can be found at Elm & University, Halley Park West, Rockvil Stadium, the airport Terminal, Bodanski Square, Elm & River, Wicker & River, and the Skybus Terminal.

6. Read a newspaper.
Buy one from the dispenser in Bodanski Square in the northeast area of town.

7. Go to a movie.
The Cinema is east and then northwest from Bodanski Square, in the northeast.

8. Talk to a church official.
There are two churches in the northeast area: you can choose either the First Methodist Church southwest of Aquarium & River, or St. Michael's north and then west of Main & Church.

9. Visit a power-generating facility.
Go to the Power Station, southeast and then south from Wicker & River, in the southeast area of town.

When you are finished recording things, or if your buffer fills, abort simulation. Wait once, and Perelman will notice you have recordings to review. Continue to wait (8 times, or an hour and 20 minutes) until he asks you to go to his office, then go to PEOF and wait for him to arrive and start talking. If you weren't finished with the checklist, Perelman will express disappointment and annoyance; ignore this and re-enter simulation to finish.

Looks like the Plan's going fairly well, doesn't it? Not so fast...

For Your Amusement:
Eat the government offical's snack.
Ask Jill about her painting and about Eleanor Fortzman. (also 2051)
Squeeze the toy duck in the Bedroom.
Get baby Mitchell from your Bedroom and show him to Jill. Give the baby to Jill.
Leave the apartment while carrying the baby.

Buy soda in a Foodville.
Examine the souvenirs in the Train Station. Buy one.

Part II (2051, 2061, 2071, 2081)

When you first enter simulation in this part, you'll be told that simulations are available for "10 and 20 years in the future", i.e. 2041 and 2051, and asked to select a year. Each successive simulation becomes available after you've spent enough in-game time in the previous one. You can see how much time you've spent in each by entering Interface Mode and typing sim controller, status.

In each of these years, an assortment of progressively worse sights and events show up. To discredit the Plan, you must record them and show your recordings to Perelman to convince him that society will degenerate. Each bad thing you record is worth a certain number of points, and each year has a different total you must reach to "finish" it. Some events can be seen in more than one year, but you can only count each event once. If Perelman says they want to see more from a particular year, you haven't collected enough points from that year yet.

When trying to record an event that is listed as happening within your first so many turns in a location, it is a good idea to enter the location where it occurs with your recorder already on, since it often happens on the very first turn. If you miss an event you want to record, returning to the location later may work, or if not, you can simply abort and then re-enter simulation mode to try again. Some events are bad enough that you'll die and be booted out of the simulation, but again, you can just re-enter.

Whenever your recording buffer fills, abort simulation. Check the clock in the status line. Perelman may be in his office from about 10:00 AM (more precisely, he shows up at 10:18 AM with Starbucks) to about 9:00 PM. You can pass some time by reading library files or watching the news, or just wait. (You can wait any number of minutes up to 120 minutes; or if it's the middle of the night, you might want to sleep to pass six hours.) After you show your buffer to Perelman, you must wait about another hour for him to report the analysis results and clear the buffer before you can record again.

The first time you come out of simulation, you will receive a message at about 9:00 AM to go wait in Perelman's office. Dr. Grimwold will arrive shortly to give you a psych test. You can answer any way you like. After that, wait again for Perelman to arrive and then show him the record buffer.


You need 11 points from this year and 300 minutes to unlock 2061. You begin in the southwest in the Tube Station below Elm & University.

Southwest area (west of Kennedy and south of Main)

Northwest area (west of Kennedy and north of Main)

Northeast area (east of Kennedy and north of Main)

Southeast area (east of Kennedy and south of Main)

Anywhere / Multiple locations


You need 21 points from this year and 400 minutes to unlock 2071. You begin in the southeast at Southway & River.

Southeast area (east of Kennedy and south of Main)

Southwest area (west of Kennedy and south of Main)

Northwest area (west of Kennedy and north of Main)

Northeast area (east of Kennedy and north of Main)

Anywhere / Multiple locations


You need 41 points from this year and 600 minutes to unlock 2081. You begin in the northeast at Bodanski Square.

Northeast area (east of Kennedy and north of Main)

Southeast area (east of Kennedy and south of Main)

Southwest area (west of Kennedy and south of Main)

Northwest area (west of Kennedy and north of Main)

Anywhere / Multiple locations


You need 15 points from this year. You begin in the southeast at Main & Wicker. The accessible area is extremely limited (and deadly) in this year.

Part III (2031 again)

As you will soon learn from an incoming message, your findings about the Plan are not popular with powerful people in the government, and they're none too happy with Perelman. Twiddle your virtual thumbs until the National Guard arrives at around 11 AM to seal off the complex (for example, read library items or poke around in simulation). Then, enter Communications Mode and watch Perelman's office (PEOF). When Senator Ryder comes in at 11:45, start recording. Wait and watch. Stop recording after he leaves at 11:50. Switch to the Rooftop outlet (RCRO). Wait until you see a skyvan land a little before 12:45 PM. These people are here to sabotage you!

Enter Interface Mode. HVAC controller, shut off ventilation in delta sector (the maintenance core). Then go back to Communications Mode and watch the maintenance core outlet (MACO). At 1:00 PM the saboteurs will arrive from the roof. The zeeron fumes that are not being vented will knock them unconscious in fifteen minutes, and about 25 minutes later, the National Guard will be by to haul them away. (You can turn the ventilation back on afterwards, but it isn't necessary.)

Now you have to wait some more. Around 10:00 AM you received a message that the World News Network Feeder would come online in "four or five hours". Enter Interface Mode and wait, saying list ports every so often, until you see the WNN Feeder appear as an active port. When it does, broadcast your incriminating recording of Senator Ryder: WNN feeder, transmit record buffer. (In this case you need to specify the record buffer and can't just say "buffer".) Wait a couple of turns. You've done it!

For Your Amusement:

Talk to Senator Ryder. (save first)
Talk to the saboteurs. (save first)
After the saboteurs arrive, enter simulation and wait thirteen times. (save first)
Tell the WNN Feeder to turn off the transmitter, then go to the WNNF communications outlet.

Survive the sabotage attempt, wait about six hours without broadcasting the recording of Senator Ryder, then go to MACO after you hear Perelman's call for help. (save first)

Epilogue (2091)

Your only choice here is to enter Simulation Mode (you don't have to enter a security code this time). There's nothing in particular you have to do in this section; this part of the game is just showing you the much better world that resulted from stopping the Plan.

You begin in the Solarium of your penthouse, which has been mostly emptied in preparation for moving out. Read the newspaper in the Living Room. Jill is upstairs in the Master Bedroom, finishing her packing; you can ask her about the Silver Dove space colony you read about in the paper. You may also find a peek at the entertainment center in the Den interesting.

At 9:43, a skycab will arrive to take you off to the spaceport and your next adventure on the Silver Dove. Wait and watch the descriptions of things in Rockvil as you fly overhead. And congratulations.

For Your Amusement:
Note: You may wish to repeat some actions across multiple years to see how the responses change. All of these are doable in 2051 or 2061, except the Joybooth. Most also work in 2041 and 2071, and the Joybooth can only be used in those two years. In 2081, only the last few items can be done; the game area is otherwise too restricted.

Southwest area (west of Kennedy and south of Main)

Northwest area (west of Kennedy and north of Main)

Northeast area (east of Kennedy and north of Main)

Southeast area (east of Kennedy and south of Main)

Anywhere / Multiple locations


For further entertainment, you may be interested in:
Lists of bugs in A Mind Forever Voyaging: Nathan Simpson, Graeme Cree, XyzzyNews
Posts about this game at The Adventurers Guild, SPAG, and The Digital Antiquarian
Source code

Last updated: 6/14/2021