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l i n k i f i c a t i o n
General otherkin info | Elves, Faery, Sidhe, and Tuatha De Danann | Dragons | Angels | Miscellaneous types | Miscellaneous websites | The Garden of the Past | Cousins that may be of interest

Please note that I'm increasingly having to rely on the Archive.org Wayback Machine and Geocities archive sites as more and more otherkin web pages fall offline (especially ones that had been resources ten or twenty years ago) and there are fewer new ones to replace them. One of the pitfalls of this, though, is that not all sub-pages on a site may exist in the snapshot. C'est la vie.
See also the community page for lots more links to mailing lists, forums, events, etc.
In the interest of reducing visual clutter, I haven't used the "offsite link" indicator
on this page. All links are external.
General Otherkin Info
- Otherkin.net - Still alive and kicking, since 2000! (Management passed from Malcolm/Rannirl/Tirl to Jarandhel Dreamsinger in 2016.)
- Old Otherkin.net - Although this is considerably out of date (the last real updates were in 2007), it is still a good resource and very valuable for historical interest. I also recommend:
- Otherkin.com - Under new management since 2016 and no longer a wretched hive of scum and villainy.
- Otherkin Resource Center - definitely a relic by this point!
- AnOtherWiki
- Jarandhel's personal site Dreamhart has a Revised Otherkin FAQ. Be sure to explore the categories in the Archives section.
- Orion Scribner's otherkin research - Orion has put a lot of work into documenting community history and cataloging items of relevance to otherkin "culture", such as books mentioning otherkin and our specialized community jargon. I particularly recommend:
- Darkfang Archive is "A curated database of various sites, writings, and social spaces regarding Otherkin, Therianthropy and Real Vampirism", spanning more than 20 years of internet history.
- Kinhost.org's Otherkin FAQ - please do mind the somewhat old date on this. Like many communities, the way we talk about our experiences has changed somewhat over the years.
- The Lostkin Project is for those who have no specific memories of other existences, and/or carry over no special abilities from other lives.
- Embracing Mystery has articles on otherkin, magick, energy work, religion, and meditation.
- Realmscape has articles as well as some artwork, poetry, etc.
- Otherkin Phenomena
- FaeBorn & Astral Entities
- Otherkin articles at House Eclipse, a vampyre House
- The Lair of the Hidden
- Theories of Causes of Otherkin
- Articles on Awakening at Spiritualitea
- Beyond Awakening: Otherkin Beyond the Basics
- Catalogue of Nonhuman Communities - Orion has since said this is not what they would write today and they see errors in it. However, it can be useful in disentangling the differences between otherkin, therians, furries, etc.
- Otherkin and the Pagan Community
- Academic works and documentaries about otherkin and therians
- The Reincarnation Theory of Otherkin
- Is there a way to tell if your memories are actually memories or not?
- Finding your kintype/theriotype
- Stupid Binaries - on the divide between "spiritual" and "psychological" otherkin
- Not of this world: an otherkin primer
- Various theories and the like... on sources of otherkin
- Advice for those new to Otherkin
- A list of mentions of otherkin, therians, or vampires in the media (last updated October 2016)
Elves, Faery, Sidhe, and Tuatha De Danann
Related, similar, but not the same thing... except when we are! (*evil grin*) The roots of today's general otherkin community are mainly traceable back to forays online in the early 1990s by elven folk looking for others like themselves.
- The Silver Elves - One of the earliest groups to be public about being elven, formed in 1975. If you are interested in community history, I highly recommend their books collecting the original Elf Magic Mail letters of the Elf Queen's Daughters and their own successor, the Magical Elven Love Letters. See also their blogs on Wordpress and Blogspot. They also run a few Facebook groups: The Elven Way, United Otherworld Friends, United Otherkin Alliance
- The Elf Queen's Daughters and the Silver Elves
- Sidhe, Fae, Elves - on similarities and differences between these
- Rialian's site Synesthesia Symbiosis is
a personal view on being elven. The section Elven Realities has WebRing code that may take over and redirect you to the ring hub when you try to access it for the first time. I find that loading the page a second time (from your browser's address bar, not by refreshing) usually works. For a real blast from the past, try the 1996 version!
- The Elven Portal (same problem with WebRing as Elven Realities; try loading the page twice)
- Tië Eldalieva (The Elven Path) - "Based on the Elven Viewpoint in JRR Tolkien's Middle-Earth Stories"
- An Sithean (A Faery Hill)
- The Touch of Fae
- Tuatha De Danann Memories
- Sidhe/Tuatha de Danaan [sic] - from the old Otherkin.net; I couldn't find it on the new site.
- The Elenari Nexus - Elenari are a group of Elven cultures from certain other worlds, including ones named Yyl'nectoir, Se'lar, BrightMoon, and Aelveron.
- Elenari.org
- The Starlit Ones - "I'm using the term, 'The Starlit Ones' to refer specifically to Elves and Sidhe who have come here to live among humans as mortals in this world. I did not use the term 'Otherkin' because it is too all inclusive and would take weeks to write. 'Starlit Ones' narrows the subject down to Elves or Sidhe, but distinguishes these beings from the ones who live beyond the veil. To further narrow it down, the Starlit Ones refer to a particular type of Elf or Sidhe who is of the Earth, yet also of the Stars, and is aware in both the terrestrial and celestial realms. 'Stars' also refers to the stars within the earth - the power within the land..."
- On Elves: The Elven Way
- Faery vs. Nature Spirits
- Faeriepedia
- Exodus of the Sidhe - a Biblically based take on the sidhe
- Fair Folk Q&A - a blog post by Morgan Daimler, a writer on Irish Paganism and the Daoine Maithe (Good People). Includes questions about the Folk having human descendants, terms in various Celtic cultures, "faeries" native to America and the differences between European and American fae, faery courts, urban fae, and elementals vs. fae.
- Across the Veil: A Brief Overview of Vanaheim - the perspective of a Vanic elf, or Eshnahai, as they remember their word for themselves.
- Awakening, in the tradition of 3lvz - a brief account of awakening, by Wyndenai
- I Am Elf
- Ljossalfheim: A Brief Primer
- Elf is a Gender - not to be taken literally from that post title! On the intersection of elvenness and gender.
- Aelvenhome - the Wayback capture is missing some background images, so you will need to highlight the text to see it on some pages.
Not all dragons consider themselves otherkin, though they usually can fit the (narrower) definition of being a mythic non-human. Some prefer to hang out with therianthropes, considering themselves to also be a kind of animal. The term "theriomythic" can describe folk like dragons (or gryphons, unicorns, etc.) who are mythic, but have a "bestial" form and may remember being of lesser intelligence. Dragons are numerous enough they can be considered a community of their own, with different roots than the general otherkin community.
Miscellaneous Types
There are many more types of otherkin, of course... these just happen to be a few I have links for!
Miscellaneous Websites
The Garden of the Past
Below are some archive links to websites from the late 1990s and early 2000s, to give you a picture of what the online otherkin community was like at the time.
- Sidhe in Ęternum's d a r k v a l e - A rather primitive implementation of a message board!
- Lair of the Toxic Elf - Kyrin's home page. "A place of magic, wonder, and bad attitudes. Mainly: you'll wonder what magic is making you put up with my bad attitude."
- Kinships Magazine - A short-lived print magazine helmed by Spearcarrier.
- BrennaGwyn (WhiteRaven)'s home page
- Walking the Thresholds 2 - page for the gather in 1999
- The Tower of Lanthinel
- The Crow's Nest - home page of Miaren Crowsdaughter. She used to do introductory "So... You're Awake" workshops at gathers and managed one of the earliest otherkin directories, then often referred to as "webweaving".
- a . w i s h . f o r . w i n g s . t h a t . w o r k - the old website of MemoryAndDream, angel owner of Embracing Mystery
- Lair of the Hidden forum
- F.A.E., the Foundation for Awakening and Enlightenment (formerly Faeborn and Astral Entities) - to navigate around this capture, delete the "&POSTNUKESID=2aeca03b2f31be59cd16cd3190f29d8a" portion of links you click on in your browser's address bar.
- Shimmer's Homepage - home page of a Christian elf also known as Wyndreamer, Wynde'nai, and Tessa
- Enchanted Realms forum - unfortunately, none of the sub-boards have been captured.
- Reviews of mailing lists - TirNanOc.org still exists, but is mostly a moribund web forum that never got started. This page is a throwback to earlier mailing list days.
- The Gateway to Faerie - the home page of Aria Lusina a.k.a. Aria Nadii
- Lair ov thee Wolfkitten - home page of sade wolfkitten, who co-ran the old email list Wyldefae
- TirNanOc - info page for the old mailing list and IRC channel.
- The Ragdoll's Shelf - home page of Nalissi Erenlohm
- Nalissi's Realm
- Coolavin's Forest - home page of Aine, owner of the SidheList
- Amanjaku's Campfire
- Valindë's Otherkin - early home page of the person later known as Lindsay or magpie, owner of the ORC
- Yldannan - personal pages of Yldann, Rialian Ashtae's late wife
- Elven language
- The Land of the Dark Elves - if there's a single website that could be said to have sparked my Awakening, this was it.
- Otherkin Resource Board - Another primitive message board, associated with the ORC
- Other Haven forum
- Ethereal Forest forum - this is a bit later, around 2008
Cousins that may be of interest
- Faeids: Your Gateway to the Fae - "Faeids are those selected by the Fae living in the Otherworld (Middle Earth, Tir Na nOg, Faerieland, etc.) to help prepare for “the Great Awakening”. These are Humans, Faeries, or Faerie/Human Breeds (changelings) or those communicated with by Faeries for the purpose of bridging the gap that has developed between humans and Faeries long ago."
- Elvin H.O.M.E. (Holy Order of Mother Earth) - the home page of Lothlorien Nature Sanctuary, the descendant of the Elf Lore Family. They host a festival called Elf Fest every spring.
- Come Home to the Faerie Queen: One Mystic's Manifesto - "I've waited lifetimes for the Fey-spark in humans to fully ignite again. And, more and more, the ancient starlit blood has come forward. Finally, momentum hit critical mass; the magic's suddenly - and thoroughly - awake in huge numbers of people. Fey-touched! Star-drenched!"
- Galactic Council Species Primer - some random connections to elves and Tuatha De Danann.
- Ilsalunte Valion (The Ship of the Valar) - "What unites us here is that we are all touched by a peculiar quality found in Tolkien's writings; and we think that this is because of the nature of Tolkien's experience in Faerie. In his own words: it is clear that the Fairy Gold that he brought back from his travels did not turn to withered leaves. It still has the subtle, magic flavour of that country.
You could say that Ilsaluntë Valion is a place where we want to study this and who knows, maybe retrace Tolkien's steps into that realm - as far as is given to us. And if we should, to also bring back whatever we find there."
- Alt+H - Alterhuman is a term coined (ca. 2016?) to attempt to encompass otherkin, therians, vampires, fiction-kin, multiples, soulbonders, other-hearted, other-linkers, transhumanists, postfurries, and basically anyone who is some kind of non-ordinary human being. "We strive to fairly represent people who identify as something other than human, or with an alternative human experience; and to help them fairly represent themselves. We want to bring to light the specific issues that alterhuman people face and begin to carve out spaces in society where they can get help with these things."
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last updated 9/30/2020