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T W E N T Y - E I G H T   M I L L I O N   G O L D   C O I N S !

by Th'Elf; posted here in the glamourbombs community on LiveJournal


I must apologise for any discomfiture you are experiencing as you read this letter and solicit your utmost confidence by virtue of this proposal. Let me introduce myself to you. I am Mrs Janet Lin, a director at the First Bank of Carterhaugh. I came to you in confidence because of some money, namely TWENTY-EIGHT MILLION GOLD COINS (28,000,000.000 gold coins) belonging to my missing husband, Thomas (Tam) Lin, who was abducted by the faeries in a ghastly incident many years ago. The money has been buried under a thorn hedge for seven hundred years. I have given up hope that my beloved THOMAS LIN will return and so have decided to retrieve his money and move to Tir Na Nog. I want you to help claim the buried money as you are a source for good investment. For this we are prepared to give you a reasonable percentage of the money.

Meanwhile 15% (FOUR MILLION TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND GOLD COINS) has been set aside for you and the rest will be for me and my milk cow called Derek. For the intrest of doing business please do not hesitate to contact MR DEREK GUERNSEY on 27-731-450-735 Fax 27-843-232-611 IMMEDIATELY. I thank you for your cooperation and warn of DIRE CONSEQUENCES if you fail to solicit my confidences.

Mrs. Janet Lin
First Bank of Carterhaugh


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